Top 3 buyable games on your wishlist.
Thoughts on Borderlands 2?
i have the game already but only some of the DLC sadly....i need like 4 more to actually call mine a GOTY edition -_-
so i have to just wait for B2 summer sales for the DLC's to go down 2.49 or 3.00 or something
i loved B1 and Mordecai was probably my favorite character there and i love my handcannon and sniper builds
loved the DLC's too
how is the game compared to B1 and how are the classes?
Does Walking Dead S2 still have that terrible save glitch that plagued S1 on PC?
what do you mean with buyable? if I can put it on my wishlist, I can buy it, no?
preorder dont count?
what do you mean with buyable? if I can put it on my wishlist, I can buy it, no?
preorder dont count?
Preorders that don't have a price yet don't.
Just joined a team.. not sure how this new feature works. but I'm Team Purple
what do you mean with buyable? if I can put it on my wishlist, I can buy it, no?
preorder dont count?
You can't pre-order something that doesn't have a price.
what do you mean with buyable? if I can put it on my wishlist, I can buy it, no?
preorder dont count?
No worries.
(The retailer took the responsibility for validating you, so Valve don't care.)
A Steam wallet code? Nah, a credit or debit card? Yeah :/
No. The market cooldown period only applies if you add funds using a payment method you hadn't previously used to purchase something from the store. As it's literally impossible to purchase something using Steam Wallet codes without having them added to your Steam Wallet, said codes do not impose a cooldown period.
Edit: I apologise if my phrasing comes off as condescending. I'm just being completely clear so as to leave no room for confusion/misunderstanding.
im sure they thought about that. changing to the winner team costs $35 and a big percentage goes to Valve. they're gettin dat money.
Just working my second job of keeping GAF informed about Indies
Dont want to get fired from GAF for slacking after all.
Yeah game is amazing, it's one of the few games I'm watching like a hawk to be placed as a Daily Deal or Flash Sale.
I own the game plus season pass but I don't have the Headhunter packs which are basically 5 extra super challenging boss fights with their own unique rewards.
Then there is the Vault Hunter 2 pack which raises the level cap an additional 11 levels (maxing it out to 72)
Content wise it has much more to offer over the original Borderlands, but both games are great.
what do you mean with buyable? if I can put it on my wishlist, I can buy it, no?
preorder dont count?
Congrats, you'll have the chance to win the top 3 games on your wishlist for the next week or so...
Valve will only award wishlist items that are purchasable at the time of selection, so, yes, pre-orders count.
Preorders that don't have a price yet don't.
And yes, I voted for the under-rated shooters category based on Bulletstorm alone.
I'd be wise to re-order my wishlist then.
You still have to contribute points to be eligible for free games.
That sounds pretty good for less than four euros. You just made a sale pal, thanks.It's pretty good, I'd say pick it up if you want a wild west FPS that doesn't wear out its welcome and has a cool narration gimmick.
Purchasing games contributes right??
If so, I'm good.
Purchasing games contributes right??
If so, I'm good.
Purchasing games contributes right??
If so, I'm good.
man todays sales are really bad... :/
mah wishlist is ready
So if a team consisting of 11 members wins, and it's supposed to be 30 members of a team who wins their top 3 games, will all 11 just get their prize then?
mah wishlist is ready
mah wishlist is ready
no, it does not, only crafting badges does
Need to craft something. Buying alone wont do.
What's Singularity like? Finishing OG Shadow Warrior got me in the mood for first person shooters that feature actual level design.
So... would it be safe to buy Bulletstorm? Is GFWL really going to shut off July 1? I don't think it is, but I don't want to spend money on a game that won't work in 10 days.
This is an impossible scenario. There are thousands and thousands in each group
So if a team consisting of 11 members wins, and it's supposed to be 30 members of a team who wins their top 3 games, will all 11 just get their prize then?
And I want to help my team now. How do I craft? Buy cards until I have them all in a random game, and then craft a badge from those and that'll give me a point?
Does any badge contribute or does it have to be a summer sale badge?
singularity is great. Decent story, fun mechanics. One of those underrated gems