No problem Ultimadrago. Wanted to make sure I sent them to the right people. I was getting PM from a few people if I had extras.I want to publicly thank zerokoolpsx for a trustworthy transaction with Renegade Ops 4-pack.
yo so what's the consensus on Civ IV Colonization?
Yes, worth it. You can easily get dozens of hours out of it. Civ V is pretty newcomer friendly, and simplifies a lot of the game's mechanics, but still lets you make the game more complex if you want to.I also would like to hear a few opinions on Civilization 5. I'm considering the GOTY edition but I never played a Civilization game before. I don't know how that happened but there it is. Is it worth it at 12.50?
bought civ IV complete
Yes, that's what i keep saying.
It's not skyrim, its very much like gothic. If you don't know what that means, you might not like it (especially if you're expecting skyrim or something)
It's a fucking european game, it's janky and usually doesn't have a lot of polish or money backing it.
Most euro games are like this.
CDPR is very much the exception, even less so now with their service.Except Witcher 2. Lots of Polish people backing that game, if you get my drift.
If I am only getting the base game which Civ should I get? FYI I've have no previous experience with the series.
Plus, Baba Yetu.
I didn't think Colonization was anywhere near as good as Civ IV, but still a solid game for sure. It gets a bit annoying to play, though, in my experience - there's no way to automate trade routes, and by the end of the game it gets really annoying.
But that's me, I hate finicky stuff like that in my games.
If you get Civ 4, get Civ 4 Beyond the Sword. Thats the one that has everything prior except for like, some scenarios. It has all the good stuff from the previous games.
CDPR is very much the exception, even less so now with their service.
Do you have a psp? get Ys I & II Chronicles
Anything good that you can buy on steam for $1.98? besides The binding of Issac since I already have it.
If I'm getting Civ 5 - is GOTY worth the extra $5.
wikipedia said:A Game of the Year edition was released on September 27, 2011. It includes all four of the Cradle of Civilization map packs, the Explorer's map pack, as well as most of the new civilizations (Babylon, Spain, Inca, Polynesia, and Denmark), their respective scenarios, and the official digital soundtrack. However, Korea, the Korean scenario, and the new wonders of the world are not
It will really depend how much you like turn-based strategy games. I've been playing Civilization since it first came out and even with the horrendous pixelated graphics, it's about the only game that caused me and my friends to skip ROTC.
Basically, if you like strategy games, Civilization will eat all your hours. You'll start at 7 PM and the next time you look up, it'll be fucking morning.
Well worth $12.50 in my opinion. The game will eat hours up like you're going FTL. Now that they have fixed a lot of the happiness problems it's a lot of fun. Plus there are a lot of decent mods out there. I do recommend downloading the demo first if you've never played a Civ game before though.
Neither of the games are all that "realistic" or "tense" imo. If anything I'd say #2 has more tense moments though. But for the most part they're pretty fast paced arcadey games.Would you say that the original creates a more 'realistic' or tense feeling while the sequel feels more arcadey? I haven't played either but am interested in your opinion on the matter.
Witcher 2 is tempting, but I haven't even finish Witcher 1 yet... Should I buy?
I got it, I just didn't respond to it, sorryI know it was a bad pun, but I think you missed it anyway![]()
OG Colonization was much more fun than the remake. It lost a lot of it's soul in the transition, in my opinion. Still a great concept and decent mod, but it's not the game I fell in love with back in the day.I didn't think Colonization was anywhere near as good as Civ IV, but still a solid game for sure. It gets a bit annoying to play, though, in my experience - there's no way to automate trade routes, and by the end of the game it gets really annoying.
But that's me, I hate finicky stuff like that in my games.
I enjoyed Civ 5, would the Civ 4 Complete Pack be a good buy?
just btsSilly question, but Civ IV GOTY puts a bunch of different games into the Games list. Which one do I actually install and run to play the most up to date version of the game? I see Civ IV, Civ IV: Warlords and Civ IV: Beyond the Sword. Do I install them all?
Dungeons - The Dark Lord
If you buy the 4 pack. You can only gift 3 away. The gift option is grayed out. It only gives the option to purchase for yourself. Unless you already own it? Then I guess you can gift all 4 copies.Is it possible for me to host a 4 pack on l4d2 if im not getting the game myself? Like buy it and pass out all 4 copies?
Is the Last days of Portal 2 thing worth $1? I love reading about video game history and normally I'd probably go for it but I just want to make sure it's good before I plop a buck down on it.
If I pick up Civ 5 GotY, is there any other DLC packs I need to pick up that aren't in it? And if so, what?
don't quote me on this, but I think you only need beyond the sword, which was the last expansion (sans colonization, but that was different)
I have the complete pack, but only ever install and launch BTS
just bts
And Gods & Kings is still too rich for me at the price it's at. I like Civ a lot, but don't play it that much, so I'd need $15 or less to justify it.
Civilization IV is fantastic - it feels older than V but I think most would agree it's better. It also has a healthy modding community if you're interested in that. Not sure how well it works with Steam, but some mods (RevolutionDCM) completely up the ante, and I've yet to see the V community approach it.
Consensus on Fray is a giant "Fuck no" right?