You really have to go through some hoops to get Bloodlines up and running. And is Bulletstorm worth it for $5?
I was really disappointed when TLR lost.
I am starting to have to problem too. Never had it before. But it starts acting up last night. Today it's pretty much unplayable. I wonder why.
Does anyone really care about the sale anymore? It seems like they are just recycling games.
I was really disappointed when TLR lost.
I really hope some LEGO games go on sale.
Pick it up from GreenManGaming for $7.20 using the coupon - redeems on steam
I would if GMG didn't refuse my card for some random reason. Tried to get it with the 20% coupon and some credit i have there, but no go. That's why i was hoping for it to win.
I would if GMG didn't refuse my card for some random reason. Tried to get it with the 20% coupon and some credit i have there, but no go. That's why i was hoping for it to win.
it's rejecting both my PayPal and Card too @_@
I really hope some LEGO games go on sale.
Pick it up from GreenManGaming for $7.20 using the coupon - redeems on steam
Damn, picked up Driver but I got a really nasty stutter in it every 30 or so seconds. Not getting much help from Google about it either.Bah! Was excited to play this game again (rented on PS3).
Block Driver.exe in your firewall. It's because Uplay is getting hammered at the moment.I am starting to have to problem too. Never had it before. But it starts acting up last night. Today it's pretty much unplayable. I wonder why.
Man the Modern Warfare games really are not popular on PC.
Still haven't bought a single Steam sale game... starting to go mad.
Need something good and something that doesn't require a top of the line machine. RPGs, Shooters, something with a good story, something where I can blow up a planet, something that I would like if I liked the Hitman series, something GAF likes, fun stuff, bananas, etc...
Lego Batman is on sale for $5 at gamefly, but I'm not sure if it redeems on Steam.
Bahaha. Bats looks hilarious.Harley Quinn DLC just left me wanting all that more, so crap, New Game+ started, even though there's a ton of new stuff I should be playing
I'll drop if I stop having fun, but so far im surprised that there's changes in the opening missions that force you to use the late-game gadgets. Pretty cool.
Frank Miller reason enough
they are waaaaaaay more popular on PC than what people think, way way way
only reason it didnt win the vote is probably because everyone that wants it already has it
Still haven't bought a single Steam sale game... starting to go mad.
Need something good and something that doesn't require a top of the line machine. RPGs, Shooters, something with a good story, something where I can blow up a planet, something that I would like if I liked the Hitman series, something GAF likes, fun stuff, bananas, etc...
or that it still is expensive as fuck even with a 50% discount on Steam
Big thanks to Diggler41 again for the gift! Gaf is awesome.
And to return the love, there is a Steam key for Sword of the Stars II in this post. I got it from an Amazon pack but I'm not really interested in it.
Same price.Wasnt BL already on sale for the same price?
My thoughts exactly. Voted for Rayman.Wut
Rayman! vote for it
if only it goes for cheaper
wishlist :O
Thanks to Johnny Cage In The Shower for the gift! I wish I could draw as well as you do!
Thanks a lot! Wow, I won something in some way!
voting for warlocks or orcs must die, discount for rayman is not big enough
you're welcome, thanks for everyone for participating and playing and sorry for kind of derailing the thread while that was going on.
Votes going to Rayman?