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STEAM | September II 2014 - Ride the Lightning

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Just got this e-mail.

Everything up $5-$10!!!

Ha welcome to what it was like when they switched from $ to £ in the UK. The dollar was very low at the time so I was lucky to had already done the brunt of my shopping. Took me a while to purchase again from Steam following that though, yet prices were not too bad once I got used to not getting everything for a steal

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member

Received email abou steam soon being available in Norwegian Krone (NOK)

Can't be good news
I have $10 in the Steam Wallet, and I don't know what to do with it.

Wait for sales to get Trails in the Sky
Hoping for the unlikely Ikaruga sale (fucking steam community)
Get Isaac Rebirth
Taking a quick break from Shadow of Mordor, but let me say: the hype is well-deserved. It's not the prettiest game (but still very nice looking, even on my 770 2GB with medium textures) but the gameplay is really great. The Nemesis system feels really fresh and heightens an already great experience.

I've only played about 3 hours worth, but it's already near the top of the best games I've played this year.
Taking a quick break from Shadow of Mordor, but let me say: the hype is well-deserved. It's not the prettiest game (but still very nice looking, even on my 770 2GB with medium textures) but the gameplay is really great. The Nemesis system feels really fresh and heightens an already great experience.

I've only played about 3 hours worth, but it's already near the top of the best games I've played this year.

Wanted to echo this. I played about an hour and a half today and really enjoyed what I have seen so far. The production values are great


Looks like I am out of Steam Sales forever, unless things improve for Canadians. I'll buy stuff during the deals off of other people (I am relying on you guys!!!!!)

Pretty choked up about this actually, :(


Steam October thread delayed by a few days,. have not had time to format the recommendations for next month, snowed under with work, hopefully something posted up in 48hrs but don't count on it.

Make a emergency thread if something happens to this thread.

Dr Dogg

One way to avoid Canadian pricing on Steam: move to the U.S.

So how does that work for you at the moment? I recall you saying you bought some wallet cards a while back and we've all been holding on to our Idle Master money until the Sales I assume. After the great WiiU chocolate bar swindle I'd imagine you have it all figured out already so you're not out of pocket ;)


Steam October thread delayed by a few days,. have not had time to format the recommendations for next month, snowed under with work, hopefully something posted up in 48hrs but don't count on it.

Make a emergency thread if something happens to this thread.

seeing as we're nowhere near 400, we can last a bit


Steam October thread delayed by a few days,. have not had time to format the recommendations for next month, snowed under with work, hopefully something posted up in 48hrs but don't count on it.

Make a emergency thread if something happens to this thread.

No worries delicious Orangey man. We'll wait patiently!

Steam October Emergency Thread |OT| Smash Bros is out in 3 days

Oh, tasty Salsa has the situation under control I see. Captain Falcon or DEATH
yoo shadow of mordor is hot. theres one cap'n though that keeps killing me everytime we fight. he's really annoying me. you cant go over him, you can't keep hitting him cause he'll counter, he motivates the other orcs to attack you at the same time, and he uses a crossbow with poison arrows. I hate him :mad: I've played 2 hours and I've only done 2 story missions, super fun.


No worries delicious Orangey man.



I actually haven't given out a game in a while since work has been really hectic lately. But everyone could use some more tits.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below containing the game you want to enter for. Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Toki767, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- Pay it forward. You can only win this game if you've given away a game since you last won a game (minimum one total giveaway).
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky -- MB-22EA18251C4ADE78 - Taken by Tellaerin. 33 entrants total.



The new Hotline Miami Heist in Payday 2 is pretty awesome. I've only played it once with randoms dropping in and out but it's far better than I was expecting for a cross over.

The first day is just you running around fucking up a motel area and then somewhat of a momentum killer while you wait for an old barcode reader to get the location for the next day. It felt pretty manic up to the bar code part with you hunting around the motel for mobsters, burning cars and blowing up a gas station. There is also the option of cooking meth like in Rats, but without Bain telling how to do it. I can see the barcode part getting tweaked since there is no way to swap labels or even know what you have outside the instant you pick it up so it's easy to get mixed up.

The second day is kinda like Panic Room in Payday 1 in that you're running up a dilapidated apartment complex to get to the penthouse. It's very intense running up the apartments, there's an achievement for getting to the top in under three and half minutes which means you need to basically keep running through a maze-like interior. The finale is not as awesome as the one in PD1 where you airlift a panic room out of a building, instead you're drilling into safe with a guy hiding in it while also defending from a chopper and tons of enemies of all types from all angles. I was having trouble doing it on Overkill, though with an admittedly poor build and people dropping in and out. I can't imagine it on Death Wish since there is so little cover and tons of enemies.

The shame is that the weapons you get from buying it are kinda meh. SMGs have never been great in Payday 2 since they have such low damage and low max ammo. The melee weapons are alright, but most of them have huge start up and end lag that they're not really feasible. The masks and customization stuff is good though, some really good materials in there that fit the Hotline Miami theme. I rushed to buy the dlc but it might have been better to wait for a sale.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
shadow of mordor base price is 49.99€ now like most new releases, it was 44.99€ until today (and it wasnt a pre order discount, or at least if it was, it wasnt showing)


Anybody plays Pier Solar (steam one) and can confirm that saving everywhere is not an option in this version too?

STEAM | October 2014 - One Does Not Simply 2GB into Mordor

ewww, we don't need constant reminder, you know (._.)

I actually haven't given out a game in a while since work has been really hectic lately. But everyone could use some more tits.

I very much approve your choice, it's GOTY after all. ;)
and don't even requires 6GB VRAM
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