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Steel Diver: Sub Wars (F2P) may have the makings of a Nintendo multiplayer classic


Also, dat GAF consensus:

This really is one of the best MP games I've played in a long time. Everything is very skill based, and the concept is just so unique.

Thankfully the F2P aspect doesn't feel very F2P, or at least how most of us have become accustomed to the term. Seems more like an unlimited demo. It's pretty ingenious on Nintendo's part as well, they probably knew that nobody would go for an underwater FPS so by making it free it encourages more people to check it out while also ensuring a big player base for those who were interested from the start.

The game is ridiculously fun. I wonder how it would fare if it would have released on iOS and Android platforms.

It's great! My only gripe so far is not being able to team up with your friends online.

The team deathmatch we have now is already pretty exhilarating. So much emphasis on great manouevring.

It is brilliant fun.

The online is superb, the replays of deaths and spectators modes are welcome.

Morse code chat is educational and fun, and the general atmosphere is spot on.

It's a very, very good game that I hope Nintendo expands on.

Coming from Mechwarrior, the controls were pretty easy to adjust though. Really surprisingly fun experience for something I downloaded on a whim, and a perfect title to pick up and play a match or two in short time intervals.

This game kicks ass. I hope the online multi doesn't die off in a matter of days.

The additional exp you get from win streaks encourages you to play more but then the game is like "please take a break" >_<

It's a fun game though, completely different to anything I've played before, I'm surprised the entire multiplayer is free.

I hope we get a Wii U up port.

Game is indeed fun.

Been loving this game so far. I'm glad to see it's gotten such good reception. I'm gonna repeat what I wrote in the OT about a possible game mode in a possible Wii U version, because I think it's cool. : P

Anybody who is on the fence should try it out. Won't cost you a thing (until it hooks you of course ; )

I've played it, and it's pretty good. It makes a lot more sense when you play the tutorial as opposed to blindly figuring out the controls during online play.

It's been great so far. I don't know how long I'll stick with it but it's genuinely interesting thus far

This game is a masterpiece. Something I never knew I wanted. Its brilliant!!!

Bought A Link Between Worlds this Tuesday and played it for like 2 hours since then. In two days I've put 7 hours into the free version of Sub Wars and haven't touched ALBW again.

Steel Diver: Sub Wars is deeply addictive.

My favorite release of 2014 so far.

Great thread for a great game.

Seriously, loving the hell out of this.

I play a lot of Quake Live, and this, to me, is the 3DS's Quake Live. So close to buying the expanded game.

This game is so surprisingly good I can't put it down. I just LOVE the slow, methodical pace it has. Makes it much more strategic and tense. I hope to god no exploits or anything ever surface because the online community for this is great and really fun so far.

Well, I'm certainly surprised by this game. Firstly, the very idea of a Nintendo free to play game is surprising but I like it. I'd really want to see more of this and I prefer this f2p model than the micronsactions hell many other f2p games is. So, the game is all about strategy. You can make your sub better and stronger but without teamwork you can't win. It's slow paced and most of the times it's really hard to evade a battle if an enemy finds you. I like that though.

This game is really cool. Love the concept of a "contemplative" FPS, as Iwata described it. I feel like the game's only weaknesses are related to presentation, which I think have the potential to be much more atmospheric. Like a video game version of Das Boot. I'm imagining a version on the Wii U with the same kind of visual style as Zombi U.

pretty good game, I've been playing it all day at work. A wii U version of this with more players, levels, content, and upped graphics would make my day.

It's good. Really fucking good. Like, the concept of submarines bores me to tears, but this is really fun.

I love this game. Just got out of a game where everyone moved like a proper pack. I love when that happens.

Downloaded this game yesterday. Played the 2 free missions and a few online matches. This game is a total blast. The combat and movement take a little bit to get the hang of, but it's a quick process. By my second match I was able be a real threat in the water. I'm pretty sure I'll be picking up the premium version in the next day or two.

Yeah the game is really fun. You know how people keep saying Nintendo should make an FPS, and generally talk about a hypothetical Mario Paintball to keep it nonviolent? Well, this is Nintendo's answer here.

It doesn't have blood and gore, so it's appropriate for all ages. It's slower and more methodical, so it offers something different but still appealing to the FPS crowd. It also potentially introduces a new audience who are normally turned away by twitched based shooters due to reflexes/skill level etc.

Plunged (lol) a couple of hours into this last night. Immemse fun and very tense. A really good multiplayer experience and I havn't even paid for it yet! My All-white sub with orange racing stripe finish is majestic, lol.

