Sorry if this has been asked before, but what are some of the cheapest games to craft badges for? Cheapest as in buying them off the market. Curious if it's worth it just to earn some points and get a Summer Sale card back.
.The first person to quote this will receive a copy of Marlowe Briggs.
So Purple is pretty much unbeatable at this point right?
Risk of Rain has 5 cards around 10p each, CS:GO also has 5 cards for around 7-10p each.Sorry if this has been asked before, but what are some of the cheapest games to craft badges for? Cheapest as in buying them off the market. Curious if it's worth it just to earn some points and get a Summer Sale card back.
I don't really care if my team wins or not cause I know for a fact I won't be the one that gets the 3 games from my wishlist anyways, I never ever win competitions like that.
So should I pull the trigger on Witcher 2? Never played the series.
You can indeed.
Why do people add an e to Marlow?
Another shoutout to my new Steam sale Indie thread that is now updated and has 8 posts with 150 games to check out:
The first couple flashs and community choices were okay-ish.Holy shit, this thread grew overnight.
Looks like I missed a couple of flash sales and community choices. Nothing good, I hope.
At least some, but surely not all people in this thread seem to realize that this whole "competition" is completely useless and are just mentally invested in the "game" to have fun with it, rather than any sort of deluded chance they're going to win.
I just picked it up. I have always been interested and then the trailer for Witcher 3 just looks amazing. For $4 I couldn't resist. Went ahead and picked up the first for $2 as well. Hard to beat that pricing.
Holy shit, this thread grew overnight.
Looks like I missed a couple of flash sales and community choices. Nothing good, I hope.
Yeah, what community choices and flash deals occurred during the night?
I wonder where is Team Pink now![]()
We were literally just talking about this a few posts up:Which badge is the cheapest to craft? I just want 1 point to be eligible for the 3 free games
This is your best bet.
At that price it's a no-brainer.
Most GFWL games can be played with offline profiles.
The co-op one won.
But I don't think Bulletstorm can.
Can't go wrong with 5 dollars.You can either crack it or use xliveless DLL files and you will be fine.
If the shooter section wins, I'm going to pick up a copy.
If the shooter section wins, you guys better pick up Bulletstorm
If the shooter section wins, you guys better pick up Bulletstorm
I hope you all voted for the underappreciated FPS games.
I want RAGE and Bulletstorm
Which badge is the cheapest to craft? I just want 1 point to be eligible for the 3 free games
What are these badges?
It's explained in the OP.
Witcher 2 or Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon? Which one is funner?