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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 2: No One I Know Voted for Nixon

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Okay, Fall Out New Vegas Ultimate Pack it is.

Free copy of Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Pack for the best answer to this question.

Genres have been born during every era of gaming history. Sometimes it takes the ingenuity of ideas from another medium to create a new genre. Sometimes old ideas are married together to create something new.

The last 5 years or so has seen no shortage of companies that were willing to try new things. Sometimes adding a leveling system to a shooter is all it takes. In other cases, the gaming landscape expands to include variants you could never have imagined.

That's your task.

Pick two games and put their best attributes together, forming something new. Give me a well considered, thoughtful paragraph about your game, answering the following five questions in detail.

1) What are the games you're putting together?
2) What gameplay/visual conventions are going to be blended together and why?
3) Which game's universe does this new hybrid inhabit? Would you create an entirely new universe for it?
4) Tell me as much about your game as you can.
5) Who would want to play your game? Is it a niche title that will only appeal to the most adamant of core gamers? Is it a casual title that someone can enjoy on a mobile device? Somewhere in between?

Wow that's a good question. In the past I've had ideas like this but they've disappeared into the aether of my mind.

I'd love to see a combination of STALKER and the FTL (indie space roguelike). I guess this is inspired in part by Notch's newest game 0x10c. The combinations of the two games would focus on the survival aspect of STALKER with the exploration/thrill and managing of spacecraft and space travel from FTL.

You would travel from planet to planet perhaps on the hunt for a new habitable planet. You would manage your crew which would include engineers+scientists that could develop/invent new objects throughout the game (machine to convert a barren wasteland to an oasis) but would require resources gathered from other planets. You would encounter enemy ships and anomalies in space and manage the battles in a similar way to FTL but perhaps from a first person perspective as a captain on the ship, using a mini menu (think battlefield 2 spacebar menu) to issue commands, while also being able to move around and seal areas/fire guns yourself.
Then on finding planets you would be able to land and explore much like STALKER. You would encounter very different types of challenges on each planet. For example a thick jungle planet where plants could be aggressive but resources might be abundant (risk/reward for gathering resources?) or an inhabited planet with villages/towns/cities that you could trade or war with depending on your preference.

This would appeal primarily to me :) but also to fans of games like stalker, fallout, X3, possibly even minecraft since you could play it in a way where you were as peaceful as possible and focused on building a habitable planet brick by brick. It'd definitely be a 'core' game and each of the main elements (exploring, surviving, building/inhabiting?, gathering/trading) would be made as complex as possible but with the option of having someone on your team take care of that duty. This way you can play to your style (FPS, Micromanager, builder) and still succeed in other areas of the game.


Galactic Civilizations II is not good, it's just GAF hyping up niche (niche as in by today's standards Sins of a Solar Empire is way better) games.

If you like the civ type games it will probably suit your tastes, otherwise nothing special.

Explains the over 90 it and all its expansions have on metacritic/gamerankings. Never heard of this game, but with that sort of critical acclaim, I'm not going to pass it up. And it's pretty recent as well.


It looks like I have $4 bucks in trade in credit at GMG (thanks to free games), so it looks like The Last Remnant will only be $5 if I decided to get it, I originally played it on the 360 and disliked it, can anyone here sell me on it? (I'm downloading the demo as we speak)
Awesome comp idea

1) Turok: Dinosaur hunter + Dead Island = Dino Island :)

2) It essentially uses the core mechanics of Dead Island (Open environments with loot and co-op focus), whilst borrowing the universally liked Dinosaur fauna. The visual style of Dead Island is perfect for Dino Island, and will range from beach-side residential areas, to lush rain forests.

3) It is set in a new universe, where Dinosaurs are being brought back to life through genetic manipulation. The compound where these Dinosaurs are being engineered goes off-line (maybe through the nefarious actions of a hacker or something?) and the animals escape. They could probably make a movie out of this ;)

4) Full co-op gameplay centred around a loot system. Dinosaurs limbs can be hacked off and this effects their mobility. Some parts of the gameworld would be too dangerous for a single player to explore (T-rex hunting range). Vehicles could also be upgraded to pass through these areas based on loot (reinforced metal, spikes etc).

