highlighting this just added to the OP:

<- Spreadsheet made by gaffer Drizzle, open for everyone to edit and keep track of the flash deals
It'll be destroyed in seconds! It's going to be beautiful to watch.
The jist is: The spreadsheet figures out the hour of the next daily deal. The first spreadsheed is based on US Pacific. If you change the hour on B3 to your region (for instance, the deals on Brazil started at 14:00:00 hours. The deals on US Pacific started at 10:00:00), the spreadsheet recalculates itself. The dates also get a different background color automagically.
All you have to do is add the name of the deal and the duration of the deal (on the XX:XX:XX format) to the right of the name, and it'll calculate when the next deal is coming up.
If you guys want to add new columns for price/discounts, be my guest.
I won't personally be taking care of it that much, so if it's gone, it's gone (there's a locked backup that people can use to re-create the spreadsheet if they so desire).
Be nice.
Yeah, it is hilarious, and it is also pissing me off, because they are ruining Drizzle's work.
No worries, thats not my main one, there's a locked version of it (look at the tabs below), which is not my main version either.
You guys can figure it out, if you so desire.