Needs a HD Steel Divers: Sub Wars U, stat.

I was really disappointed at the latest Nintendo Direct and audibly groaned when this game was presented.

The GAF hype convinced me to download the free version and now I'm firmly in the wow, this little game's pretty amazing premium camp.

I'm actually quite surprised by how much fun I'm having with Steel Diver, even before tackling the multiplayer. In some ways it feels like the SNES Pilotwings, in the sense that someone decided it would be a wacky idea to make a game about submarines out of the blue, fill it with several self-contained training missions, with a bit of simulation yet at the same time Nintendo's silliness and fun angle mixed in.

This was definitely the best game Nintendo could start their F2P dabbling in, though; I like many others avoided the first game due to bad word-of-mouth and the price, so having this to demo the game and working with the premium version was a good choice. Plus, it opens the way for other potential original Nintendo IPs to breed as well, being a nice waypoint between AAA titles and smaller, indie-like download titles. Will eventually purchase the premium version when I have the money (though I doubt I'll buy any of the historical subs, because really... submarine history. Snore.)

Last night, at about 1am my time, I accidentally clicked into this thread. The OP made me download the F2P version. I figured 'why not?'. I wasn't expecting this game to be this fun/addictive! I had zero interest in this game until last night. So thanks, Neiteio, for bringing this to my attention.

Now I just want to see Nintendo do a F2P Star Fox in a similar style.

I love this game. Strikes me as the kind of thing Sega or Namco might have done in arcades back in the day, albeit with a Nintendo twist. Really superb presentation, accessibility, depth (ho ho), and fun factor.

Future MP classic, indeed.

Just tried it. This game is a lot of fun. Might splurge on the premium.

If this was the Steel Diver game that launched with the system it would have been huge. A great showcase for the 3D and fun multiplayer.

I think Nintendo might have something here. It would be great on the Wii U as well with cross play between the two platforms.

I'm paying for the premium, this game is too fun. The single player campaign is a blast, and multiplayer is pretty great.


Are you guys serious!? I downloaded it after the Direct, but haven't played it yet. Guess I gotta try it out soon...

The 3DS just keeps delivering, huh?


Here's my two cents:

Everyone harps on about how Nintendo is so backward and useless with their multiplayer/online/account systems etc. But you know, their games are really fun, good quality titles. Their games are great despite the lack of multiplayer options (with a few small exceptions).

I think what we've seen here is Nintendo's first foray into online FPS-esque multiplayer and harnessing their expertise with gameplay mechanics in a more engaging format. It's really rough at the edges but incredibly entertaining. Sign me up for more.


Are you guys serious!? I downloaded it after the Direct, but haven't played it yet. Guess I gotta try it out soon...

The 3DS just keeps delivering, huh?
I think Sub Wars should be pre-installed on every 3DS going forward. A fantastic freebie, with well-honed mechanics and multiplayer.

If this had been available at the 3DS launch, I can only imagine how many hours people would've clocked, lol.
I think Sub Wars should be pre-installed on every 3DS going forward. A fantastic freebie, with well-honed mechanics and multiplayer.

If this had been available at the 3DS launch, I can only imagine how many hours people would've clocked, lol.

I imagine, like they've done, at least in Japan, with Rocky's Real Deal Sports Store, MH Frontier, and the Wii Fit U trial, they will push the game via spot pass to consoles with the option enabled in a week or so.


I imagine, like they've done, at least in Japan, with Rocky's Real Deal Sports Store, MH Frontier, and the Wii Fit U trial, they will push the game via spot pass to consoles with the option enabled in a week or so.
Hmm, interesting. But what do you mean by "with the option enabled in a week or so?"

On a side note, I'm kind of curious to try Rusty's Real Deal Sports Store. Some of the timing mini-games they showed had a nice rhythm to them.


I got up to lvl 15 playing ranked worldwide and you know you're playing with the big players when every match is made up mostly of the players that are Japanese !

Feels like Kid Icarus online all over again but better !!!
Hmm, interesting. But what do you mean by "with the option enabled in a week or so?"

On a side note, I'm kind of curious to try Rusty's Real Deal Sports Store. Some of the timing mini-games they showed had a nice rhythm to them.

Sorry, not clear. Rusty's and the other games were all sent out via Spot Pass about a week or two after they launched. My sentence structure is poor, but I meant 'I think it will be sent to consoles, which have the option enabled for Spot Pass downloads of software, in about a week or so.'

The games in Rusty's are quite good and some of the challenges are quite challenging.


