Why is Risen "not Available in your region" In Aus? weird?
It's for your protection.
Why is Risen "not Available in your region" In Aus? weird?
The best Burnout game for 3, don't mind if I do.
ALSO 75% OFF!!!
Thanks, that was it.. I went there and it wasnt showing up, but I turned my controller on before entering the game. I think I just needed to turn it on before starting.
Well, after reading Feep's review of Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet I'm leaning towards picking it up. Reception on this game in general seems pretty mixed; since I'm probably going to buy it unless someone sways me the other way, does anyone here hate the game?
Yeah just noticed that -- clicking on Burnout Paradise will show a page with the NFS games on sale as well.NFS The Run and Shift are also in the flash sale.
What, you'd like em to be? Coz they aren't right now.
How's the DRM on Burnout?
What, you'd like em to be? Coz they aren't right now.
Why is Risen "not Available in your region" In Aus? weird?
Is The Run not on Steam? I can't find it.
Triple dipping Burnout Paradise, especially since I never bought the island pack.
You need an EA account for the online section of the game, I believe that's all.
You know that's probably useless, right. MW3 is in that list. It's already won LOLVOTE FOR BORDERLANDS
Oh for flaps sake I thought they got rid of the TAGES 3 machine DRM on Risen...
Was that only on the Amazon version?
Should I buy it anyway? Will the company give me more activations on request?
ALSO 75% OFF!!!
Yes, and you're free to ignore (hit cancel) at the EA account login prompts at the loading screen.You need an EA account for the online section of the game, I believe that's all.
Is The Run not on Steam? I can't find it.
You mean Paradise Island? It's not part of the Ultimate Box on PC. Or available on PC in any way, shape, or form. Which blows.
It does not, and since 2010 the PC store is closed so you can't even adquire the expansion legally.
Classy service from EA as one would expect.
Not worth it. It's a very linear bit of dlc with a boring setting and nothing new or exciting. It sucks compared to the great main campaign. The augmented edition isn't necessary but the ost is nice.is the deus ex human revolution DLC worth it? The missing link DLC specifically? $4 i think. And is the augmented edition of it pretty much pointless?
And for someone who has never played these types of games, Civilization V or IV.
You mean Paradise Island? It's not part of the Ultimate Box on PC. Or available on PC in any way, shape, or form. Which blows.
I don't believe you.Voted for MW3.
.Alright guys, how is Risen? I already like it just from that cute little orc/goblin thing in the game's screenshots.
thread moves too fast...
...how does Shift 1/2 compare to GRID?
I can't think of another game that discounted more often than Borderlands. It's on -75% discount more often than it's at full price. And I have UT3 already. I just need the Steam version of CoD4.I don't believe you.