I won something from ModBot and the thread edited but I didn't get my game in PM is ModBot scamming me??!?!?!?!?!? HELP I NEED MY FREE COPY OF COGS!!!!!! I'VE BEEN WAITING MY WHOLE LIFE FOR THIS
First, wait at least an hour to make sure your PM from ModBot isn't just backed up in the system because of heavy load. Send a PM to ModBot with the words "my loot" in the subject line (capitalization irrelevant, anything else you put in the title is fine). Body doesn't matter.
You will receive a PM from ModBot 2 in response with every game key/link the system has marked you as winning. If you haven't won anything, you won't receive a reply. This PM is low on the priority chain: ModBot will process new giveaways, then new claims, then new claim payouts, then new receipts, then new loot lists so don't be surprised if it takes a few minutes for you to get your list. In the mean time your keys are safe and sound.
Also please don't bog the system down by abusing this function when you're already sure you've received and redeemed all your keys. This is for people who had an error, not for people who just like to be reminded how much free stuff they pilfered.
I'll be gone for the better part of the day, going to see Alice in Chains, BB King, and Skrillex wub wub wub wub. With this function I think I'm officially not required for any ongoing ModBot support until the new thread is made.
Now I can finally get my much-anticipated Rush key that ended up failing to send for one reason or another.