Can you play it with a wired 360 pad? I don't see that info on the game's store page...Pandoracell said:Lead and Gold should buy an insta-buy for those who don't own it.
Can you play it with a wired 360 pad? I don't see that info on the game's store page...Pandoracell said:Lead and Gold should buy an insta-buy for those who don't own it.
Unable to connect to server. Server may be offline or you may not connected to the internet.-101
Unable to connect to server. Server may be offline or you may not connected to the internet.
But I'm on holiday for the last 3 days...SalsaShark said:THE ONE RULES OF STEAM SALES
If it is not a daily deal, do not buy. Wait until the last day for all sale-long purchases, because they often will go on daily deal.
The bioshock games are gonna go for cheap. MAX $5 each, quite possibly less IMO. If all you want are the bioshocks + borderlands I would just buy borderlands now if i were you. IMO.Cardigan said:Thinking about Borderlands but don't know if I want to wait for a 2K pack since I'd also like to pick up the BioShocks. Should I wait?
SpacePirate Ridley said:stuff
Nekrono said:Alright need advice on DoW2: Retribution and Recettear, are they any good, worth games?
I can't help you there. I don't usually get dizzy from games.Amneisac said:Is the FOV bad? I heard its 55 and you can't change it? I don't want to barf out my eyes. I couldn't play Singularity because of the FOV.
GuardianE said:I am admittedly new to the Steam summer sales. What's the likelihood of a game like Witcher 2 getting any kind of discount during the sale?
scitek said:Someone from Russia GAF gift me Witcher 2 and I'll gladly gift you a game of your choosing of equal value.
Nekrono said:Alright need advice on DoW2: Retribution and Recettear, are they any good, worth games?
GuardianE said:I am admittedly new to the Steam summer sales. What's the likelihood of a game like Witcher 2 getting any kind of discount during the sale?
I had problems with Borderlands coop and it was fixed by a patch awhile ago, probably before Zombie Island even came out.Anticitizen One said:did they ever fix multiplayer coop in borderlands? or do you still have to patch it up yourself
GuardianE said:I am admittedly new to the Steam summer sales. What's the likelihood of a game like Witcher 2 getting any kind of discount during the sale?
Never played BTTF (about to buy it) but Every game I've played from Telltale (All 3 Sam and Max Seasons, Strong Bad and Monkey Island Ep 1) have ALL been top notch. I'll defenitley be buying this.SpacePirate Ridley said:And I just was payed and have in hand 1000 euros.
I just payed a lot at my trip to Los Angeles, dont make me want to spend more mone
OK, opinions time!
How good are this games:
-TDU2 (I played 1 and was fun for some time, but im interested in the Ibiza setting as Im from Spain)
-Borderlands (heard the PC version was not good)
-Bit Trip Runner (I like Bit Trip Beat, but also think is very difficult)
Convince me tonotbuy this games, good sirs!
Des0lar said:lol it already is 33% off
DoctorWho said:Wat?
It's on discount right now. Right on the front page.
gdt5016 said:Today is the lowest it'll go.
Hellsing321 said:I'd say pretty good since its a daily deal right now. (In the US store at least).
I've got my eyes on TLR. I wonder if EA will participate at all, there are a couple of EA titles I'm lusting for.More Fun To Compute said:Bloodlines and The Last Remnant are in the big list of reduced games. Could be a couple of daily sales here that people have been waiting a while for.
I'd say pretty good since its a daily deal right now. (In the US store at least).GuardianE said:I am admittedly new to the Steam summer sales. What's the likelihood of a game like Witcher 2 getting any kind of discount during the sale?
Bit.Trip.Runner is a reflex platformer with a downright incredible soundtrack and very tight gameplay. At 2.50 there shouldn't be any question.SpacePirate Ridley said:Posting it again to know opinions.
OK, opinions time!
How good are this games:
-TDU2 (I played 1 and was fun for some time, but im interested in the Ibiza setting as Im from Spain)
-Borderlands (heard the PC version was not good)
-Bit Trip Runner (I like Bit Trip Beat, but also think is very difficult)
Convince me to not buy this games, good sirs!