Mordor to me is a pretty perfect "collection game"
I sometimes just like to sit back, play a podcast and do some mindless activities in games (f.e. collecting collectibles) and Mordor is just perfect for that.
Everything is marked on a map so I don't have to use a guide, you can get everywhere pretty fast (unlike AC IV f.e.) and there aren't a bazillion collectibles everywhere.
Combat is pretty underwhelming imho. I tried something and stood in a horde of like 15+ orcs for a minute and none of them were able to even touch me cause you can just block everything with the press of a button.
I stopped killing captains now cause I almost feel bad for it. They just are not challenging at all. So I let them run away and level up without interrupting them, otherwise the game would be even easier. You go have some fun too Orcs. I won't spoil your feasts anymore.
The first time I killed one of the big warchiefs was pretty underwhelming too. He had a great entrance with people chanting his name......and then I just jumped from a tower and killed him with one hit cause apparently he was vulnerable to stealth attacks. A bit anticlimactic. Still a good game though, I just wish you could adust the difficulty level.
Also some needless pandering to LotR fans, I have no idea why Gollum has to be in every LotR game.
Excellent. No one remembers me. Just how I like it. Its not Shadownet for nothing y'all know.
Goddamn I played 11 hours of Shadow of Mordor already. What a great game. And I think I'm only 75% through (not counting collectibles)
Once you upgrade your abilities. Killing orcs is just way too fun.
I remember you. Didn't they just release the Dragonfall DLC for you?