Neo Member
Aaaand Ghost Recon won!
I think someone had the same problem, mailed the support and they unlocked his account for buying with a 'wrong' IP-address.
Ghost Recon 2 won the poll. Damn, I wanted Stronghold 3 Gold...
Ghost Recon 2 won the poll. Damn, I wanted Stronghold 3 Gold...
I knew it :| enjoy Future Soldier people.
Thanks ill try but I'll be home in a few days and steam support usually takes a day at least
But wasnt there another shmup that has been released 2 months ago?
Yes it is on sale a lot. Unfortunately GRAW 1&2 are also the only ones out of these three that I'd be confident recommending. I'm mildly interested in Future Soldier, although I need to check some reviews on it to see how badly they've CoD-ified it.GRAW 2? Are you kidding me? Doesn't Ubisoft pretty much give this away every two months or so?
How's the first Force Unleashed game? I am sorta tempted at its current price point.
Anyone able to help?
You might be thinking of the eXceed collection, which we never received on Steam because Capcom is worthless.
Stay away from Future Soldier! I bought it and I regret it. It's a terrible port.How is future solider if you want to play only single player? Is there any story to it?
Man project greenlight is going to be rampant with shitty games confirmed! Stupid steam community :/
Man project greenlight is going to be rampant with shitty games confirmed! Stupid steam community :/
Garshasp is a dollar and change. God of War 3 was a full retail title.
In every truly objective measure Garshasp is better.
I can do this all day
Waiting for that ARMA II daily deal.
25% you heard it here first.
I hear it's because of the realistic zombie mod, is it that good?Arma II is still in the top 2 or 3 for top sellers. Crazy.
Do you guys think if Orange Box will go 75% or will it stay at 50%?
I have 15 left from the 25 I added. Have bough Portal Bundle and Hard Reset.
Will probably Orange Box and one of the Stalker games.
Currently stuck at work, and unable to see the website. What are the current flash sales and their prices? And when do they expire?
25% you heard it here first.
It'll definitely go on sale, but only because virtually everything else will too and so people will be spending their money elsewhere.
I'm curious as to how much Bohemia will discount the game given it's barely dropped down Steam's top sellers list since DayZ exploded in popularity. They're clearly going to ride this wave for as long as they can, so I'm going to go ahead and guess a discount of no more than 25% (I'd like to be wrong).
what's graw 2 like on PC? Worth a playthrough? Is there any co op?
Spellforce 2 $6.80
Force Unleashed 2 $4.99
Sanctum $2.50
Darksiders $4.99
Trine 2 $3.74
Trine 2, Unleashed, and Spellforce 2 are done in about 20 minutes.
Might be a fun game, but the PC port is horrible which in turn made it about 30-40GB in size (duplicate textures/sounds/etc)
So that I understand this completely...
the games that are under the "Today's Deals" are only available today? the price will go up afterwards?
I'm new to this..dear god..
Why did you buy the Portal bundle when you are getting the Orange Box. It includes the first Portal.Do you guys think if Orange Box will go 75% or will it stay at 50%?
I have 15 left from the 25 I added. Have bough Portal Bundle and Hard Reset.
Will probably Orange Box and one of the Stalker games.
You are aware that it's a direct sequel to GRAW1 I hope (and the games are substantially different on PC and XBOX I recall). Basically GRAW1&2 are the two parts of an event that takes place in Mexico over the course of a day. So if it were an episode of 24, then GRAW1 would be the first 12 hours and GRAW2 would be the last 12 hours. I think you lose out a bit by only playing GRAW2 SP.what's graw 2 like on PC? Worth a playthrough? Is there any co op?
Hey, you know how we voted for Witcher 2 way back at the start? Did it win, and did it go on sale already?!
So that I understand this completely...
the games that are under the "Today's Deals" are only available today? the price will go up afterwards?
I'm new to this..dear god..