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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 2: No One I Know Voted for Nixon

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Decided to snag Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Loved the first one, can't wait to see how good this one is.

Now I'm debating if I should get Noitu Love 2 Devolution or Tobe's Vertical Adventure. Toddhunter says it's crap though, so maybe I shouldn't.
Decided to pass on Gal Civ. It sounds up my alley, especially after reading that article, but I have too much other stuff on my plate already. I wouldn't have time for it (or some other games) if I decided to sit down and play and get sucked into 10+ hour scenarios.

Maybe Winter Sale.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
The Secret Word is Mouse.

Hah. Loved it.

That was insanely fun, JCITS. Totally made me appreciate a good brain teaser.


Are there any graphics mods for New Vegas that makes the game look not so brown? The color palette is the only thing stopping me from re-buying it.
Yes. Besides general graphics filters, there's one that fills the wasteland with plants. I really like the latter. It makes the place feel more real.


Krater any fun on your own?

It's only solo right now. The co-op patch doesn't release until next month.

From the little bit I played tonight, it's my favorite game I've bought during the sale so far. It's like Torchlight with a little bit of Starcraft control mechanics (since you're in charge of three people) mixed with some old Fallout.


Fucking nice! Thanks, I've been wanting this to come to Steam forever! Hopefully it's better than Divinity 2 (although I never played the supposed "fixed" version of Divinity 2).

I had no idea what it was until folks were praising it in the last thread, so I completely glossed over it. But hearing it describe, it definitely hits all the right notes. I'll definitely be checking it out.
Yeah Dacvuk wins the prize guys, sorry for those who got really close,

since I promised to double the prize, the "hink dollar" is now "dase dollar"

So any game of your choice for $10 and under Dacvuk, I guess I have to add you as a friend on Steam? I have no idea how it woks, since I have no Steam friends and this is the first time I my greedy ass is gifting something.

Ah, should have guessed. In any case, all of his misspellings really threw me off.
Yes I apologize, Armenian isn't an easy language to spell , the alphabet has frikin 36 letters!! and half of those are the same pronunciation but a different letter.

for what it's worth HoosTrax, you figured out "Secret" way before Dacvuk did, you only had to figure out few other easier words and you could've got it.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Ah, should have guessed. In any case, all of his misspellings really threw me off.

Yeah, same here. This was the final translation, though:

If you can read this, there's a $5 gift game for you from Steam, The secret word is mouse (PM me)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Decided to snag Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Loved the first one, can't wait to see how good this one is.

Now I'm debating if I should get Noitu Love 2 Devolution or Tobe's Vertical Adventure. Toddhunter says it's crap though, so maybe I shouldn't.

It's a nice evolution of the Alan Wake formula, however it's obvious the 2GB size limit imposed on XBLA titles was very restrictive; for instance, the game's campaign is spread out over three small hub areas that you play through three times, with each visit lasting no longer than about 20-odd minutes (if that), and there's a wealth of utterly horrible textures that wouldn't look out of place in a late-90s PC game.
Boo, what is this shit, to play GalCiv you're forced to create a Stardock account?

Yeah someone told me about that.

I feel bad recommending it so hard if you have to do that. I don't remember that at all (I think it detected it off my previous installation. It found my save files too, so I think that's what happened). He said it was painless though...

But still I hate shit like that.

Game is still totally worth it.

I don't actually feel bad for recommending it so hard. Game is so worth it.


Well in any case, I had fun with the little puzzle thingy. Grats to Dacvak and thanks to Johnny for doing it.

Btw, I started up SR3 tonight, and I'm having the same issue I had with Mass Effect the first few days - the weird ass third person aiming FOV is making me queasy. I think I'll adjust soon like I did with ME...hopefully.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Decided to snag Alan Wake's American Nightmare. Loved the first one, can't wait to see how good this one is.

Now I'm debating if I should get Noitu Love 2 Devolution or Tobe's Vertical Adventure. Toddhunter says it's crap though, so maybe I shouldn't.

Noitu Love kicks ass. Get that and never look back.
I have a question. If a friend of mine buys some of the same games can he backup his files to external hdd and I restore those files to my pc ? That way it saves us both time from downloading and dealing with data caps


I have a question. If a friend of mine buys some of the same games can he backup his files to external hdd and I restore those files to my pc. That way it saves us both time from downloading and dealing with data caps
Yes. I have a friend who has FIOS at home does this for me a lot. To clarify, I don't bother with the "backup" feature, I just copy the folders over.
It's a nice evolution of the Alan Wake formula, however it's obvious the 2GB size limit imposed on XBLA titles was very restrictive; for instance, the game's campaign is spread out over three small hub areas that you play through three times, with each visit lasting no longer than about 20-odd minutes (if that), and there's a wealth of utterly horrible textures that wouldn't look out of place in a late-90s PC game.

I'm already noticing this 10 minutes in, really cool game though. I bought AW 3 days or so ago and I've already beaten it, couldn't put it down.


Yeah someone told me about that.

I feel bad recommending it so hard if you have to do that. I don't remember that at all (I think it detected it off my previous installation. It found my save files too, so I think that's what happened). He said it was painless though...

But still I hate shit like that.

Game is still totally worth it.

I don't actually feel bad for recommending it so hard. Game is so worth it.

That's the normal Stardock login from even before Impulse, the one that would have been created if you downloaded it directly from them back when that PC Gamer blog was first up. I put in the e-mail address I used years ago and it still had me registered. The only time you should need it would be the first time launching it and to set up a Metaverse name.
2 more deals in 15 minutes, set alarm clock for 9, check new flash and vote, commence day.

The cycle, I can't wait for this to be over lol.


Any of the people who figured out that the language was Armenian care to tell me how you got to it?

Majored in Classics at uni.

I was getting close, but got side-tracked by the grammar. I like to study languages in my free time so I went off and started reading on the grammar and whatnot online. Oh well, fun while it lasted;D

Congratz Dacvak and HoosTrax.
It's only solo right now. The co-op patch doesn't release until next month.

From the little bit I played tonight, it's my favorite game I've bought during the sale so far. It's like Torchlight with a little bit of Starcraft control mechanics (since you're in charge of three people) mixed with some old Fallout.

Cool! Thanks!


What should I buy, fallout 3 or fallout:new vegas? I'm new to the series and I only really want one for now.

I prefer a good story to gameplay sometimes.
So I just beat Harley Quinn's Revenge. Got me thinking(not really a spoiler, more of a comment on the DLC itself)
what was the point? It wasn't bad, just very meh. Was hoping for something a little more substantial. It added next to nothing to the story, and kind of took away what established AC as a great title, I mean it didn't even channel AA either, if it all, which I think it may have tried to do. Oh well, at least I got it cheap from the sale.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
So yeah Dacvak was nice enough to split the first prize to two 5 dollar games each and the runner up in this case is clearly HoosTrax, so HoosTrax and Dacvak win!

That was a lot of fun, Johnny. Thanks for the cool brain teaser. =)


Heart says "yes!" to GalCiv, head says "you have no time, and just look at that backlog". Wallet has chimed in to remind me that what's left for him to give is spoken for (Deus Ex: HR repeat, please).

Curse you both, Steam and GAF, for these delightful dilemmas.
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