I should track how often you get asked this![]()
how many days are left for this sale? And did I miss civilization V or something? After galactic civilizations 2, thats all i'm really waiting for.
I want to get The Witcher, but I feel like it's not going to run well on my Core i3 2100 and Radeon HD 5670 1GB at 1440x900.
EDIT: And if not, I could get one of the Fallout games, even though I own both of them on the 360 already, it'll be nice to play it with some mods.
Or Alan Wake's American Nightmare, but I heard that it was poorly optimized.
Yeah, that too. Shame there aren't Steam achievements for this game, but meh. Does the Steam release add anything from the old Ultimate Edition? Or is it exactly the same game?You can. And I sometimes do. Also disable the terrible ascension victory that came from the last expansion. Okay it's not terrible, it just turns the game into this goofy koth that feels so strange.
So, BG&E not worth getting on account of it being a terrible port, right? But it's just so damn cheap! Damn.
Alright I'll post this again...
decipher these text for a game of your choice (within it's mentioned budget)
Dead Island for $10 bucks?
What do you reckon?
So, BG&E not worth getting on account of it being a terrible port, right? But it's just so damn cheap! Damn.
I have no idea where to start. Any tips?Alright I'll post this again...
decipher these text for a game of your choice (within it's mentioned budget)
Off to Batman soon, but I'm hoping something fantastic will become a flash sale before I depart.
Arma II would be asking for too much..
Yeah, that too. Shame there aren't Steam achievements for this game, but meh. Does the Steam release add anything from the old Ultimate Edition? Or is it exactly the same game?
Alright I'll post this again...
decipher these text for a game of your choice (within it's mentioned budget)
We should join hands and pray to the Steam God, Gaben.
I'll bring the goat!
So, BG&E not worth getting on account of it being a terrible port, right? But it's just so damn cheap! Damn.
Can we get a hint? Is it at least language from the real world?
I have no idea where to start. Any tips?
Hmm, well none of my buds have it, we're into L4D and KF so I think I'll pass.If you have friends willing to play with you, maybe. Any other situation? I'd say pass. Had a lot of promise, failed to deliver on most of it.
Yes to the First quote, and sorry for making this a little bit of a challenge, instead of just blatantly giving away free gifts, thought I make it a little fun for us.
Try it out first, it's not the trainwreck some posts would have you believe.Wait, really? I just bought it. Gah!
Yes to the First quote, and sorry for making this a little bit of a challenge, instead of just blatantly giving away free gifts, thought I make it a little fun for us.
And today should be my last purchase of the summer. Don't think I can fit in GalCiv2 since I already bought Endless Space a while back and have Sword of the Stars 1+2 from the Amazon pack.
Final tally for the summer as a whole:
Paradox Plentiful (Amazon) - $12.49
Paradox Pint-sized (Amazon) - $7.49
Defense Grid: You Monster DLC - $1.24
Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes - $3.74
Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes I am Boss DLC - $0.74
Binding of Isaac: Wrath of the Lamb - $0.74
Alan Wake Franchise - $9.99
Ys Origin - $7.99
The Witcher 2 - $15.99
Dungeon Defenders DLC - $6.45
Fortune Summoners - $4.99
Ys The Oath of Felghana - $5.09
Total: $76.94
NO MORE. I'll just vote for the remaining days...
Im feeling generous due to getting helped out with Last Remnant.
First person to quote this with their Steam ID will get me as a new Steam friend w/ a mystery benefit! *wink-wink* So its a win-win! : )
Get out of here with such heresy!I've decided to call it quits and actually be someone who plays the games he bought.
So I went ahead and bought this, I hope I wont regret it (due to all the technical issues)
Im feeling generous due to getting helped out with Last Remnant.
First person to quote this with their Steam ID will get me as a new Steam friend w/ a mystery benefit! *wink-wink* So its a win-win! : )
I'm glad you're doing it honestly. Makes for fun.
Good luck exiting the game.
NO MORE. I'll just vote for the remaining days...
Im feeling generous due to getting helped out with Last Remnant.
First person to quote this with their Steam ID will get me as a new Steam friend w/ a mystery benefit! *wink-wink* So its a win-win! : )
Should I get Witcher 1?!?!?!?
glad Alan Wake came back... got it fo 10 bones... run fucking amazing maxed out.... still got 37 left lol
Does Red Faction Guerilla have GFWL achievements?
I can run almost all of the games I've purchased at max (or near it), but Alan Wake refuses to run properly on my rig... Breaks my wallet & heart.
C'mon guys!! Where's Detective GAF at?
decipher this b##ch!