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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 2: No One I Know Voted for Nixon

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I'm voting for SPAZ even though I own it. Game is awesome and everyone should play it!

Walking Dead will trounce it though due to IP appeal. Hopefully this means SPAZ will get a daily or flash deal.
SPAZ has some hilariously amateurish looking character portraits, but it's a pretty fun game (in an OCD way)


Will Eat Your Children
People need to play longest journey!

But I guess the title alone will prevent most from doing so :( Damn current gaming culture


Okay, Fall Out New Vegas Ultimate Pack it is.

Free copy of Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Pack for the best answer to this question.

Genres have been born during every era of gaming history. Sometimes it takes the ingenuity of ideas from another medium to create a new genre. Sometimes old ideas are married together to create something new.

The last 5 years or so has seen no shortage of companies that were willing to try new things. Sometimes adding a leveling system to a shooter is all it takes. In other cases, the gaming landscape expands to include variants you could never have imagined.

That's your task.

Pick two games and put their best attributes together, forming something new. Give me a well considered, thoughtful paragraph about your game, answering the following five questions in detail.

1) What are the games you're putting together?
2) What gameplay/visual conventions are going to be blended together and why?
3) Which game's universe does this new hybrid inhabit? Would you create an entirely new universe for it?
4) Tell me as much about your game as you can.
5) Who would want to play your game? Is it a niche title that will only appeal to the most adamant of core gamers? Is it a casual title that someone can enjoy on a mobile device? Somewhere in between?

I always like Speevy ideas/challenges :p

1) Tomb Raider + Velvet Assassin

2) You take the stealth actions of the lady in Velvet Assassin and get the Agility of Lara Croft. Dark Clothing, and silent items to help you sneaking.

3) Cold War. You are a spy who has gone rogue when you found the people you were working for are traitors to their own country. Your dad was a Military force soldier before it was killed (similar to Lara Croft history, different job)

4) In Cold War information was the best weapon any country could have. When the information about an iminent strike to "x" country was leaked a groups of spies were dispatched to retrieve the intel to find the target. Only one survived (...)

5) Anyone can play the game. You could have Easy, Normal and Shadow mode where the game would end if you were spotted. Different game styles: Ninja/stealthy or Rambo style. Each style would have different rewards, earning Costumes, weapons, and new movements depending how well you tasks were successful or not. Oh, and for consoles and PC not good for Android or similar devices.

There could be an option to not have "MISSION FAILED" if you did not get a secondary objective like rescuing an hostage. But if you get that mission, more story and a great plot you would have which could get you a "perfect" ending.


I actually finished (crazy, I know) Alice: Madness Returns. Clever, beautiful to look at, too damn long. Actually the hour count isn't so exaggerated, but most of the levels feels like filler and every level drags on forever. All around a game I would suggest to anyone, at steam prices. If you like hard action games try playing it at Hard or Nightmare 'cause the combat system is actually really good and fast and there's a lot of different monsters to dispose of in different ways.

Yea, that's exactly what I felt.
Reposting for new page. :p

I have a question for y'all...

I recently started playing Ass Creed: Brotherhood, and I think the lighting in my game is a bit wonky. Sometimes, it's way too bright on the top half of the screen, and looks really unnatural. It's kind of like a fog. You can see it even when you're in places that should be cast in shadow. It's worse when I move the camera so it's facing the ground more... Any fixes?
Okay guys I have enough left to pick up one DLC of New Vegas. Any suggestions? I am looking at Honest Hearts but that's just because I want to see Utah in the Fallout universe, but what is the best one for the 2.50?


For the people who want to pick up Beyond Good & Evil: It runs pretty bad on multi-core systems. Even if you restrict it to one core and use third party software as workarounds, it will still have issues with speed and it has a game-breaking bug in it too. At least that's how it was for me, but at that price it may be worth a gamble.


Yeah, sorry, reposting for new page :( This thing moves too damn fast and no one's in the NV thread at the moment it seems.

Can anyone help me with installing mods for New Vegas? I got some recommendations but I'm...not exactly sure how to do this, haha.


Also, MinMax (the two man team behind SPAZ) has a pretty interesting story if you have time to read through it all, and you're interested in stories about indie game development and the financial uncertainty that goes with it. Blorf is probably one of the most active developers on the Steam forums.


Come on guys, this is easy peasy. Give it a go.

Hmm guess I'll try

1) What are the games you're putting together?

Unreal Tournament + Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3

2) What gameplay/visual conventions are going to be blended together and why?

