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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 2: No One I Know Voted for Nixon

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I would love to know what that's from. Seems familiar in that way that I know I haven't seen it but I should know what it's from anyway.

A currently running called anime Space Brothers, about a man who aspires to be an astronaut.

It has been consistently charming thus far. The characters, especially the main character, are pretty likable.


What is GAF's opinion on Zeno Clash? It's the only one out of the indie bundle that I'm interested in and don't already own.


What is GAF's opinion on Zeno Clash? It's the only one out of the indie bundle that I'm interested in and don't already own.
I've only ever heard "good" things, with the caveat being that it's weird. But after playing Rock of ages, it might just be my kind of weird. And for 2.50 I can't really complain. I just spent triple that at an airport for a beer :)


What is GAF's opinion on Zeno Clash? It's the only one out of the indie bundle that I'm interested in and don't already own.

It's definitely worth $2.99.

Can be kind of frustrating to start out with if you've played a lot of other Source games, but once you get it, it's good.

it has to come on a vote deal and win. It's already been a flash and daily I think.

Yes, but I think we're seeing a few flash sales repeat so it might not have to be a vote?
Damn it, I'm torn between Crysis and Red Orchestra 2. I already have several multiplayer FPS's, but Red Orchestra looks so tempting. Then again, Crysis has been on my need to play list for a while. I should be able to run it ok, seeing as I can run Metro 2033 on medium settings with DX9.


I've put dozens of hours into RO2, so I'd say that. It runs pretty well now that it's been heavily optimized, although I can't speak for others.
What is GAF's opinion on Zeno Clash? It's the only one out of the indie bundle that I'm interested in and don't already own.

It's got a nice first person beat'um up system. A little similar to condemned but in a totally different acid-trip inspired setting. The story was kinda interesting too, especially if you finish it and see the major reveal.

It's worth it alone for the setting and graphic style, but the gameplay is solid as well.


Just got a code for steam version of Nexuis with my new video card.
I am not really interested in the game myself, does anyone want to swap something for it.
QUBE or Krater maybe?
I hope this is ok to post this here.


Dungeon Defenders worth it? I enjoyed OMD. I would have already bought Dungeon Defenders if it didn't have all the dlc....making me think twice.


Dungeon Defenders worth it? I enjoyed OMD. I would have already bought Dungeon Defenders if it didn't have all the dlc....making me think twice.

OMD is the polar opposite of Dungeon Defenders. DD is a slow plod of a game that's absolutely boring without other people to help fill up the down time between waves. The level up interface, the equipment interface, the upgrade interface, all seem made to make you go through as many menus as possible before you actually get anywhere.

I'd avoid it, but some people seem to enjoy it for whatever reason.


So. Deus Ex:HR. Pretty good? What about this DLC? Is the Augmented Edition really just extra cash for no content?

The art book is all right, the making-of I haven't seen, the motion comic I don't have, and the Soundtrack is good but the one that comes with the Augmented edition doesn't have all the tracks (which to me is an insult). I'd go with the regular version mostly because of the incomplete OST. That, and I like to have art books and such in a physical form.

As for the DLC, The Missing Link is a must-have, the Explosive Mission Pack is so-so but I'd still get it at that price, and finally do not get the tactial enhancement pack. It gives you very strong weapons and 10,000 credits at the beginning of the game, which obviously screws up the balance of the game entirely.
Gaben will break your heart my friend.

Question, at this point, has there been a SINGLE GAME that has showed up as a daily that hsa never been a community choice or a flash sale?

I believe all the daily sales have shown up in the other two. Thus, it doesn't look good for ARMA 2 tomorrow.


They did not clarify for DD versions or Steam, just for retail copies as far as users can tell.

Man Crysis DRM is confusing. Dunno how accurate it is but:

The Big List of 3rd Party DRM on Steam

lists Crysis and Warhead as having a 50 machine activation limit. I've seen it mentioned on the Crysis forums that this could be 5 machines with 10 activations each though. Wish companies would stop being so secretive with their DRM limits.


So, in order not to quote everyone: yes, Driver san francisco is worth your money, and yes, for the campaign. Its a great, great game.


Everyone get Far Cry 2 right now. It was worth it for $60 at launch, it was worth double- and triple-dipping and it's simply a must-buy now. My GOTY 2008 and the most immersive and freeform shooter ever made. It's simply brilliant and totally unique in the way it lets you approach each mission however you want. It's also incredibly beautiful.


Everyone get Far Cry 2 right now. It was worth it for $60 at launch, it was worth double- and triple-dipping and it's simply a must-buy now. My GOTY 2008 and the most immersive and freeform shooter ever made. It's simply brilliant and totalt unique in the way it lets you approach each mission however you want. It's also incredibly beautiful.

Also the utmost lifelike and immersive first-person animations I've ever seen. They're incredible. Might seem like a small point to make, but you really have to see them.
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