My opinion on
R version:
buy Magicka? Yes
Buy DLC?
The Stars Are Left - Yes
Vietnam & The Other Side of the Coin - maybe
Rest - No
Base game vs the collection?
Looks for Magicka keys in the
Steam trade thread (and contact me *puppy eyes*). I recommend the base game, but the deal on the collection is very good if you want the adventure and challenge DLCs.
I really enjoy Magicka, I definitely recommend it. You can create your own spells by combining elements and use them in different ways (normal cast, area, enchant your weapon). The best aspect of the game is the co-op imo. Nothing is more fun than everyone throwing spells around and accidentally killing each other (as anyone can res, death is cheap). It is a lot more difficult and frustrating in single player, but made quite some changes that make the single player easier. Another great aspect is the world that parodies almost every fantasy/game/movie trope. I'm not sure, but I guess it's still buggy.
As for the DLC, the DLC is divided into four categories
New adventure/campaign (recommended):
The Stars are Left. This DLC adds a new 3 chapter campaign and has a Cthulhu theme. Recommended, just for the cultists in the second chapter. Also includes new survival maps with new enemies. If you play online, only the host needs to have this DLC to play it.
Challenge missions (maybe):
Vietnam and The Other Side of the Coin.
The challenge mission is almost like a single campaign chapter. However, there are no checkpoints like the survival maps. That means once everyone is dead, you have to redo the entire mission. Incredibly frustrating in SP. I really don't like the Vietnam mission, the addition of guns/ranged weapons to the game does not work. Prepare to get instakilled from off screen enemies etc. I haven't played the other challenge mission yet. I would not recommend this to a new player. If you play online, only the host needs to have this DLC to play it.
Survival/PvP maps (not recommended):
More maps for survival or PvP. The base game already contain at least three survival maps. I would not recommend it. If you play online, only the host needs to have this DLC to play it.
Customes (not recommended):
Mostly cosmetic, you can chose between different robes. Pretty useless, but fun. The base game already contains a number of different robes. Not recommended.
Base game vs the collection?
The collection contains all the current DLC and pricewise it's a very good deal (for the price of the base game + the newest DLC you get everything). But I would not recommend all the DLC to new players who aren't sure whether they will like the game/how much time they will spend on it. Of all the DLC I'd only recommend The Stars Are Left without question.
I would suggest to look at the
Steam Trading topic or ask here if people have extra keys for Magicka (with some DLC) from the Amazon Paradox bundle. You should be able to get them for cheap.
Also blatant self promotion, I have keys for the base game + Vietnam + The Stars are Left (And some more DLC) that I want to sell for the current price of the base game