No. You HAVE to create a Facebook account and link it or else the game will NOT start. NFS.
Lol, will be passing on that one.
No. You HAVE to create a Facebook account and link it or else the game will NOT start. NFS.
What's that? Is there a discount for that?Just got back from outside.
No. You HAVE to create a Facebook account and link it or else the game will NOT start. NFS.
It sucks that BD isn't even in the top 20 though.
People really need to play this game.
Vote Oblivion GOTY, I need it!
Just got back from outside.
It seems, Sanctum won...
Hmm, anyone recommend it?
(I wanted Krater though)
But.... but... ...but there both $0.74.......ohwell ... lol ill get to play GO one day
Oh my god can't believe I got it right loool
Thank you Bricky!
I voted Krater too. I wonder what the % were.
Anyone knows if Dead Horde or Nation Red are as good as Alien Swarm or Dead Nation (PSN) or more like Ghostbusters: Slime of Sanctum?
Well, unless it connected to it without asking me, I just played the tutorial and the farm level... not hooked up to FB as far as I know. Saw an option where I COULD, but didnt take them up on it.
I just bought and I love it! Granted the first chapter was sort of tedious but it opens up in chapter 2. And after I modified the FOV the game plays just 100x better.
I'm really enjoying the story a lot, like .. a lot.
Hey, speaking of Alien Swarm, did Valve ever do anything with that game outside of a patch or two? I would gladly pay cash money for a proper campaign(s). That game is awesome.
I just bought and I love it! Granted the first chapter was sort of tedious but it opens up in chapter 2. And after I modified the FOV the game plays just 100x better.
I'm really enjoying the story a lot, like .. a lot.
Vote Oblivion GOTY, I need it!
It got my vote since I wasn't sure what to vote for but most people seemed to prefer Oblivion.
That's it, screw the ignorant unwashed masses. I demand 1 vote per game owned.
Also -- just pre-order Torchlight II already, you get Torchlight I free.
Seems they updated the SDK 11 days ago and on friday fixed some things.
Maybe the prepare to use Steam Workshops for this title.
I've been waiting for this the entire sale! It was the thing I wanted most.
I've been waiting for this the entire sale! It was the thing I wanted most.
Don't you people have Skyrim? Why would you want to go back?
That's it, screw the ignorant unwashed masses. I demand 1 vote per game owned.
This man knows what's up.
Would Assassin's Creed 2 be a waste of my time having already completed Brotherhood?
What's wrong with me?
Didn't got SSFIV:AE, ACII:B, Crysis 2 (Because all of them over 7) or GTAIV (I have the actual physical copy sealed and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to play older ones. I'm not a fan of this kind of sandbox games, but THAT price for all the collection is so tempting. It's like buy the GTA IV DLC and get everything for free in Steam - GTAIV retail is not steamable-).
Not that long ago I would have bought all those games and some more under 15. But now I can only think about the next sale to save 2, or even not buying a game because maybe I will not play it!
Gaf, I need your help.
Would Assassin's Creed 2 be a waste of my time having already completed Brotherhood?
There's definitely something to be said about a Plutocracy.This man knows what's up.
Can Steam AoE 3 players play with non Steam players?
Yes, according to the Microsoft community rep on the Steam forums. If you need something else answered, you can find him hanging out on SPUF.Anyone? Thread moves fast
PC -> HDMI -> 60 inch HDTV -> Eyes -> Brain -> Hands -> Wireless Xbox Controller -> PC = WINDo most of you guys feed your computer out to a bigger TV? Thinking about setting that up this weekend.
PC -> HDMI -> 60 inch HDTV -> Eyes -> Brain -> Hands -> Wireless Xbox Controller -> PC = WIN
What's that? Is there a discount for that?