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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 2: No One I Know Voted for Nixon

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It's funny because I was wrong; it's actually 18 units by the end of the game, not 16 :p I didn't mind too much, myself.

Somewhat, yes. From the wikia:
Ah, but that doesn't apply to the stat increases and skills you acquire from fighting more difficult enemies, which is a lot more important. They give you more spoils (stats) for more effort and keep BR about par for the course.

If you consistently challenge yourself throughout the game, you should be ok for the higher level stuff. I kind of dawdled in the PC version and didn't really slam stats. By the time I got to the Ancient Ruins, normal encounters were beyond my capability. That's a rather high difficulty tier, however.

The reason this is important is because TLR is much better at sidequests than it is with story missions, so proper stat gains are important enough to mention for most players. The extreme is not necessary, however.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Come on Transformers

For over a year, I've been in permanent "fuck whoever makes the decision to never put Transformers on sale!" mode.

My rage is ENDLESS.

Just let go of that hope for seeing it. He does it to spite me, now.


Story is standard I agree, dialogue is awful. Well, Rush and Irina's lines are. David and the gang are fine.
Classic JRPG bull.
"Rush, you're in the middle of the battlefield and the world is on the brink fo destruction!"
"RUSH, big bro, I know there is so much more important things to do but let's talk about OUR LOVE for the 156196th time"

Caricaturing, but you get the drift.

Also, well, if you don't chain of course battles are easy, but you'll get fucked quickly.

Haha, I always love the completely random and ridiculous chatter in games like the Tales of series, so I can't comment on that :3
Like in 99% of jrpgs the "main characters" should be ignored, they always always have unimaginative stock nonsense. Side characters, side quests, side everything, that's where it's at.


No one has any resolve during sales. Thinking so is you lying to yourself.

I went into this sale thinking "Haha, Steam, what can you possibly offer me at this point? Haven't you seen what Amazon has been doing? You have some stiff competition, old chap. I gave Amazon all of the money I was going to give to you, so it looks like you're out of luck."

*8 days later*

I have spent nearly $50 on a Steam sale that was supposed to offer me nothing (._. )
I'm currently downloading The Walking Dead. I hope you're all satisfied, you resolve-destroying monsters (._. )
Still resisted buying the walking dead. Gonna keep trudging through this sale. Only 2 or 3 more days to go.
For over a year, I've been in permanent "fuck whoever makes the decision to never put Transformers on sale" mode.

My rage is ENDLESS.

Just think. If you'd have saved 25 cents a day for that year you would have had enough money to buy it by now. Twice.

But, I know how you feel. I have been waiting for Chaos Theory to go on sale forever when it was only $10. When I finally caved and bought it a couple days ago when I'm pretty sure it'll go on sale here tomorrow.
I really do not get these sales at all.

Deus Ex was in a flashsale the first day, then at least when I was awake, never seen again.
Therefore you saw Terrraria or Sanctum at least 3-4 times.

Now its the first time you see Last Remnant (already bought on GMG). Wonder if it wont be voted it will still show up in a Daily Sale.


I really do not get these sales at all.

Deus Ex was in a flashsale the first day, then at least when I was awake, never seen again.
Therefore you saw Terrraria or Sanctum at least 3-4 times.

Now its the first time you see Last Remnant (already bought on GMG). Wonder if it wont be voted it will still show up in a Daily Sale.

Deus Ex was also a daily (and I could be wrong but also another flash or vote)


You guys really should buy the Walking Dead. It's the most engrossed I have ever been in a video game story. The characters are amazing and it's one of the few games with decisions that aren't black or white. Plus we'll get to see Gary Whitta step up to the plate soon. Going to be tough to top episode 2.
Playing through Arkham Asylum after buying Batman Franchise on the sale when it was super cheap...Why I didn't choose this version is beyond me. It looks gorgeous! Hate the GFWL though Urgh!!!


I really do not get these sales at all.

Deus Ex was in a flashsale the first day, then at least when I was awake, never seen again.
Therefore you saw Terrraria or Sanctum at least 3-4 times.

Now its the first time you see Last Remnant (already bought on GMG). Wonder if it wont be voted it will still show up in a Daily Sale.

"Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as Lord Gaben now knows me completely."
Then again it really makes no sense that it's still so expensive. At 5$ I'd be more confident in recommending it even to people who might end up hating it :$
Busy yourselves with the Ysens until then folks! ;P
It's only expensive on Steam. The game is treated so poorly in that regard. It was $40 for so long, then after the Winter Sales last year, it went up to $50 for whatever reason. And since these sales started, it went down to $30.

Yet it's still cheaper elsewhere (GMG, GG, Amazon [boxed copies]) at $15.


Well first - that's a very easy way to lose against bosses.

Second - that's the best way to make your characters underpowered. Seek out tougher battles (when the game opens up a bit) and fight in those which you have low morale. You definitely won't be pressing one button and your characters will be stronger between battle ranks. If you don't need to heal or use any real strategy, you're fighting the wrong battles. Granted the game doesn't really imply this at any point; I think that's the one major failing kept intact in the PC version.
You've barely scratched the surface when it comes to abilities and the number of units in your party, though. I say keep going, but if you're not having fun, then, I don't really know what to say.
Thanks guys, but i don't know if i'm gonna play it again - If it takes that long to ramp up and become really good then i need a strong or at least interesting story, and TLR is weak at that too, at least at the start... I don't know, maybe someday i'll give it another chance.


Everyone buy The Walking Dead. I just finished episode 2 today and I was blown away. So many tough decisions to make and tense moments. Episode 2 is paced amazingly well too.


It's only expensive on Steam. The game is treated so poorly in that regard. It was $40 for so long, then after the Winter Sales last year, it went up to $50 for whatever reason. And since these sales started, it went down to $30.

Yet it's still cheaper elsewhere (GMG, GG, Amazon [boxed copies]) at $15.

Yeah it seems they keep the price high/upped it to get a nicer looking percentage in the sale yet keep their winnings margin.

"Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as Lord Gaben now knows me completely."

Hey now, why only post part of the prophecy that is the "Letter to the Steamicians 13":

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have a Steam Sale, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have a Steam Sale, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to Origin and give over my body to my backlog that I may boast, but do not have a Steam Sale, I gain nothing.

Gaben is patient, Gaben is kind. He does not envy, he does not boast, he is not proud. He does not dishonor others, he is not self-seeking, he is not easily angered, he keeps no record of wrongs. Gaben does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. He always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Gaben never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is Origin, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a Steam user, I put the ways of childhood behind me.

And now these three remain: Gaben, Steam and Sales. But the greatest of these is Gaben.
I don't regret my troll vote of Fable III, though! >:)

I feel like karma is going to come bite me in the ass for my troll Fable 3 vote and Dustforce is going to be a community vote and lose. ARMA II and Dustforce were the two things I said I absolutely needed from the sale and I'm so far extremely disappointed.


For over a year, I've been in permanent "fuck whoever makes the decision to never put Transformers on sale!" mode.

My rage is ENDLESS.

Just let go of that hope for seeing it. He does it to spite me, now.
2 DAYS LEFT! I need to know straight away since I have to arrange someone from the US to purchase it for me since it isnt on the Aus store
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