Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
You can also edit the script and set the refresh timer to 0 seconds. Additionally you can increase the fail-safe count, essentially preventing it from stopping if no one is posting for a brief period.
If you're using Chrome, you can find the script at:
C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\blbfgndoggabppkoehpipfadjelcofmp\2.0.3_0
It's the live.js file. Just open it up in a text editor such as Notepad++.
LiveThread_FAIL_LIMIT) || 30, (Change this number to increase the fail-safe limit)
STATE_INTERVAL = 0, (Change this to 0 to change the refresh timer to the minimum amount)
STATE_INTERVAL changes the default variable, however if you change the speed to Slow/Normal/Fast it'll change to its own value (defaults at 120/60/30) which you can also edit.