Thinking about getting Fable 3. Thoughts?
Even $5 is too much for Fable 3.
I believe so. I doubt it'll be a flash sale, but I'm gonna wait and see.Has Ys The Oath in Felghana been 66% off this whole sale?
Damn I might have to get that.
Might bite on AoE III.. since I love the series. I would love Fable, but $12 is still a bit high..
As they should have. Though some were pretty heartbroken over missing it because they were asleep.I'm guessing most of GAF got it when it was a flash deal.
Yay!I'm almost done with my budget. But I got both Ys so I'm happy!
Thinking about getting Fable 3. Thoughts?
I don't think 10 is good enough. Hell, you got Metro there at 5 and the hole FEAR collection at 10.I have been wanting rage since it was release but was hesitant due to all the problems and complaints. I'm wondering if I should pick it up now for $10 or would the PS3 version just be better than PC?
It's not (Brotherhood DE).
I heard it's like Ys Origin and if what GAF says is true then buy it. It's fucking amazing.Close to pushing the button on this:
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
GAF, what say you?
Close to pushing the button on this:
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
GAF, what say you?
Oath in today's indie bundle?
How is Gemini? Has anyone here played it?
Has Ys The Oath in Felghana been 66% off this whole sale?
Damn I might have to get that.
I'm surprised Rage isn't $5 honestly.
Close to pushing the button on this:
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
GAF, what say you?
FEAR 1 is supposed to be pretty good right?
Do it. Great ARPG. Fast, fluid combat, great music, nice challenge. A steal at this price. You can hold me personally responsible if you don't like it.Close to pushing the button this:
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
GAF, what say you?
Close to pushing the button on this:
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
GAF, what say you?
Close to pushing the button on this:
Ys: The Oath in Felghana
GAF, what say you?
As they should have. Though some were pretty heartbroken over missing it because they were asleep.
I'm currently playing it. It's good. Mind you, I'm not even a huge point and click adventure fan. The story is what has caught me up. Like a sci fi cyber punk mystery. lol that's exactly what it is. Getting it in the bundle with Y's is a no brainer. Playing the Walking Dead has actually made me a fan of the genre. Which led to me finding Gemeni Rue, and next up, Resonance.
Yes and buy the entire collection.Should I only get FEAR 1, Gaf?
First one. Plus, it comes with the 2 expansions so there's a lot of content.If I can afford one Fear game which do I buy?
All you need?
Also how is RAGE?
Wont let me vote on the mobile app
Warning: Age of Empires 3 is almost nothing like Age of Empires 2. I absolutely adored AoE2 (probably my favorite RTS of all time) and could not get into AoE3.
BOOM! Bought Metro 2033 and KotR... two games I've never played in my entire life... that's right, I've never played KotR. SAY SOMETHING HATER.