wutMeh, I'll just pick up the PS3 version when it hits.
Where the fuck is my Dragon Knight Saga discount, aaaaaa
wutMeh, I'll just pick up the PS3 version when it hits.
Where the fuck is my Dragon Knight Saga discount, aaaaaa
Should have voted for S.P.A.Z you fools! 40% off Walking Dead? That's just like a regular daily sale on Steam on some random day. Anything less than 50% should not be bothered with!
Wow. TLR was the very last game I wanted from this sale and if it wins it will be $7.49. Too bad I only have $6.09 left in my steam wallet.![]()
k, will doEasily worth it. Play Witcher 1 first before Witcher 2.
It can be $7.49 if it wins! Come on people vote TLR!!
Is Walking Dead game an action game or adventure game? Telltale game usually means DO NOT CARE to me.
The Last Remnant yes, Demigod a crystal clear no.k, will do
Now to do some research on TLR and Demigod to see if any of the two in particular is worth voting for.
The Last Remnant yes, Demigod a crystal clear no.
Its only $5 right now. Looked good to me so I grabbed it.
You guys really need it to get under $3?
These are the same people who wouldn't buy Vampire: The Masquerade unless it dropped under $5.00.
Sales can do funny things to your head...
They'd have to redesign the game, I haven't played it since the game came out. It was one of those games that you got the beta for before it was actually out, and when you played it it was crap, and it came out and it was crapDid they ever fix Demigod or is it still broken trash?
Voted for splinter cell bc last remnant is already on sale on gmg and sc deniable ops mode is amazing.Oh wow, Last Remnant. Everyone should vote for that. I want it.
....who am I kidding. People are going to be stupid and vote in Splinter Cell
Oh wow, Last Remnant. Everyone should vote for that. I want it.
....who am I kidding. People are going to be stupid and vote in Splinter Cell
It could be the best game ever but as far as I'm concerned most typical zombie things go right in the bargin bin along with names such as "True Blood" and "Twilight"
Does Steam allow you to use the funds from your Steam wallet, as well as pay off the rest with Paypal or a credit card in the same transaction?
To buy MP3 or not to buy MP3... I have so many doubts.
To buy MP3 or not to buy MP3... I have so many doubts.
To buy MP3 or not to buy MP3... I have so many doubts.
Don't do it! It will be $10 during the winter sale, probably. $30 is an absurd amount to pay for a single game during a Steam sale. Pick up the all the awesome $5 and $10 sales and make those dollars count!
SPLINTER CELL IS AMAZING, VOTE FOR IT. People who say otherwise haven't played the extremely fun Deniable Ops mode (which you can play coop or single and has open-ended classic style splinter cell levels) and are judging the game based on the campaign. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM!
You do know it has MultiPlayer right? Damn fine multiplayer at that.
Fixing my face, i'll be right back :O
Might vote for Last Remant
Don't do it! It will be $10 during the winter sale, probably. $30 is an absurd amount to pay for a single game during a Steam sale. Pick up the all the awesome $5 and $10 sales and make those dollars count!
So you didn't play deniable ops mode.Splinter cell is awful based on what I managed to force myself through before quitting. Do not vote.
The Walking Dead is not "most typical zombie things". It's basically a visual novel in 3D, and has the best "narative gameplay" implementation I've seen yet. Episode 2 contains the most intense storytelling in games.
For someone with a KS avatar it should be right up your street.
Anyway is the Amanita Collection worth getting?