We have a winner
The secret to my riddle lies within thread 388452. In that thread, I posted. There was a hidden message in the post asking for my favorite game. Then you would go through my post history to find the list I wrote up.
I'm confused... what's going on in here. Are we solving riddles?
I like my solution better!
I just went to thread "378452" (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=378452) and went with it.
Oh wait, I wasn't even close nm.
We have a winner
The secret to my riddle lies within thread 388452. In that thread, I posted. There was a hidden message in the post asking for my favorite game. Then you would go through my post history to find the list I wrote up.
Already said thanks in a PM to him but I'll say it out here publicly as well. Thanks! Honestly I was in it more for the riddle and less the prize. But I do like prizes!
Is there any significant loss to picking up Super SF4 on Amazon for $10 instead of on Steam? What am I missing out on, functionality-wise? (All I know is you have to use GFWL either way)
Already said thanks in a PM to him but I'll say it out here publicly as well. Thanks! Honestly I was in it more for the riddle and less the prize. But I do like prizes!
Is the Portal 2 flash price the same as the daily price the last time?
You also won the prize of not being a junior member anymore![]()
I wouldn't say it is as glitchy, but yeah you are still gonna run into a few bugs here and there, especially walking up certain mountains and edges of the map etc. but I still recommend it, if you had slight interest in FO3, and put in a quite few hours, you'll like this even more.
Seems like 300 posts.Is that a post threshold? Was wondering when that'd happen. Been a junior for a year or so?
Riddles are fun. Perhaps I'll think of something soon to give out a prize as well. I'll have to think about what to do. Good times.
Interesting show guys, enjoyed it.
woah very nicely done
That was pretty cool Crayons! Thanks for the opportunity
Grats to the winner :]
Damn, sneaky! I always overlook the obvious!
Wow. That was awesome, Crayons.
Already said thanks in a PM to him but I'll say it out here publicly as well. Thanks! Honestly I was in it more for the riddle and less the prize. But I do like prizes!
If you're like me and forget you have games when it's not on Steam, but still don't like adding shortcuts to other games to Steam, there's that.
Same. The thread number part was all I cared about. I didn't know enough of the blanks off the top of my head and didn't think figuring them out was an interesting puzzle, so if people didn't share that I probably wouldn't have bothered. The second row intrigued me, though. Then when it came down to searching post history I was disinterested again.
Seems like 300 posts.
I was wondering... is it easy to transfer games from one computer to another, without having to redownload them entirely? I'm going to buy a new laptop soon, not sure if I'm going to have to download all my library again. Can I just drag and drop the game's folder on a USB key?
Seems like 300 posts.
I was wondering... is it easy to transfer games from one computer to another, without having to redownload them entirely? I'm going to buy a new laptop soon, not sure if I'm going to have to download all my library again. Can I just drag and drop the game's folder on a USB key?
If you're like me and forget you have games when it's not on Steam, but still don't like adding shortcuts to other games to Steam, there's that.
Hmm Portal bundle is only 6.49. Is Portal 1 still worth playing?
Hmm Portal bundle is only 6.49. Is Portal 1 still worth playing?
Is Krater any good?
The Metacritic is pretty low, but I'm dying for a new RPG.
Wait, so I can tell Steam to link to an external game without actually registering it within Steam? Ooooh...
Do Achievements or anything show up via Steam for the game or does GFWL handle absolutely all of that friend-list and cheevos stuff?
Whats the price of New Vegas ultimate for Americans?
Its $12.49 here
You can install steam then pop the games in the folder and verify cache or tell steam to download the game and it should all work itself out.
Thanks!Its pretty easy. On your current steam install, go to the upper left and select steam, then back up and restore option. From there just select back up then transfer the result to your new computer and select restore in steam.
Real quick, is the Super Street Fighter 4 steam redeemable/steam active?
Absolutely. I would definitely go with the bundle for that price. They are both very good.
My computer is pretty low spec, but I'm impress this game look so good even on low settings.
On Amazon, I'm pretty sure it's just a Games for Windows Live key, but I could be wrong.
PMed this to Johnny already, but I actually have more games than I have time for already, had fun just participating. So I'm happy with Dacvak keeping the other share of the prize, or my share going to a more needy Gaffer.So yeah Dacvak was nice enough to split the first prize to two 5 dollar games each and the runner up in this case is clearly HoosTrax, so HoosTrax and Dacvak win!
Can anyone confirm if this is Steam active or not?
Can anyone confirm if this is Steam active or not?
Is Witcher 1 worth it if we have Witcher 2 (and enjoying it)?
Is Witcher 1 worth it if we have Witcher 2 (and enjoying it)?