They both have similar fast paced action but imagine it on a 3d plane like Unreal, arena style maps but with fighting action instead of guns. I wouldn't want the planes to be too big though. Would take forever to see decent matches.

3) Which game's universe does this new hybrid inhabit? Would you create an entirely new universe for it?

I would keep it in the MvC universe, there could be really interesting stages made based on Capcom and Marvel IP's

4) Tell me as much about your game as you can.

Imagine this in a fully 3d plane and not 2.5d

5) Who would want to play your game? Is it a niche title that will only appeal to the most adamant of core gamers? Is it a casual title that someone can enjoy on a mobile device? Somewhere in between?

I think it would be somewhere inbetween the casual and hardcore, not something that could be enjoyable on a mobile device imo.


Unconfirmed Member
My damage thus far

Psychonauts: $4.99 (great game, buy it)
Alice Madness Returns: $4.99
Ys Origin: $7.99
The Walking Dead: $14.99
Ys The Oath in Felghana: $5.09
Railworks 3: TS2012 : $3.49 (troll gift for friend)
Trials 2: Second Edition: $2.49
Limbo: $2.49
Costume Quest: $3.74
Just Cause 2: $3.74 (Bought it for friend... just cause)
Thief II: $2.49
Binding of Issac: $2.23
Longest Journey: $2.49
Dead Island: $10.19

Total: $71.14 for 14 games
Why didn't you buy the Double Fine bundle instead of Psychonauts and Costume Quest separately? It was $1.24 cheaper, and you also got a copy of Stacking.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Okay, Fall Out New Vegas Ultimate Pack it is.

Free copy of Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Pack for the best answer to this question.

Genres have been born during every era of gaming history. Sometimes it takes the ingenuity of ideas from another medium to create a new genre. Sometimes old ideas are married together to create something new.

The last 5 years or so has seen no shortage of companies that were willing to try new things. Sometimes adding a leveling system to a shooter is all it takes. In other cases, the gaming landscape expands to include variants you could never have imagined.

That's your task.

Pick two games and put their best attributes together, forming something new. Give me a well considered, thoughtful paragraph about your game, answering the following five questions in detail.

1) What are the games you're putting together?
2) What gameplay/visual conventions are going to be blended together and why?
3) Which game's universe does this new hybrid inhabit? Would you create an entirely new universe for it?
4) Tell me as much about your game as you can.
5) Who would want to play your game? Is it a niche title that will only appeal to the most adamant of core gamers? Is it a casual title that someone can enjoy on a mobile device? Somewhere in between?
Here's how I'm going to do this. I'm going to use the Steam Roulette to pick two games at random. Then I'm going to install both games and play them for 5-10 minutes each (if I haven't ever played them before). Then I'm going to answer your questions. Ready? GO!

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 ...and... Dead Island

Ok. Well, Dead Island is a HUGE file, so I'm not going to have time to download it. That being said, I did play it at E3, and I have a pretty good idea of what it's like. Luckily, I have played Bad Company 2, so I don't need to install that. Alright, let's do this.

1) Battlefield: Bad Company 2 & Dead Island

2) Since Battlefield is a fairly realistic first person shooter, while Dead Island is definitely less realistic and more melee-weapon-focused, we'll have a mixture of both shooting and melee attacks. Definitely a handful of different guns - your various assault weapons, pistols, shotgun, and rifles, as well as a handful of different melee weapons. Now, since Dead Island focuses more on isolation, while Bad Company 2 is all about squad-based combat, I've decided to combine the two ideas - isolate a very small squad of players, let's say four different people, and have them survive through a zombie apocalypse.

3) Since the two universes are fairly similar, only one takes place on the battlefield while the other takes place in general public places, we'll simply combine them to make one universe, but try to keep diverse areas. I'm thinking places anywhere from random outdoors environments, possibly in the rain, to inside hotels, to maybe even a carnival or something.

4) Well, since I wanted to focus on that squad-based combat made so popular by Battlefield: Bad Company 2, I really want to bring out the camaraderie between the four characters. But since Dead Island is so focused on the characters you're playing as and their story, these characters will be very different from one another. They'll each have their own personalities and quirks, and be as diverse as you can get. Maybe one guy could be an old war vet, another would be some kind of biker dude, maybe another guy would be more of a business man, and then one girl.

5) Well, everyone would want to play this game! It'd be co-op and squad-based, like Battlefield, but instead of going against another team, you'd be taking on a world of zombies. Talk about exciting! You'd be able to be play with your friends, chat with each other, and try to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. Helping your fellow player will be absolutely key, and you must cooperate with one another as a cohesive, tactical unit - otherwise, you may be left for dead.


