Orcs Must die fun? the trailer looks good...
Sooooo whats the deal with the Summer Sales Badge? I click the link and it says you have to complete tasks but doesn't specify what?
So the game is also great?
I dunno, its a good singleplayer experience? What about the gameplay? Mission based open world? Levels?
No, no, you did good. Origin at $8 is a steal. Don't even feel bad about the purchase.
Yeah, Oath first if possible. If it's not possible, don't worry about it and play as Yunica (the girl) in Origin, which would be like playing as the guy in Oath.
BD is a steam code on amazon, no need to wait.Ends today at 12 AM PST for anyone on the fence or waiting for Steam to possibly match.
Don't get dead island, it's really bad.
I liked it. It's not GOTY material but I certainly didn't think it was a terrible game by any stretch from what I played. Quite fun, and I didn't even play in co-op.Don't get dead island, it's really bad.
Vehicle based "Twin-Stick shooter", really fast-paced, shit blows up all over the place. Some kind of persistent upgrade system.So the game is also great?
I dunno, its a good singleplayer experience? What about the gameplay? Mission based open world? Levels?
Gaben really going to wait till the last day to put Arma 2 isn't he?
Best vehicular controls and physics in a top down game ever combined with amazingly pretty graphics by the creators of just cause 2. It has open levels with a few side missions on each level. A must play in my opinion (played sp).So the game is also great?
I dunno, its a good singleplayer experience? What about the gameplay? Mission based open world? Levels?
Bought a four pack of Renegade Ops, one extra copy. If anyone wants it for $1.85 paypal gift, shoot me a PM.
I bought a dota 2 key, does that not count as DLC for the badge? What kind of content is the key?
first person to quote me and type their steam name gets Frozen Synapse for free
I enjoyed it as well, played through it twice in co-op. The only downside is that the first zone is the best and they tend to get progressively worse from there.I liked it. It's not GOTY material but I certainly didn't think it was a terrible game by any stretch from what I played. Quite fun, and I didn't even play in co-op.
Yes it is, you drive around in a relatively open environment and get main missions. Sometimes side missione appear and you have prioritize to get everything done in time. Lot of action, explosions, very arcadey. A little like Desert Strike from the 90s.
Vehicle based "Twin-Stick shooter", really fast-paced, shit blows up all over the place. Some kind of persistent upgrade system.
Level-based with individual missions in each level. Looks really pretty as well, IMO. Only played single-player and really enjoyed it.
Best vehicular controls and physics in a top down game ever combined with amazingly pretty graphics by the creators of just cause 2. It has open levels with a few side missions on each level. A must play in my opinion (played sp).
I think Dead Island is a great single-player game. Played through twice on my own and never once got bored.
I just won SS4AE off steamgifts, woot
Don't fall for this bait! It's decent alone and good with friends. Nothing more.
Spend your money on something else. Nothing against said persons opinion![]()
Don't get Runespell, it's not very good. I want Magic as well but I can't justify buying it right now. :/congrats!
man, i'm itching for a new card game. Runespell looks fun but I also want Magic: The Gathering
Ys feels amazing with m/kb default set up to me.
BD is a steam code on amazon, no need to wait.
Is that Dirt: Showdown any good?
It doesn't really play like anything else. It's anno.Should I get Anno? I don't really know what it plays like.
Should I get Anno? I don't really know what it plays like.
Shitty drm. 3 machine activation.Should I get Anno? I don't really know what it plays like.
Do you like Dirt 3?
Alright, here's how it's going to work.
First person to post a good excuse why they missed the Ys Origin flash deal that reeeaaally wants the game, like play it ASAP want it and not backlog want it, wins the game.
Alright, here's how it's going to work.
First person to post a good excuse why they missed the Ys Origin flash deal that reeeaaally wants the game, like play it ASAP want it and not backlog want it, wins the game.
I kind of want Deus Ex, Invisible War, and Hitman Silent Assassin.
They' all $5.99. Not sure if I should grab them now, or wait to see if they become a daily deal.