Rosebud is the name of his childhood sled. Blindsided.
If you're counterargument is just that you should allowed to be an ass, then so be it. Maybe I'm just used to SteamGAF being relatively compromising compared to the OT.
Rosebud is the name of his childhood sled. Blindsided.
So is purple just going to win every day?
Also, does Orion: Dino Horde have a "so bad it is good" appeal or is it just bad?
Yeah. Zero was discounted too then. I just noticed when I searched for it during the flash-sale.
You are betting on someone entering the wrong price by mistake?
Fuck it, caved on Divinity Original Sin
Rage is 75% off but the DLC isn't. I wanted to buy it.
if yesterday was anything to go by I think its safe to say purple is just going to win again, too many rich people in that team.
I feel ya.Team Blue member stopping by to say that I guess we're Hufflepuff now or some shit. Sigh.
lol I threw up a Summer Sale #2 card for 1.00 and it sold in like 10 seconds. Throwing up the rest... easy cash.
if yesterday was anything to go by I think its safe to say purple is just going to win again, too many rich people in that team.
You mean valve's former economist. His tenure came to a close but I'm sure they have plenty of other ideas.valve's economist is probably having nonstop orgasms over this
At the start of the sale Purple was lagging behind. I joked it was because of me (mr. 1 trading card and 2 purchases in the last 12 months).if yesterday was anything to go by I think its safe to say purple is just going to win again, too many rich people in that team.
Is Rage really that bad?Don't do it. Flush $5 down the toilet instead.
lol man, blue ain't achieving shit. We're the New York Knicks of Steam.
lol man, blue ain't achieving shit. We're the New York Knicks of Steam.
lol I threw up a Summer Sale #2 card for 1.00 and it sold in like 10 seconds. Throwing up the rest... easy cash.
Get on with it. It's overwhelmed the culture to where references are common conversation tools.
Hate this anti-spoiler nonsense. The rest of us have to treat something like some big secret months after something has aired. Bah I say.
Ok then, Legendary seems to be a no no. The hunt for older yet good games continues!
If you're counterargument is just that you should allowed to be an ass, then so be it. Maybe I'm just used to SteamGAF being relatively compromising compared to the OT.
lol I threw up a Summer Sale #2 card for 1.00 and it sold in like 10 seconds. Throwing up the rest... easy cash.
Is Rage really that bad?
I think it varies by card # in the series, some are higher prices than others.Huh. I thought all the prices were dropping on the Sale cards.
If you're counterargument is just that you should allowed to be an ass, then so be it. Maybe I'm just used to SteamGAF being relatively compromising compared to the OT.
The best part about Zero is those foil prices. One of the foil cards apparently sold for $28.00 recently.
Should I go for Bulletstorm? It was recently removed from Steam and is now back.
lol man, blue ain't achieving shit. We're the New York Knicks of Steam.
My favourite part about the sales now that I own most of the games I want, is finding little known or forgotten games.
If you don't want to be spoiled, then fine. If you're worried about others being spoiled. Let people be worried for themselves. Don't need to nanny state it.
just let it go, jerks are gonna be jerks. -_-
Do it. Fantastic game. The combos and stuff you can do are great.
I just wonder why are they so high. Do you get some lewd profile backgrounds?
I know the anime-cards are always higher than the normal ones, but Agarest seems to stand on the top.