Okay, Fall Out New Vegas Ultimate Pack it is.

Free copy of Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Pack for the best answer to this question.

Genres have been born during every era of gaming history. Sometimes it takes the ingenuity of ideas from another medium to create a new genre. Sometimes old ideas are married together to create something new.

The last 5 years or so has seen no shortage of companies that were willing to try new things. Sometimes adding a leveling system to a shooter is all it takes. In other cases, the gaming landscape expands to include variants you could never have imagined.

That's your task.

Pick two games and put their best attributes together, forming something new. Give me a well considered, thoughtful paragraph about your game, answering the following five questions in detail.

1) What are the games you're putting together?
2) What gameplay/visual conventions are going to be blended together and why?
3) Which game's universe does this new hybrid inhabit? Would you create an entirely new universe for it?
4) Tell me as much about your game as you can.
5) Who would want to play your game? Is it a niche title that will only appeal to the most adamant of core gamers? Is it a casual title that someone can enjoy on a mobile device? Somewhere in between?

I would mix We love Katamari and Assassins Creed: Brotherhood

2. I would take the visuals from We love Katamari and mix the whole parkour gameplay of Assassins Creed and the katamari gameplay. I think it would be really funny to jump and climb through the giant cities of Asasssins Creed and stick smaller items to the katamari. Furthermore you have to do sidequests to grow your katamari to finally assassinateroll the quest targets.
Also the english italian language mix would really suite the overall dialogues of the katamari characters! Imagine the King of all Comsos talking in half italian. That would be simply hilarious.
When you send your recruited men on missions they roll out with their katamaris and and roll over the 4 or 5 different Assassins Creed city people character models and you can see the huge katamaris leaving the cities and doing their job.
Of course the Katamari is equipped with throwing knives and asasssins blade to be way cooler than a usual katamari.
And in the end the Prince of all Cosmos gets Kristen Bell and they live happily ever after!

It would definitely be a niche title played by lovers of strange games and will be on steam sale every couple of month in order to get the production money back. A iOS version would be released a couple of months later after the PC version is bug fixed and a multiplayer race mode is added to the original game.

Sorry for my bad english, but I'm pretty drunk and was listening to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ju6dJJrsn30 while writing this text.


Okay guys I have enough left to pick up one DLC of New Vegas. Any suggestions? I am looking at Honest Hearts but that's just because I want to see Utah in the Fallout universe, but what is the best one for the 2.50?

Honest Hearts is good but shorter (imo too short for the full price) than Old World Blues which is great and the best of the four.


For the people who want to pick up Beyond Good & Evil: It runs pretty bad on multi-core systems. Even if you restrict it to one core and use third party software as workarounds, it will still have issues with speed and it has a game-breaking bug in it too. At least that's how it was for me, but at that price it may be worth a gamble.

Ouch wish you had posted that 10 minutes earlier. Never beat the game on consoles :(
Okay guys I have enough left to pick up one DLC of New Vegas. Any suggestions? I am looking at Honest Hearts but that's just because I want to see Utah in the Fallout universe, but what is the best one for the 2.50?

Old World Blues all the way. It is zanny, funny, and has probably the best melee and stealth gear in the whole game.

Fallout 3 DLC worth it? I already have Fallout 3 but not the GOTY version with DLC so is the DLC worth the $4.99?

Point Lookout alone is worth the $4.99. Broken Steel is also really great.


What are the chances of Botanicula and Sword and Sworcery going on sale? I know Botanicula was part of one of the indie packs but I didn't see anything else in that one I liked.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Okay, Fall Out New Vegas Ultimate Pack it is.

Free copy of Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Pack for the best answer to this question.

Genres have been born during every era of gaming history. Sometimes it takes the ingenuity of ideas from another medium to create a new genre. Sometimes old ideas are married together to create something new.

The last 5 years or so has seen no shortage of companies that were willing to try new things. Sometimes adding a leveling system to a shooter is all it takes. In other cases, the gaming landscape expands to include variants you could never have imagined.

That's your task.

Pick two games and put their best attributes together, forming something new. Give me a well considered, thoughtful paragraph about your game, answering the following five questions in detail.

1) What are the games you're putting together?
2) What gameplay/visual conventions are going to be blended together and why?
3) Which game's universe does this new hybrid inhabit? Would you create an entirely new universe for it?
4) Tell me as much about your game as you can.
5) Who would want to play your game? Is it a niche title that will only appeal to the most adamant of core gamers? Is it a casual title that someone can enjoy on a mobile device? Somewhere in between?

