Disappointing day today.
- Why is Total War a daily deal again? Why does it get two daily deal slots in the sale? Should have just made the Shogun sale a franchise sale and sold all the games then. Same goes for CoD, why should it get more than one sale, when other games will miss out?
- Only 25% off on Sins? I know it's new, but at 25% it's not even worth taking up a deal slot. Have it as a flash deal if they really want to sell it for that. Complete pack is also expensive considering the other packs are around the same price and include more games, some of them games that are close in release date (Telltale with Walking Dead, for example).
- Super Meat Boy is on sale again.
Again. For the same price it's been in countless Steam sales before.
- Deals are being repeated more and more now, I suppose that's unavoidable as the sale goes on with the system Valve have chosen, though.
It's a good sale for anyone new to PC gaming though. I guess I just own too many games by this point