5) Dino Island is for the core gamer and those who enjoy co-op experiences. The loot based weapon/armour/vehicle system keeps you coming back for more :)

Good luck everyone.

Hehe I'd love to play this, a re-envisioning of jurassic park through games. Don't forget to hide in the kitchen from the raptors!


It looks like I have $4 bucks in trade in credit at GMG (thanks to free games), so it looks like The Last Remnant will only be $5 if I decided to get it, I originally played it on the 360 and disliked it, can anyone here sell me on it? (I'm downloading the demo as we speak)
If you disliked it because of the gameplay, why would you like it on PC? If you didn't like it because of the framerate, it's a good idea.


Unconfirmed Member
I know there's been a ton of people talking about buying Krater throughout the day but has anybody actually made a sales pitch for it?


Secretly I'm already going to buy it but I have a guy on another forum asking me to sell him on the game.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
If someone's buying the Nexuiz 4 pack, I'll go in on that.

Last night I got the E.Y.E 4 pack. If you want that for the sale price, let me know.

I'm interested in starting a 4-pack for Nexuiz.

Is anyone else interested Nexuiz for $1.87?

So far, we have:

  • Dacvak
  • elektrixx



Explains the over 90 it and all its expansions have on metacritic/gamerankings. Never heard of this game, but with that sort of critical acclaim, I'm not going to pass it up. And it's pretty recent as well.

Why get something which Sins of a Solar Empire does better? It might be revered critically, but it's outdated, and there are better experiences to be had by newer games.
It looks like I have $4 bucks in trade in credit at GMG (thanks to free games), so it looks like The Last Remnant will only be $5 if I decided to get it, I originally played it on the 360 and disliked it, can anyone here sell me on it? (I'm downloading the demo as we speak)

I see the Last remnant similar to Final Fantasy 7 but not the main story, more like the sidequests. The last remnant has some really awesome optional content that remind me of the Ruby and Emerald weapon. You have to equip yourself and prepare a good strategy if you want to have any hope of defeating them. I call this 'Strategy RPG' (original I know) and I love this kind of gameplay.
I bought both Ys games, which one should I play first and should I use my 360 controller?
Go with OiF. It'll probably take you less time to get into the action than Origin. And, yes, use the 360 controller. Definitely change the buttons, though. Here's what my setup looks like for both games:



Thought so, but then I dl'd and realized my PC wasn't man enough. Looks like I'll put that game on Steam Layaway ;)

Oh damn, I didn't even think about that. Here are my specs, anyone wanna help me out?

CPU: Intel Core i5 450m (2.40GHz)
GPU: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650
I know there's been a ton of people talking about buying Krater throughout the day but has anybody actually made a sales pitch for it?


Secretly I'm already going to buy it but I have a guy on another forum asking me to sell him on the game.

Krater was so yesterday. GalCiv 2 is the game to get today.

Why get something which Sins of a Solar Empire does better? It might be revered critically, but it's outdated, and there are better experiences to be had by newer games.

Because it is a different game, with a different focus and very different pacing. You can own more than one example of the same genre.


As for the Katamari/Assassin's Creed ideas, that's possibly the funniest thing I've read, but not really feasible from a design perspective. Still, you deserve points for making me laugh.

Glad you had fun reading it :)!

Definitely not feasible at all. But I guess Suda51 and some weird russian game developer from the edge of siberia could handle such a game.

I could imagine Katamari in every genre. A katamari skateboard game, where the level sticks to the katamari and so you have to skate strategicly in order to get the most points from the level parts that are left or a soccer game where the grass sticks to the katamari and you not only have to play soccer but also have to renew the field in a weird managing game simultaniously.

Congrats to the winners! Cool ideas!


Why is this character so essential they can't die but anyone else can?

For pure gameplay purposes, he's just a way to complete the game because otherwise you can piss off all the other factions and no one will work with you. They could have handled it differently but since your character has no inherent personality and only talks in response to other people, I guess it's easier to use another character be the 'fuck you, I'm going my own way' option.
Awesome! I've been waiting for GalCiv II to drop to five bucks since it first hit Steam. Now I can say goodbye to Impulse forever.

