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Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread 2: No One I Know Voted for Nixon

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I'll send a copy of Garshasp: The Monster Slayer to the first person who can name a manly game and explain why it's so manly.

You guys know you want it.

Dudebro — My Shit Is Fucked Up So I Got to Shoot/Slice You II: It's Straight-Up Dawg Time.

Do I have to explain why?

I don't really want it - just want to point out the true manly game.


Once again, thanks to Nert for his awesome generosity in gifting V+. I've heard nothing but good things about it and cannot wait to enjoy it.


I'll send a copy of Garshasp: The Monster Slayer to the first person who can name a manly game and explain why it's so manly.

You guys know you want it.


You play as a sexy chick who beats shit up and men like sexy chicks who can kill stuff (for example; the Underworld movies)


I will gift Prince of Persia 2008 to the first gaffer that comes up with a 16 bar diss rap against a moderator of your choice:

For reference this is 16 bars:

Better rhymes make for better songs, and that is not (1)
If you got a lot of what it takes just to get along (2)
Surrender now or suffer serious setbacks (3)
Got get-back, connects wet-back, get stacks (4)
Even if you gots to get jet-black, head to toe (5)
To get the dough, battle for bottles of Mo' or 'dro (6)
This fly flow take practice like Tae Bo (7)
With Billy Blanks (8)
"Oh, you're too kind!" "Really? Thanks." (9)
To the gone and lost forever like "O My Darling Clementine" (10)
He hold his heart when he tellin' rhymes (11)
When it's his time, I hope his soul go to Heaven (12)
He's nasty like the old time Old Number Seven (13)
You still taste it when you chase it with the Coca-Cola (14)
Make you wish they coulda erased it out the Motorola (15)
I told her - no credit for it back (16)

dont ban me for gods sake i love neogaf <33333 its in good fun.

I don't know how to rap and that is clear from how I write, (1)
but against these mods I really must try to sit and type (2)
Stump just sits in Steam threads, (3)
And never goes out and chops heads (4)
There's some people for whom banning would be the only way (5)
but Hitokage hangs out in pony and anime GAF all day (6)
EviLore just took a trip (7)
And on his radar there isn't a blip (8)
Of all the people out there whose posting rights he needs to clip (9)
I never see all of the other mods (10)
So I guess they're doing their jobs (11)
Nothing against the ones who do, I'm just going with the mob (12)
I hope I don't get banned for this (13)
Because I that I may have missed (14)
And honestly is a game worth it? (15)
I need to lie down for a bit. (16)


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I'll send a copy of Garshasp: The Monster Slayer to the first person who can name a manly game and explain why it's so manly.

You guys know you want it.

God of War III you're a half naked muscle man that murders mythical creatures and even the gods themselves!
I don't know how to rap and that is clear from how I write, (1)
but against these mods I really must try to sit and type (2)
Stump just sits in Steam threads, (3)
And never goes out and chops heads (4)
There's some people for whom banning would be the only way (5)
but Hitokage hangs out in pony and anime GAF all day (6)
EviLore just took a trip (7)
And on his radar there isn't a blip (8)
Of all the people out there whose posting rights he needs to clip (9)
I never see all of the other mods (10)
So I guess they're doing their jobs (11)
Nothing against the ones who do, I'm just going with the mob (12)
I hope I don't get banned for this (13)
Because I that I may have missed (14)
And honestly is a game worth it? (15)
I need to lie down for a bit. (16)

You should have won.

Actually just give me your steam id, I'll give you pop 2008 for this rap.


SotMC is actually a pretty fun game

Really? Guess I should try it out then. I completed Abenteuer auf dem Reiterhof 6: Kampf um die Ranch (Adventures at the stables - Fight for the Ranch?) a couple of years ago! I have no fear of horse games!

(though this cover haunts me in my dreams sometime)
Whoops, sorry guys! My Steam ID is set to Rambotipelto again, so anyone that wants to add me can (and Baconsaurus can add me if he still wants Torchlight).

It wasn't Rambotipelto before because I had forgotten I had changed it for a day or so to play a prank on one of my friends, hahaha.


Really? Guess I should try it out then. I completed Abenteuer auf dem Reiterhof 6: Kampf um die Ranch (Adventures at the stables - Fight for the Ranch?) a couple of years ago! I have no fear of horse games!

(though this cover haunts me in my dreams sometime)

Wow Kampf um die Ranch sounds exciting, do you get to dropkick sleeping bunnies like in Tokyo Jungle or something?

Jump through windows while people are having dinner and kick everybody in the head? I want to design a horse game now :eek:
My Steam ID is yatesmachine. I also would like more Steam friends. I've made significant progress toward my goal of owning everything on Steam, so I have to have something we can play together!
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