T1 is still a good game.
Yeah, but Torchlight 2 is so so so much better
T1 is still a good game.
When did we start saying seal instead of sale?
When did we start saying seal instead of sale?
Still not getting any gifts I sent to myself via email. Siiiiiiiiiigh
This thread is so fast.
This thread is so fast.
Dear Guys,
I havent bought anything during the sale yet...Nothing has really caught my eye. I feel like a girl trying on clothes and nothing looks good on me.
Whats wrong with me?
Still not getting any gifts I sent to myself via email. Siiiiiiiiiigh
Still not getting any gifts I sent to myself via email. Siiiiiiiiiigh
Same thing happened to me earlier, worked when I sent it to my gmail though.
check your spams.
This thread is so fast.
Nothing I'm really seeing in today's deals although ARMA II is very tempting (it does include DayZ, right?). I could foreseeably part with money for Kerbal Space Program although the time availability for me to enjoy is very low.
And LOL @ Hitman Absolution. Just pay me to get this game, S-E.
The community choices this go around are all very worthy games. Any of them would be great as the winning choice. I really want Gunpoint since I have TL2 & Don't Starve.
Still not getting any gifts I sent to myself via email. Siiiiiiiiiigh
my god. i was in the goddamn beta too. never got a foil though.And what I made is basically nothing, as I still haven't dropped a single foil. All I've been doing is selling all my cards and not caring for badges.
Some people around here got foils that sold for 15$ during the beta, crazy money.
When did we start saying seal instead of sale?
Try a different email, that's how I got it to finally send.Still not getting any gifts I sent to myself via email. Siiiiiiiiiigh
So is the general consensus that I should sell all my cards and not bother with crafting badges? I sold a card two days ago for $0.30 and now it's disappeared from my Steam wallet... Didn't use it on anything, either. :/ Wtf
So how was Ace Combat Assault Horizon? Worth 9 bucks?
could there be a cure?Are you becoming immune?
So how was Ace Combat Assault Horizon? Worth 9 bucks?
I would say get it. Arma is a lot of fun but I put I lot of time into dayZ as well so I would go combined.Yes or no to Combined Operations?
I played Day Z for a couple of weeks at my friend's house and loved it.
But I know the Day Z Standalone is coming soon.
Thing is, this will be cheap compared to the initial RRP of the Standalone as well.
Hmm.. NBA 2K or Kerbal...
just played it. crashed right after my first mission. twice.
Are you sure you sold it? It leaves your inventory when you put it up. Doesn't mean you sold it.Thread moves too fast. Gonna quote myself for good measure. Anyone? :/
Sale has been disappointing for the most part.
I go to bed and wake up 8 hours later to see 70 pages have gone by, haha.
Any of the deals right now 'must buys'?
Oh and what's the community preference on the community deal vote right now?
I go to bed and wake up 8 hours later to see 70 pages have gone by, haha.
Any of the deals right now 'must buys'?
Oh and what's the community preference on the community choice vote right now?
Hmm.. NBA 2K or Kerbal...
I go to bed and wake up 8 hours later to see 70 pages have gone by, haha.
Any of the deals right now 'must buys'?
Oh and what's the community preference on the community choice vote right now?
Hmm.. NBA 2K or Kerbal...
I go to bed and wake up 8 hours later to see 70 pages have gone by, haha.
Any of the deals right now 'must buys'?
Oh and what's the community preference on the community deal vote right now?
Thanks in advance!I wanted to buy the 5 first Tomb Raider games, but their prices increased yesterday...
I don't have money, only Steam keys left.
Is there anyone willing to do some exchange with me?
I can exchange:
- Cogs
- NightSky HD
- Dungeon Defenders (+ all its DLC)
- Splice
- Crayon Physics Deluxe
- Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP
- Waking Mars