This is a ridiculous value, so if you're on the fence you really just need to buy this game.


Boooooyeah! Been waiting for a 75% off sale on GalCiv for ages. This has been a great sale for Stardock games! Brad Wardell is allllllllright
I just bought Sins: Trinity and X3: Terran Conflict in this sale already though (among other things). I don't need Gal Civ II right now, do I?

Well, they're all huge games, but GalCiv II is pretty different from either of those games. People like to say Sins is real-time GalCiv II, but it isn't really true.
I think I'm going to pass on Gal Civ 2 for the simple reasons that 1) I have already spent a lot and 2) as shallow as it sounds, the production values look really dated. I'm spoiled by pretty X4 games.

I think. Damnit.


How does a game like Galactic Civilizations work though? By that I mean how long does a game last until it "ends", or does it end? I've never played a "civ" game so I have no clue, but I've always been intrigued. I just don't like the thought of playing for hours on end only to make a mistake and have to start over. Not sure if that's how it works but that's how I always imagined it.
Last time I post this :p

Gal civ 2 appreciation thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=457263

The story that will sell you on the game, read if you have any interest and a sense of humor: http://www.computerandvideogames.com/195920/blog/galactic-civilizations-diary-days-1-26/
I was hoping for a demo or trailer on the store page. Hard for me to understand all the excitement. I do like strategy games (mainly SRPGs), but this seems a bit too complex for me.

I, too, have never played a Civ game.


I thought Sins has very little economics, dimplomacy etc. Isn't it more combat/resource based like most RTS games?

I bought it earlier, but if this is true, then I can safely pass on Gal Civ.
What I was trying to say is that Sins of a Solar Empire is an RTS, and Galactic Civilizations II is a TBS. You can enjoy both for what they are. Of course, if you don't like turn-based games, don't get Galciv2.
Why get something which Sins of a Solar Empire does better? It might be revered critically, but it's outdated, and there are better experiences to be had by newer games.

Because it is only four dollars and ninety-nine cents, which is $6.59 less than my lunch at Chipotle cost. And if I get even an hour of "hmmm this is interesting" or "wow this is amazing" or "this isn't really my thing" then it was still only four dollars and ninety-nine cents.


Junior Member
I'm interested in starting a 4-pack for Nexuiz.

Is anyone else interested Nexuiz for $1.87?

So far, we have:

  • Dacvak
  • elektrixx

Me, I would buy it for LiquidMetal14.
Maybe I would buy also one for myself, let me check how much cash i have in my PP.
Nope, only one copy please.
How does a game like Galactic Civilizations work though? By that I mean how long does a game last until it "ends", or does it end? I've never played a "civ" game so I have no clue, but I've always been intrigued. I just don't like the thought of playing for hours on end only to make a mistake and have to start over. Not sure if that's how it works but that's how I always imagined it.

Mistakes happen. You can tailor your opponent AI to something that presents a reasonable challenge for whatever your skill level is...rest assured they'll make plenty of mistakes themselves.

You can customize the length of the games, too. The smallest, sparsest maps can be completed in a couple of hours, while the largest can provide weeks of play time. It's all up to you.

For $5 you haven't got much to lose. This is a good 4X game to try if you want to experience the genre for the first time. You might consider just starting your first game with the basic content and adding in the expansions as you get a feel for it.


Because it is only four dollars and ninety-nine cents, which is $6.59 less than my lunch at Chipotle cost. And if I get even an hour of "hmmm this is interesting" or "wow this is amazing" or "this isn't really my thing" then it was still only four dollars and ninety-nine cents.
Trinity was also at that price for a daily deal. :p


Party Pooper
as far as full games go I've bought Trine 2, QUBE, Dear Esther, and Ys Origin. I beat the first 3, now moving on to Ys Origin.

not letting this steam sale increase my backlog!
Quick question about Witcher 2. Does the enhanced edition include the director's cut stuff? And if not, is the director's cut stuff worth it?

Edit: Disregard, it's the DC for Witcher 1.
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