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Steam Summer Sales 2014 |OT3| Sale over, new thread tonight/tomorrow

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Happy Friday!


I ran out of new gifs. I'm sorry.

Damn, how many copies of DMC4 have you given away this sale? You're doing the Lord's* work.

The Lord in this case is Uncle Dante


The worst part about Steam sales is how so many games ultimately wind up disappointing me. I was really excited to try MGS:Rising, but I guess it's just not my genre or something. I apparently suck at it, and the parry thing is completely foreign to me. I either need super human reflexes or I just don't know what I'm looking for, because I have no idea which way to block for most attacks. I don't know, it's a good looking game, it plays well, I like the action and the story, but I just can't click with the gameplay.

That fucking
dog with the chainsaw on his back
has been fucking me up for about 45 minutes and I have no idea what's happening so I'm done for a while I guess.

Just keep at it, the system is weird at first, especially if you are used to more traditional block-oriented action games.. This game wants you to constantly be attacking. You are RAIDEN aka JACK THE RIPPER, not a little snake hiding around in a cardboard box..

You need to push the control stick in the direction of an incoming attack and press the attack button at the same time, DON'T hold the direction, tap it.. if you do it too early it will be a block, but if the timing is right you will slice through them.. The direction is always towards your opponent, just as if you wanted to attack them.

It's tricky at first but I urge you to keep practicing, because once you get the hang of it the combat is sogood.gif


The fundamental flaw with your argument is that the publishers set the prices, not Valve. Now Valve makes suggestions (at least they used to, I think that's decreased a lot), and they choose the dailies, but the patterns of price drops is staying pretty much the same. Yes, we've all joked that "66% is the new 75%" but if anything this sale has shown 75% or even more to be dominant price points. Major publishers with so-called AAA titles still say 80% or more of their sales are in the first two months, and the rapid discounting of last year's titles bears that out that belief. Yes, those of us in the thread with hundreds of games may still slant towards waiting for sales, but we're not the majority.

tbh it doesn't really matter who sets the prices, as it's a global trend. And it affects games at all prices too. That's why you see small-ish games priced at $20, when years ago they would have sold for $15; it's a pre-emptively inflated price. Look at Transistor: its current sale price on Steam is almost the same as its normal price on the Humble widget. You could speculate that the higher Steam price is chosen because devs know Steam users will just wait for a sale (because no, it's not a practice that's just limited to some people in this thread).
(fake edit: oh, maybe the price difference for Transistor only exists in €.)

But I agree that this is pure speculation. I don't have hard facts, and I don't even have a definitive opinion. I just know that developers have been complaining about the long-term impact of Steam's sales, and Valve needs to appeal to developers as much as it does to customers. To be honest though the complaints have indeed been coming from smaller developers, I don't know what's going on in the AAA space – but then again that's probably a whole other layer of complexity.

Every single steam sale has seen more titles on sale for longer. It wasn't that long ago that dailies only lasted one day and that's all that was on sale (other than for the whole time period.) Yes, the contests aren't as fun as they once were, but with the addition of cards, I haven't spent actual money out of pocket on Steam in over a year, so I'll take that any day over an achievement gimmick. Steam is growing faster than ever, and even this thread has plenty of people joyously spending hundreds of dollars during their first sale.
...yes, I agree... I don't think this contradicts what I said? Sorry if I'm poorly expressing my thoughts.

ANYWAY. Anyone in the US wanna help me get Transistor?


Someone talk me out of RE6.

Its Resident Evil, what more reason do you need to NOT buy this game :D

The series (including the beloved RE4) offers a super cheesy storyline, absolutely zero atmosphere and scare aswell as a clunky game mechanic that has been poorly adapted to modern genre standards. Just don't.

I might sound cynical, but honestly, that just the way i think about RE :/
I'm really tempted, but I think I'm going to hold out a while longer. Have you played it yet?

It took me 3 hours to get GTA4 and Dark Souls working on my PC becaude of thr flipping Games for Windows Live crap.

Now that it works though, GTA4 with the texture mods looks almost Next-Gen. Its frraking amazing. I cant wait to see the GTA5 mods.



So the winners! For this giveaway!
PfantzyPantz won Transitor
Pupo won The Banner Saga
??? won ??? for his/her story (saM hasn't come up with a winner yet)
And also Vulcano's assistant won Freddi Fish and a gift card last giveaway

MGR:R & Spec Ops: The Line
Serious Sam & Mirror's Edge (and thankyou for being generous)

Dollars spent? Too Many. (hopefully you get the reference)
At this point in the sale, I'm bowing out before, and cutting my losses before I get a copy of Bad Rats.

My library:

Bad Rats Roulette: Prepare to Die Edition

Alright, you know drill. One of these is Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition and the rest are Bad Rats.

Choose wisely...

I got Bat Rats! Noooooo!

That was actually a fun way to host a giveaway, thanks FiveElementNinja. But now I'm not eligible for Mokoi's Ikaruga giveaway. Noooooo!
I'm team blue and its a long shot, but if blue win, and I get to be one of the 30 winners, I win my 3 higher games on my wishlist, does it mean only games? I have dark souls 2 season pass on spot 1. Spots 2 and 3 are games.

Since spot 1 is not a "game". Will I:

1. Win spots 1,2 and 3. Seasons passes, dlc, everything works as a "game".
2. Lose spot 1 and only win spots 2 and 3.
3. Steam will ignore spot 1, and give spots 2,3 and 4.

Does anyone know?


I'm team blue and its a long shot, but if blue win, and I get to be one of the 30 winners, I win my 3 higher games on my wishlist, does it mean only games? I have dark souls 2 season pass on spot 1. Spots 2 and 3 are games.

Since is not a "game". Will I:

1. Win spots 1,2 and 3. Seasons passes, dlc, everything works as a "game".
2. Lose spot 1 and only win spots 2 and 3.
3. Steam will ignore spot 1, and give spots 2,3 and 4.

Does anyone know?

If it has a buy button on the store then you can win it. Else the next thing in the wish list is selected.

Sub Zero

his body's cold as ice, but he's got a heart of gold
I'm team blue and its a long shot, but if blue win, and I get to be one of the 30 winners, I win my 3 higher games on my wishlist, does it mean only games? I have dark souls 2 season pass on spot 1. Spots 2 and 3 are games.

Since is not a "game". Will I:

1. Win spots 1,2 and 3. Seasons passes, dlc, everything works as a "game".
2. Lose spot 1 and only win spots 2 and 3.
3. Steam will ignore spot 1, and give spots 2,3 and 4.

Does anyone know?

You can win whatever has a store page and is purchasable , be it a game, DLC or software


You cannot expect games that were just released to have a drastic discount.
Eh, I didn't really. Was hoping for something more along the lines of 33% though, for child of light. Most of the games with drastic discounts this sale have been discounted that much during winter sale etc.. so I already have them.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
You can win whatever has a store page and is purchasable , be it a game, DLC or software

it needs to be buyable tho, so GTA5 or Alien Isolation or Evolve dont count. I think?



I really hope they make a sequel to long live the queen (well or a new game from the genre) and expand on everything they have from the first game.
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