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Steam - The Give & Get Sale (Nov 24-29 2010) - Make a Wishlist, might win 5 games!


jaundicejuice said:
I'm tempted to get Dawn of War II and it's expansion pack, but the inclusion of GFWL is off-putting. What's the experience with GFWL like?
I've honestly never had an issue with it. I just set it to log in with my Live ID automatically and launch the game from Steam like any other game... Only GFWL games I've played are BioShock 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, and a little big of Dawn of War II.


jaundicejuice said:
I'm tempted to get Dawn of War II and it's expansion pack, but the inclusion of GFWL is off-putting. What's the experience with GFWL like?

Doesn't really bother me even though I hate GFWL. As long as I can play the game, I'm good.

Gully State said:
The handful of times I've tried to play DoWII multiplayer, the matchmaking took forever to get going.

Ya, it does take a while.


SalsaShark said:
I cant fuckin stop playing audiosurf, its the perfect game to play while you wait for your other steam games to download :lol

I play Minecaft while I wait for steam games to download :D
If anyone, ideally someone in Europe fancies joining me for some K&L2 co-op or a group of you want to play some multi hit me up PM or steam (see profile) gonna play for a few hours.


I'd love to buy Burnout Paradise again as I never played any of the extra DLC stuff on the PS3 version. However, I just don't know if the game will be that fun to play using a keyboard and mouse. Without any numbers on how many people are still playing this online, who knows how much longer it'll go untill EA pulls the plug on their servers. LAN certainly would have been nice as a contingency measure.
Does Burnout:paradise support the driving force GT on PC? The more I think about it, even without having GT5, a racing wheel might be a worthy investment.
Thanks for the feedback on GFWL. I'll give DoW a shot then. At worst, if GFWL is a total cock up, I'm only out 15$. It doesn't sound like it is, I've just never heard anything overwhelming positive about the service. ghst's experiences particularly.


I'm debating getting the Indie Clever Pack. I know World of Goo and VVVVVV are good, but what about the rest of the games? Is it worth it?


jaundicejuice said:
I'm tempted to get Dawn of War II and it's expansion pack, but the inclusion of GFWL is off-putting. What's the experience with GFWL like?

Necessary evil to play such an awesome game. Dawn of War 2 and the expansion are brilliant. I wouldn't let GFWL put you off from playing the game! It works just like Xbox Live but on your PC!


I just booted DoW II: Chaos Rising and was greeted with the message, that a GFWL update has broken the ingame voice chat and you will have to turn off your headset to prevent the game from crashing...
Find it funny for some reason :D

Edit: But the game itself looks, runs and plays great so far, so don't let GFWL ruin your experience. Definitely worth the 5 $.


rohlfinator said:
How's the single player? I'd like to pick it up, but I probably won't get around to playing it until after the hype from this sale dies down, so I don't expect I'd get much of a shot at the multiplayer.

Seems ok. I only did the first 10 or so events but it was enjoyable but not great. Multiplayer was much more fun.

Visualante said:
Can't speak for anyone else but seems stupid to me to not play it not on console.
But hey people paid 3 pounds for a single player poker game... what do I know.

I enjoy my nice graphics, so most of the time I go for the 60fps, 1080p, 4x AA PC version over a 30fps 720p console version. With Blur I doubt the online community is much bigger on either console at this point. The Problem with making these multiplayer focused games is after they lose the "flavor the month" appeal, is that the communities disperse and that part of the game becomes fairly worthless. That's why it's good to have strong SP to go along with it.


Bebpo said:
Seems ok. I only did the first 10 or so events but it was enjoyable but not great. Multiplayer was much more fun.

Co op is definitely the way to go. Splitting the squads up in two helps the tactical game play while maintaining a decent pace.


Mrbob said:
Co op is definitely the way to go. Splitting the squads up in two helps the tactical game play while maintaining a decent pace.

Why do I get the feeling we're talking about different games ;)


Hylian7 said:
I'm debating getting the Indie Clever Pack. I know World of Goo and VVVVVV are good, but what about the rest of the games? Is it worth it?

