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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 2: No One I Know Voted for Nixon

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Just bought the Magicka collection (figured all of that DLC is worth $5, if only for the extra level stuff), and Zeno Clash, because I've always wanted to give that a try.

Magicka bundle is the first thing I've bought for more than $3 this entire sale. :p And only because it's a bundle. Game alone is $2.50.


Everything is moe to me
I don't get the logic of some of you guys.

1. You hate that the sale has repeats, games suck, it's really a 1-week sale repeated, etc etc
2. You missed a game, so you really want it to appear again

the games you want are never the ones repeating because if they were, you'd have bought them by now.


Really want Skyrim, but I'm left wondering if it will appear again on sale. Hrmm.

And no, I haven't complained about repeating sales. In fact I think they're good for people who did miss out.

Same, but I think I might wait until it gets cheaper than $30 though. That is at least six other games I could get during this sale. Oblivion GOTY edition on the other hand.....
I'm hearing mixed things on Krater... Can I get a few immediate opinions on it? From people who recently bought it and the like.

The quicklook from Giantbomb made it look really fun.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Just woke up. What the hell, Salsa? Where's my Arma II? =|


I don't get the logic of some of you guys.

1. You hate that the sale has repeats, games suck, it's really a 1-week sale repeated, etc etc
2. You missed a game, so you really want it to appear again


I don't hate repeats, I do dislike an entire daily sale that's nearly nothing but repeats, such as today.


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
I don't get the logic of some of you guys.

1. You hate that the sale has repeats, games suck, it's really a 1-week sale repeated, etc etc
2. You missed a game, so you really want it to appear again


I don't get the logic of some of you guys.

1. You hate that the sale has repeats, games suck, it's really a 1-week sale repeated, etc etc
2. You missed a game, so you really want it to appear again


I'm just annoyed that with all of these repeats the one game I'd like to see repeated, Rayman Origins, hasn't appeared. It's not a big deal, really, as I'll probably just get it at the discount its at now if it doesn't show up again.


Surley there would be a mod that can Fix the Respawning enemies situation? ima try a quick Google, Seeing as how i already bought it,

But really its only like $2.50 So.....

Edit: A quick google search Yeilded this somewere down the page...


havent looked much past the first paragraph so far, as im kindof busy, so dont know if its any good, but it apparently also changes quite a bit of other stuff? and apparently make's it alot harder? i guess some will love some will hate... if it work's


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Can you help me obtain Super street fighter 4 AE?

I don't think it's currently on sale. Well, not a sale sale. It's just 50% off.

Anyway, if you still need help, I can assist.
Shit I missed Trinity!

If it makes you feel any better all the content in Trinity is included in Rebellion which is steamworks while trinity is not. I've got the old retail base game (with entrenchment from impulse) so I went ahead and picked up Trinity for the diplomacy dlc and so I can play with people who don't have rebellion. As far as I know people without rebellion can't play folks with rebellion. I was disappointed though considering Rebellion is an expansion. I was hoping for a $20 or less price tag. I'll just wait till Christmas sales for it.

Crap I just noticed I've already spent almost $70 and I've got another $10 worth on my wish list thats on sale till monday. I guess it was a good thing I waited on Civ5 Gods and Kings and Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion. (Both need to be at the magic $20 or less price tag IMO)


I really couldn't get into the realism mod because it made every encounter ridiculously easy. It didn't seem as though I was taking more damage, but I was nailing constant one shot kills with body shots using the silenced Makarov, which would otherwise be one of the weakest guns in the game.

I don't know if he's tweaked it since you've used it but I can end up dying pretty quickly if it's an encounter with say 3 guys in a close group.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
What's all the excitement about ARMA 2??

There's a new mod called "Day Z" that's becoming extremely popular. It's a zombie apocalypse mod with permadeath. It seems really cool.

If Salsa is wrong about Arma II he has to gift it to atleast 5 people

And I'm claiming one of them, dammit!
What's all the excitement about ARMA 2??

Anyway GAF, got Deus Ex HR and Missing Link DLC and IM DONE.

for now

It's to do with the Zombie Apocalypse mod called DayZ. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOB7YGgREFg&feature=list_other&playnext=1&list=SPCAD32DA597D9CB0C

Also, has STALKER been a flash deal yet? Now that I'm going to ignore Arma I'm thinking of getting Shadow of Chernobyl but of course I've missed the Daily Deal and have all my funds in my Steam Wallet so I'm hoping it'll reappear.


Gold Member
I put 24 hours into that game, I tried REALLY hard to like it. The game is beautiful and it can be immersive ...sometimes. Then you remember that checkpoint that you just took out 5 minutes ago has respawned and you have to kill everyone again. The enemies are also relentless and will chase you down from a mile away.

And then malaria kicks in and your weapon breaks, then you get run over by a jeep that spawned out of fucking nowhere. So immersive and unique.


Surley there would be a mod that can Fix the Respawning enemies situation? ima try a quick Google, Seeing as how i already bought it,

But really its only like $2.50 So.....

Edit: A quick google search Yeilded this somewere down the page...


havent looked much past the first paragraph so far, as im kindof busy, so dont know if its any good, but it apparently also changes quite a bit of other stuff? and apparently make's it alot harder? i guess some will love some will hate... if it work's

Just bumping this so people on the fance about farcry dont miss it, sorry i didnt take the time to lok into it any further....(Doing a semi Kitchen Reno ^^)


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
I found that lots of the time, you can just drive through them really fast. The AI isn't smart enough to stop you.
It's not the stopping, it's the vehicle damage which slows you down enough that a magic jeep or car can appear and ram you. Then you have to take them out, change cars, get it on the road, hope it's not too damaged, etc. Those amazing freeform moments are surrounded by huge bouts of tedium due to things like that, weapon degradation, and mission start locations being on the opposite side of the map from the mission itself, particularly if you aren't abusing quicksave.

Then there are the main missions where that freeform vanishes because you're still funneled into a (weirdly non-interactive) setpiece region (like the greenhouse area) and stealth is so easily broken. Or the bus stations which aren't nearly as convenient as they should be. Or the complete lack of impact your actions have on the world.

I really couldn't get into the realism mod because it made every encounter ridiculously easy. It didn't seem as though I was taking more damage, but I was nailing constant one shot kills with body shots using the silenced Makarov, which would otherwise be one of the weakest guns in the game.
People going down from one hit from any firearm is realistic.
People going down from one hit from any firearm is realistic.
I was taking more or less regular amounts of damage. All it did was make them rarely pursue when I zoomed past checkpoints (a bit convenient), but all encounters were completely dull because everyone was dropping at the slightest tap. It also makes the gun options completely redundant because of it.


No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
Help me on SSF4AE if you don't mind

Like I said before, SSF4AE isn't currently a flash or daily sale. It is 50% off, but it's been cheaper multiple times this sale, and there's a chance it'll go cheaper again. Just be sure you want to buy it right now before you do, because it's possible you could be wasting money.
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