I'm a little bummed, so far I've gotten:
Back to the Future: $12.50
Magicka + Magicka Vietnam: $5.08
Transformers x2 (gifted to a friend for co-op): $14.98
Frozen Synapse: $12.50
Magicka was okay for a while, but got old pretty fast. Transformers seems ok, but it's kind of 'jumpy' and giving me a bit of a headache (and they didn't have keys most of the day so I didn't get to enjoy playing it on my day off).
Frozen Synapse just seems too hard for me, I really suck at it and I'm not having a great time. Back to the Future is pretty cool, but I'm a bigger fan of the movie than adventure games so I don't really dig on the trial and error gameplay.
I don't know, maybe my hopes were just too high or I'm buying the wrong games, but I've been pretty let down so far. I realize a lot of that is my own personal tastes, I don't mean to hate on any of the games, just not really enjoying any of them that much. =\