Steam Summer Sales 2012 Thread: we still like you Tony

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Unconfirmed Member
Is ACR recommended? I don't think I've played any part of the series at all. I'm about to go to sleep and I need a quick answer, help!

If you haven't played any of the series, then no. Play the superior AC2 or Brotherhood instead (ideally starting with 2, since Brotherhood picks up right where 2's story left off and frequently calls back to it).

AC2 is also the same price as ACR right now and, being an older game in the franchise, probably isn't going to be singled out for a daily deal, most likely. You could wait to see if it does get a daily deal just in case if you want, though. AC2's price is for the whole sale.


Dammit. Two great games passed over in voting so people could get Assassins Creed 2 part 400.

Edit: Is F3ar 3's multiplayer solid?
Is ACR recommended? I don't think I've played any part of the series at all. I'm about to go to sleep and I need a quick answer, help!

ACII is the best starting point, even though I think ACB is the best game in the series. ACR is kind of the tacked on, annualized sequel everyone sort of expected ACB to be, but wasn't.

If you haven't played any of the series, then no. Play the superior AC2 or Brotherhood instead (ideally starting with 2, since Brotherhood picks up right where 2's story left off and frequently calls back to it).

AC2 is also the same price as ACR right now and, being an older game in the franchise, probably isn't going to be singled out for a daily deal, most likely. You could wait to see if it does get a daily deal just in case if you want, though. AC2's price is for the whole sale.

Listen to that guy, he's clearly smart and handsome.
It's a fun tower defense game with some direct control of the units. Not all that much like Battalion Wars, but I think the Cold War sequel's a little closer to that, with hero units that you control? Something like that. At $2.49 I grabbed it :)

edit: Oshit, GFWL :p Still, $2.49.

Thanks, looking at the trailer I loved what it showed but it didnt tell me anything about the gameplay.
Knowing its really Tower defense (dont usually like them) and GFWL (and it seems to have only 720p) have saved me 2,45 euros that can go to a better game.
Why isnt this on Steam?



voted for Metro. I read the book, never played the game, but idle thumbs hat a great show on metro a while ago.

also: Hard Reset is pretty good (on easy), lots of weapons and upgrading... any game with female japanese voices in the background is worth it... ;)


ACII is the best starting point, even though I think ACB is the best game in the series. ACR is kind of the tacked on, annualized sequel everyone sort of expected ACB to be, but wasn't.

Ah ok, I guess I'll skip then, at least for now. My funds are limited and my backlog is already growing at an alarming rate, curse you Gaben! Finally got HL, nearly 15 years late, but that's still something.
Hey so does anyone know why Fallout 3 is the same price as the GOTY edition? Is this a store error I should be jumping on?

Nah it's not a store error. I wouldn't be surprised if they both got a 75% discount and ended up the same price.

Also, stop intentionally jumping on pricing errors. If there is a pricing mistake the money for the difference probably has to be covered by Valve.
Is ACR recommended? I don't think I've played any part of the series at all. I'm about to go to sleep and I need a quick answer, help!

As people said above read about the desmond part in AC1 on a wiki (for the love of god dont play it, or play it to then play AC2 and be amazed of the huge improvement in all its aspects), start with the amazing AC2 and continue with the awesome ACBH, then buy ACR when is dirt cheap (like 5-9 euros/dollars) becuase the best thing it has is the end of ezio's story.


Wait for the next flash to start and then go to bed .... or wait 4 hours for two flashes .... but then the rest will be two hours out :/

This is torture, not having fun anymore.


just saw this :

Check your progress towards the Summer Sale Badge!

there's already a whole thread about it - so you can check it here:

It's 50 off sale here, so it'd be 12.50~, which is the same price I got it from Amazon (redeems on Steam) a week ago or so.

i'm thinking of getting the 2K collection - it's got 6 games which i don't have: The Darkness 2, Spec Ops: the Line, Civ 5, Mafia 2, Bioshock 2 and Duke Nukem Forever. it also has Borderlands.
all for 50$ it's very cheap

So Darkness II on Amazon will activate on Steam? (Stupid question, but what if I buy it on a mac?)
it's steamplay.

Does Remote Download/Install work for anyone else? I got home and once again the stuff I bought at work in the morning isn't downloaded at all :(

it is working for me (downloading MP3 and Space Marine)


if you haven't played metro and you have a good video card, you should vote for metro. still waiting to get something better than my 4870 to handle it well.
Is Max Payne 3's price going to get any better?

If you need help deciding, I'd say it is definitely worth the 30 bones. It hit all the right notes with me and I thought Max was an extremely likeable and badass character despite what some other critics of the game may have said.

Anyway, I own all the community vote games, but voted for Metro. Would like to see more people play that. Terrific game.


Had Toy Soldiers on my list.

I swear I'm gonna cave on Worms: Reloaded and From Dust before it's all said and done.

I think I'm gonna have a fairly lengthy buy list when this ends.


Thanks, looking at the trailer I loved what it showed but it didnt tell me anything about the gameplay.
Knowing its really Tower defense (dont usually like them) and GFWL (and it seems to have only 720p) have saved me 2,45 euros that can go to a better game.

Crap. I don't like tower defense games at all. I just thought it looked cool and has really good 3D.


if you haven't played metro and you have a good video card, you should vote for metro. still waiting to get something better than my 4870 to handle it well.

That's what I thought until I had a vidoe card good enough to play it... then I realized it wasn't worth it. Not bad technically (especially when it came out) but the actual game is a big meh...


really considering anno. Never played one of those games before though.

I'll probably wait for a console price cut for Max Payne. Especially at 30 freakin gigs or whatever.


If you need help deciding, I'd say it is definitely worth the 30 bones. It hit all the right notes with me and I thought Max was an extremely likeable and badass character despite what some other critics of the game may have said.

I concur on everything. Plus: a fantastic gameplay.
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