PCGAF Problems. Love it.![]()
Meh, I'd wait for 50% off.Anyway, does anyone know if Quantum is any good? I watched the video and don't know what the hell is going on, besides that it's kinda like Portal, I guess.
Worth it?
Anyones else vote not going through?
That's nothing. One time, someone stole my account, and it took two weeks to get back from their abysmally slow customer service.
During that two weeks, there was a Summer sale.
Also I have Painkiller Gold edition.
What is Painkiller Black edition?
It says I own it.
I H8 Memes
This man is awesome. Thank you dude!
Anyway, does anyone know if Quantum is any good? I watched the video and don't know what the hell is going on, besides that it's kinda like Portal, I guess.
Worth it?
It's a lovely feeling discovering you already have a game![]()
Before i check out here as of right now the next set of deals occur at 10am CT in the morning. There will be 2 new flash deals and the community choice. At 12pm CT there will of course be the new daily deals plus 2 new flash sales.
Little bit behind but what the FUCK at LA Noire winning the community vote. What a piece of shit, I wanted Amnesia.
Yeah.What is the best way to buy the Civ V DLC? Is there some complete pack, or do I have to buy like 5 small bundles?
That would be fucking horrendous.Heart literally skipped a beat. Steam closed itself and after I tried to relog like 3 times it kept saying "this account doesnt exist"
jesus fucking christ im gonna die one of these days
I think that's where my problem stems from. They're the same thing, but somehow listed as different. Weird.
Also, for anyone curious, Black Edition is the one to get for sure. That's the one made by People Can Fly.
I seriously missed both Witcher games on sale? Fuckfuckfuck((
Anybody else need anything from the US store before I crash out?
There are a few of us that help out but I'm not sure how many of us are still awake.
So which Painkiller game do I buy if I only buy one?
Hoping for Tiny and Big but I think it's obvious it'll be last place.
It was $16 before.Isn't 23.99 the sale? Don't know, but price history shows that as the lowest.
So which Painkiller game do I buy if I only buy one?
Edit: already answered I see
Isn't 23.99 the sale? Don't know, but price history shows that as the lowest.
Also I have Painkiller Gold edition.
What is Painkiller Black edition?
It says I own it.
Isn't 23.99 the sale? Don't know, but price history shows that as the lowest.
Hoping Tiny & Big wins but I feel doubtful about it.
Legends of Grimmrock was already on sale.
Give another game a chance, honestly....
EDIT: Voted for Tiny Big, since some have a lame hard on for some mediocre game.
Give me a TotalBiscuit link. I can't stand Giantbomb.
Its probably due to a bunch of people already owning it because of the humble bundle.
Painkiller Black Edition is the first game and its expansion, Battle Out of Hell.
Painkiller Gold Edition is the US name of Painkiller Black Edition. The versions may differ in some small files etc. but in general they have the same content (Painkiller + Painkiller Battle out of Hell). Gold Edition was put offline - I think in 2007 - and replaced by Black Edition as this version was available in more languages (if I remember correctly). If you have both versions, you can hopefully gift one.
I'll still be on after Memes crashes out X)
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