World of Goo + VVVVVV is already a steal.

Eufloria is a very nice and relaxing game, i personally liked what i played in the past, but i never owned it until now.

I have no idea about Iron Grip but the concept seems original and it has a pretty big scope and ambition for an indie title, that alone made me want to check it out, even if the presentation looks very generic.

And Dock Clock i just needed to see the trailer to get a feel of the game, seems like the typical (or at least becoming typical) quirky indie platformer with an innovative mechanic thrown in there. Should be good.

Id say this pack is the second best one after the Story one, so if i were you id definetly pick it up.
Maccas said:
I've bought every indie pack and Alpha Protocol. Those indie packs are great. The server load is so depressing though.

At xmas it took me three weeks to download anything and the same thing is happening now. I can't even activate my retail copy of Civ5 because the servers are too busy. I wish steam would make some allowances for the popularity of their sales.
Yup I probably spent over 150 dollars on games last christmas and it took me a few weeks to be able to download them too lol. I hope that happens again this year. That sale last year was INSANE.
Mrbob said:
Necessary evil to play such an awesome game. Dawn of War 2 and the expansion are brilliant. I wouldn't let GFWL put you off from playing the game! It works just like Xbox Live but on your PC!

Sounds dreadful.
jaundicejuice said:
I'm tempted to get Dawn of War II and it's expansion pack, but the inclusion of GFWL is off-putting. What's the experience with GFWL like?

Its a total piece of shit. But you should try not to let that discourage you from playing a game.
Bebpo said:
Seems ok. I only did the first 10 or so events but it was enjoyable but not great. Multiplayer was much more fun.

I enjoy my nice graphics, so most of the time I go for the 60fps, 1080p, 4x AA PC version over a 30fps 720p console version. With Blur I doubt the online community is much bigger on either console at this point. The Problem with making these multiplayer focused games is after they lose the "flavor the month" appeal, is that the communities disperse and that part of the game becomes fairly worthless. That's why it's good to have strong SP to go along with it.
In the UK at least I expect it to be a lot stronger, because they slashed the price of Blur on 360 heavily in supermarkets. Plus I think the arcade racing audience on 360 is somewhat bigger than the PC. It probably won't last forever but some games on Steam I've bought in sales the community has evaporated after 2 days, it's not some XBLA title, with trade ins and the cheap boxes out there I think this game will hold a small crowd.
Even if you don't venture online, the campaign for DOWII and expansion are pretty addictive. If you have a buddy that has both games, you can also co-op the campaign which is really awesome.
BobsRevenge said:
How much content does Blur have? I imagine the multiplayer is basically dead, or will only be temporarily revived, so is the single player meaty at all?

The PC version retains split screen support iirc, so you might still get some good use out of the multiplayer.

Visualante said:
The game is all about multiplayer. The fact that it has no voice makes it a no go for me having played the beta at length. The fun of the game is using weapons on someone and laughing your way to victory. Can't speak for anyone else but seems stupid to me to not play it not on console.
But hey people paid 3 pounds for a single player poker game... what do I know.

The console version is 30fps in a genre where 60fps gameplay is essential. Pretty obvious reason to pass it up.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I have played a decent amount of splitscreen blur with my two younger brothers and I can confirm that it is fucking boss. The game looks great and runs great too. Makes me happy that I have two 360 pads just for my PC and a 42in TV for my room as a monitor.
brain_stew said:
The console version is 30fps in a genre where 60fps gameplay is essential. Pretty obvious reason to pass it up.
I had a blast, did you even play it? I play tons of racers and don't regard 60 fps as essential for fun times. Whatever this is a PC thread, and most people will buy it and never install it anyway so they don't need actual advice from console users.
Stallion Free said:
I have played a decent amount of splitscreen blur with my two younger brothers and I can confirm that it is fucking boss. The game looks great and runs great too. Makes me happy that I have two 360 pads just for my PC and a 42in TV for my room as a monitor.

