PC version is pretty good. Performance is better than the xbox version and if you use an xbox controller it's great. Have put in 10 hours or so on it, having great fun.
Sorry if I'm being obtuse, but all this Steam nonsense is overwhelming...how do I level up to level 8 to get cards from voting?
Don't bother waiting for the deals to update
Woooo Gunslinger+FC3:BD combo pack is 75% off. Glad I waited on getting BD.
Yep. I make a profile, drive a few minutes, and then try to select "quick job." This is what happens.Uh, wut. It shouldn't. Made a profile?
Quick Job? Even in the demo, so long as you have made a carrier profile, it shouldn't stop you unless that's a recent update. Which is fucking stupid if that's the case since quick jobs are what you're gonna do in "carrier mode" until you get enough money for a semi and your own company.
ORION: Dino Horde any good? Did they really improve the game that much?
I... just won free money??????
ORION: Dino Horde any good? Did they really improve the game that much?
Sorry if I'm being obtuse, but all this Steam nonsense is overwhelming...how do I level up to level 8 to get cards from voting?
Sorry if I'm being obtuse, but all this Steam nonsense is overwhelming...how do I level up to level 8 to get cards from voting?
Impressive. You got very lucky. How did you get it? Crafting a badge?
Is DW8 worth $25?
Granted, I'll probably be getting Musou action in when Hyrule Warriors releases
State of Decay DLC worth it? Game worth it?
How about the Bureau?
I... just won free money??????
It is only like that for the summer sale items.Nothing on sale today for me, but man I'm loving the new marketplace. Has to be a recent change right? Wasn't like that when I sold some Doto item last week.
Crafting a summer badge.the hell is that and how did you get it?
Coupons don't work. Already tried :/
I haven't played it for a long while but IIRC, the "Lost Eternia Shards" packs are the meatier ones with multiple new maps and loot in each pack. All the other ones are like one map per DLC or costumes and such.I'm still staring at number of dlsc for Dungeon Defenders in disbelief, what are they? Worth having? I had no idea inspite of owning a game.
Isn't it level 5 to get the cards? Just make badges. You can do the community badge for some easy xp and leave certain games running to get cards to craft more badges, you'll need to buy some cards from the market too but the cards you get from the summer sale should make up for it.