WTF!?! When did Ghostbusters go back on Steam?
That's prob. the cheapest its ever been, if it does not become a daily or Flash, I strongly recommend getting it.
WTF!?! When did Ghostbusters go back on Steam?
Did you do the community vote for the next deals? (Vote for Valdis Story!)
I just bought your game. Now buy Divinity.
Damn, was too late. D:First 3 people to quote this post get the ultimate discount (i.e. free code) on our most recent game on Steam, Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4! Everybody else can make do with the regular 70% off.![]()
Insta buying that shit when I get home.
I would but I don't have a gaming PC yet. =[
Is The Witcher 2 worth buying at £2.99 in the hope that I will someday have a machine capable of playing it?
Did anyone managed to get Dark Souls through trade?
Is The Last Remnant worth $2.50? xD
Wait for the dailies?
What is this color thing?
Is The Witcher 2 worth buying at £2.99 in the hope that I will someday have a machine capable of playing it?
Is The Witcher 2 worth buying at £2.99 in the hope that I will someday have a machine capable of playing it?
I can't justify buying Divinity OS at that price when I've not played the earlier Divinity games yet.
Durante please understand.
lol, probably a good idea. I see anything I want around 5 bucks and I pounce, but I guess I could wait a bit.
Your game seems interesting enough (I always like it when phone games are clearly specifically designed for multitouch), but it really needs a manual.Oh, wow, I don't know what to say. Thank you.
It was half an in-joke from the Steam thread...
Well, if 15 other people are as generous as you, I can.
#TeamSaoirse = Team Purple
What is this color thing?
Turn based, its an amazing game, very in-depth and since it has its own editor it has the potential to become even better.How is Divinity: OS? Is it like an old-school WRPG a la Baldur's Gate or NWN?
It's a prequel, so yes you can. Open that wallet.I can't justify buying Divinity OS at that price when I've not played the earlier Divinity games yet.
Durante please understand.