Here's how I'm going to do this. I'm going to use the
Steam Roulette to pick two games at random. Then I'm going to install both games and play them for 5-10 minutes each (if I haven't ever played them before). Then I'm going to answer your questions. Ready? GO!
I'm going to do this too, if that's okay. If I win, I'll have speevy give you the game because my PC can't run it, though I know it's unlikely I win, haha. I'm mainly doing this because it's fun and the ideas I thought of off the top of my head were awful, like combining the social sim and style of Persona 3/4 with games like GBA Mario Golf/Tennis. Well, I guess that could work, I just think it's silly...
So, I did the roulette and got SpaceChem and Thief: Deadly Shadows. Intriguing. I haven't played enough of Thief to get a great idea of its depth (played 40 minutes a while ago), so hopefully my descriptions aren't too generic.
Speevy said:
Pick two games and put their best attributes together, forming something new. Give me a well considered, thoughtful paragraph about your game, answering the following five questions in detail.
1) What are the games you're putting together?
2) What gameplay/visual conventions are going to be blended together and why?
3) Which game's universe does this new hybrid inhabit? Would you create an entirely new universe for it?
4) Tell me as much about your game as you can.
5) Who would want to play your game? Is it a niche title that will only appeal to the most adamant of core gamers? Is it a casual title that someone can enjoy on a mobile device? Somewhere in between?
1) SpaceChem and Thief: Deadly Shadows.
2) I'd basically add the games together for levels. Make the first section like Thief, and the second like SpaceChem. The Theif part would be like Thief (haha), except you would steal chemicals and schematics rather than treasure of some type. The SpaceChem parts would basically be awesome minigames based on the chemicals you had stolen, allowing you to synthesize upgrades. I would keep the Thief visuals/SpaceChem visuals for their separate portions as they seem to work well.
3) The universe would be based on SpaceChem's, except with the classic "evil corporation" spin on it (not far enough in SpaceChem to know if this happens in the game, so no spoilers please). The main character has a vendetta against a chemicals corporation because his brother died while working there, and a year later he finds his brother's notes describing work on a project to develop a chemical weapon that could destroy most of the world, and the main character becomes determined to stop it with thievery/assassination (but mainly thievery).
4) The first level of the game would be ridiculously easy - the main character goes into a bar, finds a drunk scientist who lays an important schematic on the countertop and then leaves without it. Basically, it would be like that iPhone incident. Most of the early stealth portions of the game would be trying to steal directly from scientists, then upgraded to hospitals, then upgraded to large laboratories to give a sense of progress. The SpaceChem parts would be after the stealth section. Perform the correct reaction to get more powerful arrows, sneakier boots, all sorts of powerups. The next to last level would allow you to make something gamebreaking if you were able to complete it, and the last level would be a mission to assassinate the head of that corporation. There would be a new game + where people could use that weapon for the craziness during regular levels, forgoing stealth, as well as new SpaceChem puzzles providing different cool upgrades. I would need to play Thief more to describe the upgrades better.
5) Probably PC only, maybe consoles. It's not casual, unless I decided to let the SpaceChem parts work separately from the main game. It (hopefully) appeals to stealth game players.
Hopefully that wasn't too bad.