Well, it starts and runs without any config changes, any DirectX fiddling, compatibility mode or whatever else is recommended in the Steam forums. Apparently, the main problem on Win 10 seems to be that it crashes immediately after launching, so I assume once it runs it's good. You can always refund of course, if it doesn't work for you.Define "flawlessly." I'm close to pulling the trigger, but there's that nagging thought...
It's non intensive, is it? Could it run on a newish but cheap laptop?
well graphically it's no looker but it plays super greatI remember playing Dragons Dogma on ps3 back in the day, how does it hold up on PC? Also, I just got a a 1080ti I need a some graphics to blow my mind.
I remember playing Dragons Dogma on ps3 back in the day, how does it hold up on PC? Also, I just got a a 1080ti I need a some graphics to blow my mind.
It feels like a student project and makes you realize how good Tenchu is. Stilted and stiff animations and laughable story and cutscenes. Good for a drunk afternoon with a buddy for coop though.Anyone have any experience with Aragami? Is that the Tenchu experience I've been waiting for or a big ol' dud?
I remember playing Dragons Dogma on ps3 back in the day, how does it hold up on PC? Also, I just got a a 1080ti I need a some graphics to blow my mind.
I'm considering these games, almost ready to push purchase.
This sale has shamed me into finally starting to clean up my wishlist after getting an email on the first day that 181 games in my wishlist were on sale.
Get Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition for -60% off y'all.
DO IT! Looks good Oxenfree my favorite of the bunch.
Get Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition for -60% off y'all.
I remember playing Dragons Dogma on ps3 back in the day, how does it hold up on PC? Also, I just got a a 1080ti I need some graphics to blow my mind.
You can utilize that 1080ti to run some super inefficient ENB shaders and downsampling that make Dragon's Dogma almost look like a new game.
144 FPS is pretty nice too.
What indie games were unreasonably priced?
Get Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition for -60% off y'all.
Anyone have RPG hidden gems recommendations? I obviously know the big ones but any good small - mid ones?
What is this camera effect called again?
What is this camera effect called again?
Knight of the Old Republic 1 & 2 are 2.49 each.
Shadowrun Dragon Fall - 2.99
Shadowrun Hong Kong - 4.99
Wasteland 2 - 9.99
Deus Ex: GOTY - 1.39
Jade Empire - 3.74
Recettear - 4.99
South Park TSOT - 7.49
Most of these I've known about / played. Is South Park that good of an rpg? Its humor somewhat falls flat with me.
I got 40 steambucks
what do I buy?
Most of these I've known about / played. Is South Park that good of an rpg? Its humor somewhat falls flat with me. Thanks for the recs though!
TOXIKKI got 40 steambucks
what do I buy?
I wouldn't say it was a great RPG per say. It has a paper mario esque combat system. I enjoyed the main story stuff where most of the humor was. If you don't like South Park then I'm not sure if you'll like the game. It goes places that it can't on TV. It's a fairly short and simple RPG that I enjoyed but wished the the side quest stuff was better.
South Park is a surprisingly good rpg but if you don't like the humor than don't bother
Is system shock 2 any good? it supports spanish?
What do you like? What are you considering?
Is system shock 2 any good? it supports spanish?
Anyone have RPG hidden gems recommendations? I obviously know the big ones but any good small - mid ones?
Recommended it earlier to some other Gaffer. How about Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning it's a really good game. Sadly it wasn't a success sales wise. I really wanted a second one.
Is system shock 2 any good? it supports spanish?
some cool little indies would be good right now. I have most of the newer big releases that I am interested in the last year or two.
Maybe a grand strategy game would be cool too, haven't played one in years.
Most of these I've known about / played. Is South Park that good of an rpg? Its humor somewhat falls flat with me. Thanks for the recs though!
Get Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition for -60% off y'all.
Oh man, I remember Kingdom. Wasn't there a game that came along the same time and was one of the reasons why it didn't sell well?
These are the indie games I've bought and enjoyed over the last year or so:
Dead Cells
Hollow Knight
Enter the Gungeon
I also just bought Binding of Issac Rebirth and Redout yesterday, both are fantastic so far.
I'm also considering:
Salt and Sanctuary
Axiom Verge
Streets of Rogue
Valdis Story
I'm not into grand strategy so can't help you there unfortunately.
Thanks I'll look into theseHow about these ones?
Earthlock: Festival of Magic
I am Setsuna
LOTR: War in the North
Moon Hunters
Stories: Paths of Destiny
Tales of Symphonia
The Dwarves
They're not all heavily discounted though.
What is this camera effect called again?
Anyone have RPG hidden gems recommendations? I obviously know the big ones but any good small - mid ones?