I wish more developers would stop yanking the splitscreen mode from their PC release. :/

At least we got a couple good arcade racers on the PC this year which both support full 4 player splitscreen (SEGA Racing + Blur).

Visualante said:
I had a blast, did you even play it? I play tons of racers and don't regard 60 fps as essential for fun times. Whatever this is a PC thread, and most people will buy it and never install it anyway so they don't need actual advice from console users.

I've played enough arcade racers to know what a huge difference a 60fps framerate makes to the gameplay, nothing's going to chance that and if there's a 60fps version available for cheaper, well its a no brainer for me.

Is the Xbox community even still in a healthy state?


Buttonbasher said:
Wasn't Burnout Paradise 3.50 during the summer sale?

I would of bought it at 3.50. It was 7.50. Not touching this at 14.99. Not interested in party mode and it's missing content that the consoles have.
brain_stew said:
I've played enough arcade racers to know what a huge difference a 60fps framerate makes to the gameplay, nothing's going to chance that and if there's a 60fps version available for cheaper, well its a no brainer for me.
I've seen plenty of deals on Blur for less than 15. I wouldn't be arguing my point if it was still 30 or even 20.
Rather than subject myself to Games For Windows Live I took the fifteen dollars I would have spent on Gawn of War II and Chaos Rising, bought the Portal gift pack and gave away six copies to friends.

I also purchased Machinarium for myself which helped me keep to my only-buy-a-game-if-it's-5$ rule for Steam sales.
How is there anyone that doesn't have Portal? It comes in the greatest game package ever for cheap, and then later they gave away the damn game for free.

But even worse are the people that haven't even finished it. It's a 3 hour game, and that's if you're slow. It's a fucking fantastic game with a great twist and unexpectedly strong story.


Axel Hertz
Weird, call of duty black ops showed on my "deals" page on refresh right now (and i forgot to take a screenshot), but it had no discounts.

Seeing Burnout Paradise on sale finally made me go out and buy Bid Surf Island for the 360 version. I had the refunded 800 MP from the deal they had a month or two ago so I only had to pay an extra 200 MP for it.
I would love it for the PC but the lack of the extra content is a deal breaker.

P.S. 1000 MP for Big surf Island? What a weird price. I got that and the Trials HD DLC so now I have 360 MP left. FML
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
How is there anyone that doesn't have Portal? It comes in the greatest game package ever for cheap, and then later they gave away the damn game for free.

Well . . . let's see.

Who out there does not have Portal but wants a free copy? Respond to this post.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
How is there anyone that doesn't have Portal? It comes in the greatest game package ever for cheap, and then later they gave away the damn game for free.

But even worse are the people that haven't even finished it. It's a 3 hour game, and that's if you're slow. It's a fucking fantastic game with a great twist and unexpectedly strong story.

Same with TF2. For 50 dollars, I could have bought TF2 probably 8 times over now with how often that game is on sale for dirt cheap.


SalsaShark said:
Also i should say this beforehand: buy whatever pack has Shatter on it, its practically a GOTY for me.

Yeah shatter is awesome, i really need to complete a full story mode run. I have like the 4-5th highest score on the first level in the rankings but not so much on any of the others. Dont think Ive gotten passed the 5th level because I want to finish the game without continuing so I can have a good total story mode score.


SalsaShark said:
Also i should say this beforehand: buy whatever pack has Shatter on it, its practically a GOTY for me.

was this confirmed to be in one of the forthcoming packs? i saw one had Polynomial, so jumping on that one, can't find where LovingSteam left the other leaked stuff.
IrishNinja said:
was this confirmed to be in one of the forthcoming packs?

It's in one of the leaked packs, yes.

Shatter is fucking awesome* with a fantastic twist execution of the breakout concept and an insanely great soundtrack, so everyone should absolutely buy whatever pack is going to have it and like four other awesome games for probably $5.

*World of Goo is fucking awesome too and for similar reasons (great execution of simplistic gameplay concept plus awesome music) so everyone should absolutely buy today's indie bundle too.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Eufloria is fucking beautiful.


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