Fuck, I really wanted Shogun 2.
Alan Wake is tempting, but only because I love Twin Peaks
So is it worth the $7.49? PC version any good?
The Longest Journey
Yay or nay?
You can, however, trade it if you suffer from buyers remorse.What's the point in doing that? You don't have to download a game right away if you buy it for yourself.
It's one of the greatest adventure games of all time. It's also quite old and very, very, very long. I count it among the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had, and I'm sure a lot of people would agree. But it's an investment, and if you don't love adventure games you might have a hard time getting into it.
Is American Nightmare for Alan Wake good? Worth getting?
I realize thatOne note -- they're independent titles. You don't need Alan Wake for American Nightmare. It's not DLC.
Just started up Thief Gold and arghhh 800x800 is the highest res?
Are your drivers up to date?
Should I get L4D? And if I do, should I be getting the sequel?
So... Alan Wake... 360 controller or M/KB?
I realize that![]()
I prefer M/KB for any game that has you aiming and shooting things, which this game has a lot of, so I used a M/KB.So... Alan Wake... 360 controller or M/KB?
Well, now I'm at $71.17. Feels bad at first, but when I realize how many games I've gotten for it, it feels like I've spent nothing.Alan Wake and American Nightmare both look and play great on PC. I can't recommend them enough.
Fuck, I really wanted Shogun 2.
So it's not a flash sale or a daily deal or whatever, but Noitu Love 2 is definitely $2.50, and like nobody on my friends list even bothered to buy it.
Not to suck my own dick or anything (so to speak), but I definitely wrote a review of it while drinking over the last hour or so:
So hopefully someone will fuckin' give this guy money.
What a sad state gaming is in when we're conditioned to think we are "bad" at a game for dying once in a level.
It's even sadder that you're making insulting assumptions about me based on only half a sentence since you obviously didn't finish the one where I was talking about dying once on the first level.
After almost three decades of gaming I know the difference between a game that's legit hard, a game that's bullshit hard, and a game I'm just not good at.
Was it on a flash sale today? I bought the Total War pack yesterday for 12,50.
What really? FUCKDead Island beats Space Marine and Shogun 2? Hmph.
Sweet! Thanks.Did you not know that it's a classic game?
Start here.
Are u playing with a Gamepad?
I played with it at the beginning on my tv, but it makes the game unnecessarily harder.
Nay if you like your adventures humorous, colorful, with likeable characters. Yay if you like your adventures feel like a never ending mediocre novel.
Nah, I basically always play FPS with kb/m. I'm sure there's an exception but I can't think of one.
Playing with random people in online games has accounted for 99.9999999999999999% of all my game time, and I like it, it's exciting and random. Of course I've used mute since the dawn of time.
Since it's going to be $10 again for the millionth time, I might as well ask if Dead Island is a good game for someone like me who's looking for an SP game. Is it really only fun if you're playing with buds?
So... Alan Wake... 360 controller or M/KB?
Is it really that long? How many hours of play should I expect? Damn, at this point in my gaming career (lol) I really can't stand long games, but I really wanted to catch up on TLJ and its sequel (already bought) sometime soon. I'll probably follow a walkthrough to speed things up.It's one of the greatest adventure games of all time. It's also quite old and very, very, very long. I count it among the greatest gaming experiences I've ever had, and I'm sure a lot of people would agree. But it's an investment, and if you don't love adventure games you might have a hard time getting into it.
I usually get another friend to play with me in a game full of random people. Getting a game full of friends isn't very practical.One thing that I've noticed around here that I will never understand is how people are so vocal about only playing with friends and not randoms in MP and Coop games...
Playing with random people in online games has accounted for 99.9999999999999999% of all my game time, and I like it, it's exciting and random. Of course I've used mute since the dawn of time.
Is American Nightmare for Alan Wake good? Worth getting?
It depends what kind of Game you play.
The L4D Community is really... low. If you play versus, most of my time I played with random, people left, after they lost the first round early on.
Can someone help me out with Max Payne 3? I'm trying to figure out the highest settings I can use and still have 60 fps.
I have:
i5 2500k @ 4.4ghz
8 gb RAM
I seem to keep hitting 30 or lower if I put it on max settings.