My big wish for this sale is 75% off Gal Civ 2.
If not I'm gonna bite the bullet and pick it up for $10 at the end.
I'm doing the exact same thing.
Hear that Valve? That's at least 3 confirmed sales if you increase the Gal Civ 2 discount!
My big wish for this sale is 75% off Gal Civ 2.
If not I'm gonna bite the bullet and pick it up for $10 at the end.
I REALLY thought $150 was going to last....was so wrong
I think I blew past $150. :x
I think I blew past $150. :x
Count me in as another one with his eyes set on GalCiv II. We could be the Nad Squad.You and me both. If it comes up as a voting option and loses I'm personally going to find everybody who doesn't vote for it and punch 'em in the nads.
I'm doing the exact same thing.
Hear that Valve? That's at least 3 confirmed sales if you increase the Gal Civ 2 discount!
Prince of Persia Complete Pack says it is on a flash sale right now, $15 for 5 games!
So, for americans, how much is Civ 5:GOTY and the gods and kings expansion cost altogther?
It'll be $60 for me here in australia.
Is anyone having trouble purchasing? I have been trying to purchase two copies of Left 4 Dead 2 for the last hour but every transaction has resulted in errors and a failed log on my account. This is via PayPal and credit card. Unfortunately I'm at work as well, so I cannot wait to contact Valve before the discount ends in 3 hours. Advice would be much appreciated! I finish work in two hours, so I'll have one more hour to attempt to purchase two copies before the price goes up...![]()
Still think this one is the best
Civ 5 GOTY: $7.49
Civ 5: Korea & Wonders of the Ancient World Combo: $1.86
Civ 4 Complete Edition: $7.49
Civ 3 Complete: $1.24
Your Total: $23.08
Collection: $24.99
You Save: $1.91
Am I doing it wrong?
Is anyone having trouble purchasing? I have been trying to purchase two copies of Left 4 Dead 2 for the last hour but every transaction has resulted in errors and a failed log on my account. This is via PayPal and credit card. Unfortunately I'm at work as well, so I cannot wait to contact Valve before the discount ends in 3 hours. Advice would be much appreciated! I finish work in two hours, so I'll have one more hour to attempt to purchase two copies before the price goes up...![]()
So, for americans, how much is Civ 5:GOTY and the gods and kings expansion cost altogther?
It'll be $60 for me here in australia.
I haven't had any issues with any of my purchases. Are you buying via the mobile app or the website?
Prince of Persia Complete Pack says it is on a flash sale right now, $15 for 5 games!
Just about right, although I heard Civ3 sucks.
Uh I just bought Civ V GOTY and it isn't showing up in my library. It's appeared under my transactions but it's not in my library. Is this going to be a problem?
There needs to be a Steam Sale episode of Hoarders. After doing the math, it's going to take at least a decade to complete every game on the list at 4 hours of sleep per night.
*looks around at the sunken chests, swollen bellies, and tired eyes of Steam Sale-GAF*... and I know I'm not alone.
Prince of Persia Complete Pack says it is on a flash sale right now, $15 for 5 games!
Still think this one is the best
I'm kinda hesitant on that, if all the games in there were discounted by 75% it should be $12.50, the bundle price before discount is $10 higher than all the titles prices combined. Hoping it's an error and it goes lower. I know, $2.50, but damn that goes a long way during a steam sale.
Wait, how is PoP on flash sale?
I don't see it anywhere on front page!
I'm kinda hesitant on that, if all the games in there were discounted by 75% it should be $12.50, the bundle price before discount is $10 higher than all the titles prices combined. Hoping it's an error and it goes lower. I know, $2.50, but damn that goes a long way during a steam sale.
Seems to be an error. Wasn't supposed to show up yet. Apparently you can still buy it if interested, though.Wait, how is PoP on flash sale?
I don't see it anywhere on front page!
I'm kinda hesitant on that, if all the games in there were discounted by 75% it should be $12.50, the bundle price before discount is $10 higher than all the titles prices combined. Hoping it's an error and it goes lower. I know, $2.50, but damn that goes a long way during a steam sale.
Is KOTOR pretty outdated at this point? I remember watching a friend playing it and liking it, but I would imagine it might be hard to go back to.
I really wouldn't pull the trigger on that. The first 3 PoPs were going for $2.50 a piece last winter and I think that's about the sweet spot for them. I don't know about PoP '08 and The Forgotten Sands.
Under the "Features" section for Skyrim, the only thing it says is Single Player.
This game... does have achievements. Doesn't it? I'm going to be pretty goddamn pissed if I just spent $30 on a game with no achievements.
Under the "Features" section for Skyrim, the only thing it says is Single Player.
This game... does have achievements. Doesn't it? I'm going to be pretty goddamn pissed if I just spent $30 on a game with no achievements.