1) Trauma Center + Battlefield

2) It would be a modified FPS game focused more on performing immediate surgery on the battlefield, most likely with a heavy co-op influence with various class types and modes around the general idea of covering someone while they perform an operation.

3) Could be any timeline, whether it's WW2, modern day, or future. The tech advancing would greatly impact how much you have to work with in each operation.

4) Various scenarios would be something like a type of defensive horde mode, where one player is focused on doing operations on varous injured people while everyone else plays a more standard shooter trying to cover and push back enemies while setting up stronger defenses with points they gain, or could instead spend these points to help the operating player somehow.

Another could be the medic player himself trying to get to a patient while 2 of your co-op buddies start by the injured guy in the middle of an enemy encampment. So they fight people off while you come from another side of a level with other buddies, then you all meet up and they'll band up to protect you. It could even be larger levels that is more squad based as you find captured prisoners that are being tortured and have to heal them up after you push through to them. There's a lot of leverage with the idea.

5) It would be more hardcore, but I would have optional tutorial levels that would include going through the medical school and doing various operation types while also having firing ranges introducing the other mechanics. This way it would appeal to a larger group but not dumb it down for everyone else. Co-op is usually fun for everyone, and this seems like a bigger twist on the standard stuff I've seen.


hide your water-based mammals
Okay, Fall Out New Vegas Ultimate Pack it is.

Free copy of Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Pack for the best answer to this question.

Genres have been born during every era of gaming history. Sometimes it takes the ingenuity of ideas from another medium to create a new genre. Sometimes old ideas are married together to create something new.

The last 5 years or so has seen no shortage of companies that were willing to try new things. Sometimes adding a leveling system to a shooter is all it takes. In other cases, the gaming landscape expands to include variants you could never have imagined.

That's your task.

Pick two games and put their best attributes together, forming something new. Give me a well considered, thoughtful paragraph about your game, answering the following five questions in detail.

1) What are the games you're putting together?
2) What gameplay/visual conventions are going to be blended together and why?
3) Which game's universe does this new hybrid inhabit? Would you create an entirely new universe for it?
4) Tell me as much about your game as you can.
5) Who would want to play your game? Is it a niche title that will only appeal to the most adamant of core gamers? Is it a casual title that someone can enjoy on a mobile device? Somewhere in between?

Let's put Sins of the Solar Empire with something like a Sim City. Where you travel the galaxy and start planets from zero. You can go into uninhabited planets and figure out how the atmosphere works and go from there. You would have all the necessary tools to make a living world and more would unlock ala an Age of Empires/Rise of Nations system of advancement. You can create colonies in space as well and have unique tools and the ability to even make cities encased in dome like structures.

So this would basically be a sim type game with other AI's in place in their own planets and you can fight to expand your civilization except it would be on a galactic scale.

I would likely try and make unique worlds without pulling from real locations. I would gather information to make sure certain planets with Earth like or less inhabitable like Jupiter. For the less inhabitable planets, you would have highly specialized equipment (pending you unlock the ability to make special structures). Make something encased enough to withstand a climate like Jupiter. Even get creative in making a core to Jupiter (or whatever fictional name) and maybe build something underground (if there is even ground there!).

The kind of vision and HW this would require would be great so a decent gaming PC may be in order. I would say this title would be more of a hardcore niche type game. The only way to market this to a wider audience is to basically add 3rd person shooter elements ala Mass Effect but retaining and the world building aspects. Or being able to take control of crafts or ships to explore planets.

A grand and potentially expensive vision.


For the people who want to pick up Beyond Good & Evil: It runs pretty bad on multi-core systems. Even if you restrict it to one core and use third party software as workarounds, it will still have issues with speed and it has a game-breaking bug in it too. At least that's how it was for me, but at that price it may be worth a gamble.

That sucks to hear. Guess I'll hold off on it and just buy it on PSN whenever it goes on sale. Thanks!
Hey guys, I checked the OP of the regular Steam thread, but I couldn't see it: what is the program that you use to find and delete useless Steam files?

Also, if I buy the Tribes Starter Pack, will T:A show up in my games list when not installed? It's a minor niggle, but if I invest in a game, Steam should know I'm committed enough to it to place it there, and not make me search for it every time I uninstall it or get a new PC, etc.. Plus, I wouldn't end up forgetting about it, haha


How good is the Last Remnant?