Sorry, not clear. Rusty's and the other games were all sent out via Spot Pass about a week or two after they launched. My sentence structure is poor, but I meant 'I think it will be sent to consoles, which have the option enabled for Spot Pass downloads of software, in about a week or so.'

The games in Rusty's are quite good and some of the challenges are quite challenging.
Oh, so what you're saying is you suspect everyone who has enabled SpotPass on their 3DS will receive a message in a week or so telling them about Sub Wars. I was actually wondering about this -- I checked my notifications the other day and didn't see anything about it.
Oh, so what you're saying is you suspect everyone who has enabled SpotPass on their 3DS will receive a message in a week or so telling them about Sub Wars. I was actually wondering about this -- I checked my notifications the other day and didn't see anything about it.

Yeah. Or they may download the actual game. I think they did that with Rusty, they just downloaded the actual software to try.


Yeah. Or they may download the actual game. I think they did that with Rusty, they just downloaded the actual software to try.
You mean Nintendo just put the software on the person's 3DS without prompting the person to download it? Kind of like what Nintendo did with the Wii Sports Club trial on WiiU?


On a side note, it just occurred to me how appropriate this new SSB item is, now that Sub Wars is a first-person shooter... It makes me wonder if Sakurai knew Steel Diver was going FPS all along, and designed accordingly:



I'm loving it so far but the matchmaking is god awful. I get an error code every time we hit the lobby after a match.

Yeah, sucks the wind out of every good game !

And to make matters worse, you get lumped in with only a couple of players next time you go to a match.


Yeah, sucks the wind out of every good game !

And to make matters worse, you get lumped in with only a couple of players next time you go to a match.
I never have less than a full lobby of players (Worldwide, Randoms), but yeah, it seems like every other match, my winning streak bonus is disrupted by a disconnect. Thankfully, the disconnects only happen after matches, not during, but hopefully they will iron out this issue so that I can continue smoothly from one game to the next. That being said, it's really not a big deal -- if it says it failed to connect, I simply try again, and I always get in the second time.


How many maps are there? Seems like every time I play a match, it's a new map... there must be quite a few!


it's about 8 maps
If you go into the local multiplayer mode, you can see there are actually nine maps:

- The Trenches
- Islands
- Underwater Base
- Stone Pillars
- Sunken Ruins
- Swimming Pool
- Underwater Cave
- Fish Tank
- Hot Springs

And the single-player missions have their own unique maps that only appear there.
I'd imagine the Circle Pad Pro just affects the forward/reverse thrusters, correct? In which case, I don't see how it'd offer an advantage. Most of the time, I'm going full-speed ahead, so I simply slam on the X button. But if I need to make a sudden stop or go into reverse to back away from danger or pivot around, I actually reach for the slider on the touchscreen since I can drag it down quicker. :)

Ah, that's right! I love the strategy involved in the sonar. If you stay still, no one can detect you when they ping, but by the same token, if they're staying still, they won't show up on your sonar, either!

One thing I don't understand, though -- the map you can toggle on with L. It displays a grid of the map, with certain squares highlighted. What's the difference between a highlighted square and a dark one?

I think the highlighted area is where all the enemy ships are located.


This game is fun when you can get in a game, but last night it took me one hour to actually get into one, which is not okay.
Wow, really? If I fail to get in once, I just try again and get in the second time. Takes me only a few seconds. What mode are you playing? I stick to Worldwide and Randoms. I wouldn't fuss too much over "Matched Skills" because Worldwide has such a variety of skill levels that it feels oddly balanced in its own right... Glad you're liking it so far, though. :)
Wow, really? If I fail to get in once, I just try again and get in the second time. Takes me only a few seconds. What mode are you playing? I stick to Worldwide and Randoms. I wouldn't fuss too much over "Matched Skills" because Worldwide has such a variety of skill levels that it feels oddly balanced in its own right... Glad you're liking it so far, though. :)

I've been doing Random Worldwide, but I've only gotten enough matches to get to level 5. I love the combat, but I think that the masker should be less effective, it's kind of broken the way it is. I haven't lost a match yet, though.


So sick of the game crashing after every online multiplayer match

I doubt there that many players that are causing the problem


hmm, so what are some advanced tactics? Currently, fighting feels a bit messy and random for me.
Mind-game your opponents. Hit the masker to throw off their homing torpedo, then stop moving forward or backwards; instead, rise or dive. You'll show up on their sonar (which detects movement, even when someone is masked), but they won't know if you're moving up or down. When they nose past you, kick it into reverse and turn, then thrust forward again when you've turned halfway. This is a tight turn that allows you to pivot in place. Then unload your payload into their side. This strategy works well for me in close combat. I try to hit people from a distance, however -- if I recall correctly, there's something like a 1.5X damage multiplier for direct hits from a distance (and the game even makes a little fanfare when you do so).


