Are you telling me... that people are willing to spend THIRTY TWO DOLLARS so they can switch to a team because they think they might win some games off their wishlist??
Is there any other reason one would switch colors??
PLEASE, someone, anyone, please tell me the chance to win a couple games is NOT why people are spending $32 to switch team colors.
I don't see how people are crafting so many badges for these points. Each card is either $10 in the store or 3 votes, how are so many people getting badges?
Just wanted to ask what the name of that mystical creature monster FPS was that got released a few years back when I found it myself. Legendary is just 0,74 right now. Worth it? http://store.steampowered.com/app/16730/
The music in Blood Dragon is bloody fantastic.
Didn't really pay attention to the event until now. Wow. Making people craft badges to win a competition is deviously brilliant. Valve making bank. I was thinking of crafting the cheapest badge for the sake of it, but geez, the prices of all cards are rising.
Where are you seeing 10 bucks for a card?
Are the points I made won't carry over to next day?
Are the points I made won't carry over to next day?
I don't see how people are crafting so many badges for these points. Each card is either $10 in the store or 3 votes, how are so many people getting badges?
Hell yes it is. I was up until 1 am playing it last night. Worth the exhaustion today.
Where are you seeing 10 bucks for a card?
Probably not. We'll find out in 40 minutes.
Where are you seeing 10 bucks for a card?
I think he means 10 bucks for a set, but really its like 3$
Where are you seeing 10 bucks for a card?
Homura Akemi on my friends list with 1,047 points for Pink Team. You did us proud.
If you spend 10 dollars in the steam store buying games, you get a summer badge card as well.
Larian, Don't Put Your Game On Sale Before Release!
Larian, I spent $40 on Original Sin because I wanted to help you out with your finances.
I haven't played the game yet, because I want to play the full, finished version, spoiler free. Seriously. THIS is how you reward me?
You put the game on sale at 20% BEFORE you've even released it? Thanks a lot for that, Larian. That's really nice of you. Makes me feel like you had my back there.
Loyalty. Doesn't mean a thing anymore.
Sooo... 20 pages overnight?
Sorry guys, not doing a quote wall for this![]()
So I went to the Original Sin community hub and saw this thread.
Do you think this guy has a point? Because, frankly, I don't. He says he wanted to give Larian money. Well, he did and now plenty more people will do it thanks for the sale. Never really understood sentiments like "our kickstarter backers paid $60, so we'll have to sell it exactly at that price".
Hearthstone packs or moar games.
It's a hard knock life.
Not the same as mr orange though.
best i could do
I notice this thread goes so quickly lol. Make take on it.
Pages moved fast by the time my Internet came back up.
So I went to the Original Sin community hub and saw this thread.
Do you think this guy has a point? Because, frankly, I don't. He says he wanted to give Larian money. Well, he did and now plenty more people will do it thanks for the sale. Never really understood sentiments like "our kickstarter backers paid $60, so we'll have to sell it exactly at that price".
I think Marlowe is a dollar.
Holy shit the trade servers aren't working ugghhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck
So I went to the Original Sin community hub and saw this thread.
Do you think this guy has a point? Because, frankly, I don't. He says he wanted to give Larian money. Well, he did and now plenty more people will do it thanks for the sale. Never really understood sentiments like "our kickstarter backers paid $60, so we'll have to sell it exactly at that price".
This isn't Summer Adventure so much as Summer Wars.
Which is a great film.
The only winning move is not to play.
Danmaku Unlimited 2, I hope?
The guy put money down very well knowing this will get discounted at some point in time. If he paid to support the dev, then he shouldn't be feeling entitlement because some people will get the game for cheaper.So I went to the Original Sin community hub and saw this thread.
Do you think this guy has a point? Because, frankly, I don't. He says he wanted to give Larian money. Well, he did and now plenty more people will do it thanks for the sale. Never really understood sentiments like "our kickstarter backers paid $60, so we'll have to sell it exactly at that price".
Why is purple team so based?
I just cleaned up my wishlist to remove games I only kinda want, or games that are super cheap, just in case I win in the prize draw :>
Do you think this guy has a point? Because, frankly, I don't. He says he wanted to give Larian money. Well, he did and now plenty more people will do it thanks for the sale. Never really understood sentiments like "our kickstarter backers paid $60, so we'll have to sell it exactly at that price".
Ok I'm confused.
Why is purple so absurdly far ahead?