Red must rise!
We are almost there!
It will make not winning just worse...
Red must rise!
We are almost there!
Red must rise!
We are almost there!
smells good doesn't it?
So uh I'm an hour into Call of Juarez Gunslinger and no joke this might be my favorite gaming experience of this year
At 3.75 this is a no brainer
Honestly I know sales threads are usually pretty active but this metagame is probably contributing far more activity than usual here and in other forums. There's only so much we can talk about the same 8 hour/24 hour sales.
Yes, MumboJumbo owns SiN. SiN Gold, in all its uncensored glory, was put up on GOG earlier in the year. I asked MJ if it had any plans to release the GE on Steam (the Steam version is censored for some bizarre reason, and the expansion pack isn't available at all), but unsurprisingly I received an utterly unhelpful response.
I'm on the fence and have just one question: does it have uplay?
Do you get contribution points just by buying games? (Team Purple!)
Honestly I know sales threads are usually pretty active but this metagame is probably contributing far more activity than usual here and in other forums. There's only so much we can talk about the same 8 hour/24 hour sales.
I found State of Decay to be lots of fun, I thought it was worth it at full price.Hope you like Gunslinger, I had great fun with the game. I simply love how they decided to tell the Story, very creative.
As for myself, I'm tempted to grab State of Decay. Anyone decided to get it today? Seems a game for a decent length and the price is more than fair.
Yes, MumboJumbo owns SiN. SiN Gold, in all its uncensored glory, was put up on GOG earlier in the year. I asked MJ if it had any plans to release the GE on Steam (the Steam version is censored for some bizarre reason, and the expansion pack isn't available at all), but unsurprisingly I received an utterly unhelpful response.
It doesn't!
I'm on the fence and have just one question: does it have uplay?
KBS is more complete, and has a thriving modding communityAfter about a thousand reviews Im still not sure so hoping gaf can push me in right direction.
Can only afford 1 of the following:
Kerbal Space
Prison architect
Which one is more complete/i'll get more outta now.
I do realize they both early access and know what that entails, hence my question.
I know Prison on sale now but will hold out for KBS as im sure a similar sale on the way if thats what gaf tells me
Thank you for any help
Let these dumb fools craft badges and waste their money. I already got Marlow Briggs and One Way heroics for free by selling the summer adventure cards
I think in about 2 days it'll calm down when everyone realizes that pretty much every single one of the major crafters and high level users switched to purple on purpose
it's a feedback loop. Purple won the first day so everyone with money switches to it. There's threads organizing it. It's fun but I think Valve shit the bed by not swapping people every day.
There's a metaphor for this from Game of Thrones, but posting it would get me howled at for spoilers.
Lol they stole 5,700 points from Purple.last tick.
I'm actually stashing whatever summer card I'm getting, because I could craft a badge just for fun. Or because maybe last day people goes full frenzy and start buying summer cards at like 10$ each.
That's really strange. Are more steam games censored? I knew about Loren before, but I thought it being exception.
so, when one guy sells thousands of the same card and there no cards cheaper than his, I should assume that he sits all day and night and singlehandedly buys every one of them, and does it for several cards at once no less?
It would have been fine if the teams didn't switch at all, too. The tokens have really ruined the meta game.
I'm actually stashing whatever summer card I'm getting, because I could craft a badge just for fun. Or because maybe last day people goes full frenzy and start buying summer cards at like 10$ each.
Either the shadow or the shit on his head.Something doesn't feel quite right there. I can't pinpoint exactly what it is.
Well, to clarify, the censorship is exceedingly minor: it's just nudie calenders and the like replaced with textures befitting of an overly conservative PG-rating (again, bizarre for a violence-heavy game, but I digress). There are no significant alterations -- it's certainly no L4D2 AU vs L4D2 US situation.
It's not like gamers as a whole would actually remember being ripped-off.yeah, I don't like it. Tokens are $35 atm. Valve has taken the high road and chose "make em spend more money" instead of an actual fair competition
oh well
I mean, is this really all that shocking?yeah, I don't like it. Tokens are $35 atm. Valve has taken the high road and chose "make em spend more money" instead of an actual fair competition
oh well
Either the shadow or the shit on his head.
Tim Shaefer #teampink
I mean, is this really all that shocking?
It's a pretty par for the course sort of decision for the Steam team at this point.