Which is why it's puzzling that Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet decided that's the route they wanted to go. I think they could have easily muscled Valve into getting one of those flash spots and putting a decent mark down on it. As is, they got a lousy 1.40 from every bundle sale. Big whoop.
ITSP is on my wishlist but I won't be buying it this sale. $8.99 is still too much and I certainly wasn't going to spend $9.99 on the pack when I didn't want or need anything else in the bundle it was in. So they won't be making any money from me at this point. As you say, a $4.99 flash sale would be better for them and many of us.
Not everyone has been through a Steam sale, and those people are the most likely to have few or none of the indie games.
Yes, I understand that completely. However, I find the way the bundles are allocated to be inconvenient. It would make more sense to bundle the newer games together (even at a higher cost) than to lump old/new games in these $10 bundles. They should have cheaper bundles with old games most everyone has for the new users, and then more expensive bundles for those of us who are only missing the newer games. That way the new users get both and us old timers can pick up bundles that are more inline with what we need without duplicating things. It's just not customer friendly as-is and rubs me the wrong way.
I don't feel entitled, they can charge what they want, and I won't buy. Besides, I'm sure there will be a pay-what-you-want bundle with these games within the next few months where the pricing can be made more amenable.