It can be a very frustrating game because of some weird mechanics. Hard to recommend unless you crave for a HD JRPG. But it's very lengthy and a good PC port. If you pick it up for $10 or less, I'd say you're definitely getting your money's worth.
wow, Tribes Ascend is fantastic. i feel terrible for waiting this long to try it, especially since i was big on Tribes 1. so glad the starter pack turned up again as a flash deal.


Why didn't you buy the Double Fine bundle instead of Psychonauts and Costume Quest separately? It was $1.24 cheaper, and you also got a copy of Stacking.

Everything from Double Fine was cheaper. He violated rule #1 and didn't wait for the sale:) I'm guessing he'll live, though.


Neo Member
Okay, Fall Out New Vegas Ultimate Pack it is.

Free copy of Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Pack for the best answer to this question.

Genres have been born during every era of gaming history. Sometimes it takes the ingenuity of ideas from another medium to create a new genre. Sometimes old ideas are married together to create something new.

The last 5 years or so has seen no shortage of companies that were willing to try new things. Sometimes adding a leveling system to a shooter is all it takes. In other cases, the gaming landscape expands to include variants you could never have imagined.

That's your task.

Pick two games and put their best attributes together, forming something new. Give me a well considered, thoughtful paragraph about your game, answering the following five questions in detail.

1) What are the games you're putting together?
2) What gameplay/visual conventions are going to be blended together and why?
3) Which game's universe does this new hybrid inhabit? Would you create an entirely new universe for it?
4) Tell me as much about your game as you can.
5) Who would want to play your game? Is it a niche title that will only appeal to the most adamant of core gamers? Is it a casual title that someone can enjoy on a mobile device? Somewhere in between?
1 + 2) If I were to wed any two games it would have to be Left 4 Dead 1/2 and Fallout (how appropriate :p). You may wonder what exactly it is that I'm taking from each that would make this merge work. Well, we're going to combine the well-developed combat and gameplay mechanics from Left 4 Dead and the open-ended world of Fallout. One thing that tends to disappoint me greatly in a game like Fallout is less than stellar combat, AI, and what not.

Further information + slight on-topic rant) Developers tend to trade finely honed gameplay for a larger environment. This is entirely true for Bethesda games, unfortunately. I've been dreaming of a game that has a large scope but doesn't sacrifice in every other department. Valve takes care in developing characters that you can relate to and appreciate. You grow to love them as you venture through the game, hearing their witty, humorous and varied remarks. Fallout, and any other Bethesda game tends to lack that life, which to a degree is understandable. You're creating an incredibly large world, so it's also incredibly hard to make it a living, breathing place. With that said, they haven't made many advances since Oblivion in that respect, and I don't feel as though Skyrim is any more vivacious than Oblivion was. Alas, I am clearly steering off into the wrong direction.

3 + 4) The environment is that of a post-apocalyptic world, but on a more detailed and larger scale. There are several teams placed throughout the world who travel together, tending to their needs (finding food, water, supplies, etc.) all while avoiding teams of Special Infected among the common zombie breed. Both teams are player-controlled, only common infected are AI. In a way this game is an MMORPG by allowing you to build your character and team, but pays close attention to the detail necessary to instill a sense of fear and urgency in it's players. Special Infected teams can strike at any moment and you must do your best to defend yourself against them. If you hadn't gone on raids or gathered enough supplies you may very well find yourself dead in the next attack.

5) This game would appeal to the masses as it incorporates a lot of elements from very popular series. It's an action-adventure MMORPG with an incredible level of effort dedicated to the gameplay. You're not trading solid gameplay for a large world like many current-day games do.

I hope this wasn't too long and that you find it interesting enough to read in it's entirety! Thanks for the opportunity!


Neo Member
10 bucks for fallout New vegas GOTY version versus 5 bucks for the core game... if only it was 7.50 i would buy it in a heart beat.


10 bucks for fallout New vegas GOTY version versus 5 bucks for the core game... if only it was 7.50 i would buy it in a heart beat.
With the exception of Dead Money (which is more annoying than bad) the DLC is all pretty good. Well worth the extra $5.
It can be a very frustrating game because of some weird mechanics. Hard to recommend unless you crave for a HD JRPG. But it's very lengthy and a good PC port. If you pick it up for $10 or less, I'd say you're definitely getting your money's worth.

What weird mechanics? And are the characters likable? Any exploring and such?


Might be silly, but if SPAZ wins, I'll buy 10 copies and gift it to GAF members.

Just because.

Everytime I read the name of the game, I think of:


But then I realize it is missing an t :(
(Spatz is the german name of this bird.)
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