What blows my mind even more is the fact that people still pay for Norton.
It costs money so it must be good!
What blows my mind even more is the fact that people still pay for Norton.
Shadowrun worth it?
What blows my mind even more is the fact that people still pay for Norton.
Fuckers created a program that can give you any achievement you want at any time, spiking fun for everyone else.
I am grumpy and in pain.
Don't tell me what to do =p
Besides, I'm right.
There are insane amounts of money being thrown at the market for absolutely no gain.
Real men eat papa john's.
What blows my mind even more is the fact that people still pay for Norton.
Papa Johns is shit. Lets throw a shitload of toppings on that are rotten and then forget letting the pizza cook properly. Gotta get that thing out of the door even though its late already.Real men eat papa john's.
probably real expensive to ship a pizza from the US to the bottom of the south
Actually my #1 pick for this sale. Was so elated to see it discounted. Just waiting for the last day to pick it up, although at 75%, who knows if I should even bother waiting.Y'all should check out Chuck's Challenge: http://store.steampowered.com/app/262590
It's like Chip's Challenge only with Chuck. Who was the designer of Chip's Challenge.
The rules:
These are, literally, the hunger games. The stealer and booster tokens are some pretty scary shit.
Red vs Purple right now
They have been making those 2 real similar lately then!that's a mexicana bro
other one is just margarita
It would arrive cold as shit too.probably real expensive to ship a pizza from the US to the bottom of the south
damn with the sudden 5k point reversal.
Go Red.
You guys are making me seriously want to order some pizzas.
I already had some home made beef stew, my wife is awesome.
Man, there are going to be so many articles written about the gamification and psychology of this sale.
Jet's Pizza > *
Well, as far as chains go (the have spicy pepperoni). Local stuff is usually the way to go, natch.
they're probably spending more money on that shit than the value of the games in their wishlist.
Didn't think I would buy anything during this sale but have so far ended up with:
Marlow Biggs
Valet Assassin
Shadow Fall Returns Deluxe and DLC
All for $15.....wallet am cry
You ever watched football? Just asking.
I don't he's serious...
Thoughts on Master Reboot?
WTF all the hate for papa john's. It's good pizza brosefs. LOVE their cheesesticks.
I read a thread this morning where one of the biggest purple whales posted about his commitment to make Purples the winning team every single day.
By the time I saw his profile he had already crafted a Lvl.200 Adventure Badge. And that was just one guy; imagine how many people like him are out there in the wild currently spending hundreds in this.