I... just won free money??????
Daaaaamn son.
I... just won free money??????
Not even in a "so bad it's good" sort of way?Not at all. Game is still complete garbage, as it is the same game, renamed.
Woooo Gunslinger+FC3:BD combo pack is 75% off. Glad I waited on getting BD.
I love my blue team...
Voted Cyberpunk because cyberpunk, and also hopefully Shadowrun: Dragonfall will get discounted along with the main game.
Wait whats happening, im red. Do I have to be happy? lol
Reposting because I didn't see any replies.State of Decay DLC worth it? Game worth it?
How about the Bureau?
these are wack ass games.
the hell is that and how did you get it?
I couldn't begin to try and rationalize why some people on Steam do the things they do. I just can't wrap my head around it honestly. Some extremes are just so... extreme?Maybe I don't quite get it but how do people craft that many badges? Do they buy trading cards on the marketplace just for the miniscule chance of actually winning a game off their wishlist? D:
So has anyone played Plague Inc. or Prison Architect? and if so, between the two of them which one is better? I can't decide between them.
Reposting because I didn't see any replies.
Buy Prison Architect. Plague Inc. felt better on tablet/phone.
This steam stuff is confusing. Why are people paying money for icons?
Is Democracy 3 good?