$200 is a very generous budget. I don't think I'd plan to spend that much on games during a two-week period.
Its my typical Steam budget. Outside of Steam sales, I only bought like two games last year (Dark Souls and Rayman)..
I dont think $200 is that much given that THREE console games would be that much ($60x3 + tax). For the price of three console games I get like 20. And I'll spend the next year or so finding gems I bought and playing them.
I beat four games last month (Batman AC, Reccetear, Hamiltons Great Adventure Space Marine) and I am near the end of two more (Grimrock and Orcs must Die). And thats not counting the hours and hours Ive out into Civ V or the ton of multiplayer games of Greed Corps, Dungeon Defenders, Renegade Ops, Left 4 Dead etc).
All of those but one (Grimrock) are games i bought during Steam sales. Its my stock up time for the rest of the year.