How long is SS2? Is it linear or is it Metroid-esque, where you explore and unlock new areas? Is it actually still scary/tense?
A good site for having an idea how long a game is is this one:
It says
System Shock 2 is around 13-18hs, which is the same people replied and what I remember about it.
It has been some years since I last replayed SS2... I don't think it was ever that "scary" aside from a few moments (I'm trying to avoid spoilers). But it can get pretty tense if you getting into the game.
A personally find it a fantastic game, but it is a lot less forgiving then other shooters, even at the time and things like a wrong build can bite you later.
Besides the obvious genre trappings (Bioshock's atmosphere, DS's horror, RPG elements), what exactly makes SS2 a classic worth playing today?
Well, that's really it. It has a great atmosphere, good RPG elements (compared to the simplified ones in Bioshock) and so on. It's one of the games where I really felt "immersed" in the world.
Whatever you would like or not depends if you can tolerate the dated graphics and quirks of the time. It is personally one of my favorite games ever, but as a newcomer to PC gaming you also have other great games to get
27 minutes to decide!