This game is seriously awesome.

I haven't been addicted to a multiplayer game in quite some time. Game seems to have great balance.
Excellent, then Vitei is almost certainly aware of the error code issues! The error codes tend to be something that I need to warn potential new players about at the moment.


On a side note, it just occurred to me how appropriate this new SSB item is, now that Sub Wars is a first-person shooter... It makes me wonder if Sakurai knew Steel Diver was going FPS all along, and designed accordingly:

By the time Sakurai released this screenshot, even we already knew about Steel Diver: Miyamoto said it in an interview a few months ago that it was coming as a F2P game. So, yes of course.


By the time Sakurai released this screenshot, even we already knew about Steel Diver: Miyamoto said it in an interview a few months ago that it was coming as a F2P game. So, yes of course.

It's also the only (or at least one of the few) new retail IP's on 3DS from Nintendo so it deserves some recognition too.
I decided to overspecialize by giving the Crustacea (with 10 torpedoes and a reload time of 5 seconds) the crew members to reduce the reload time (from 5 seconds to 4) and increase the torpedo count by 2 (from 10 to 12). I think I'll find the crew member that reduces turn rate in favor of another 1 second off the reload speed (4 seconds to 3 seconds) to turn this sub into a sort of torpedo submachine gun (I swear the term "submachine gun" came to me before the fact that this would make it a submachine submarine).


How come I only saw this thread today?

This game is amazing fun. Everyone should try it out.
First multiplayer FPS game in years that gathers my attention.


I decided to overspecialize by giving the Crustacea (with 10 torpedoes and a reload time of 5 seconds) the crew members to reduce the reload time (from 5 seconds to 4) and increase the torpedo count by 2 (from 10 to 12). I think I'll find the crew member that reduces turn rate in favor of another 1 second off the reload speed (4 seconds to 3 seconds) to turn this sub into a sort of torpedo submachine gun (I swear the term "submachine gun" came to me before the fact that this would make it a submachine submarine).
Awesome build idea! (And that "submachine gun" pun should be illegal, lol)

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Wow, Sub Wars' creator is the guy who created the Mario face you can manipulate on the title screen of Super Mario 64. :-O

I wouldn't call him the creator per say, unless the lead programmer of Bayonetta is suddenly the father of Bayonetta. But Goddard is definitely one of the great famed EAD programmers (technically a spiritual EAD liaison now at Vitei).

I actually think this was Miyamoto's loose paper concept. Even though Takaya Imamura of EAD is the lead director. If anyone remembers the original Steel Diver interview, EAD clashed over the direction the game should take. Imamura wanted it to be fleshed out while Sugiyama/Miyamoto wanted it barebone, empty, and simple. The sales and reviews kind of recognized that the seniors made a mistake.


I wouldn't call him the creator per say, unless the lead programmer of Bayonetta is suddenly the father of Bayonetta. But Goddard is definitely one of the great famed EAD programmers (technically a spiritual EAD liaison now at Vitei).

I actually think this was Miyamoto's loose paper concept. Even though Takaya Imamura of EAD is the lead director. If anyone remembers the original Steel Diver interview, EAD clashed over the direction the game should take. Imamura wanted it to be fleshed out while Sugiyama/Miyamoto wanted it barebone, empty, and simple. The sales and reviews kind of recognized that the seniors made a mistake.
Thanks for the clarification. :) Yeah, as far as the core concept goes, it would seem the germ of the idea (for the first Steel Diver, at least) was Miyamoto's desire to make a simulation game all about mastery of the controls. I recall in an interview (the Iwata Asks for the first game, I believe), Miyamoto expressed how upset he was when Capcom beat him to the punch with Steel Battalion on the original Xbox, lol.

Also, re: EAD, I imagine Westerners like Giles are a bit of a rarity among their ranks, no? Some incredible contributions there -- 1080* is one of my all-time faves, and SNES Star Fox and SM64 are legendary.
I can imagine the guy who made Mario's face manipulable to be the same guy who had the idea for Steel Diver: Sub Wars to let you orbit your submarine in the internet mode menus....

Also, I now have a 12-torpedo submarine with a 3-second reload! Got Gunslinger A! Time to take this baby for a spin! (Which might be a bit more difficult now, given that Gunslinger A docks my turn rate from 6 to 5....)


Also, I now have a 12-torpedo submarine with a 3-second reload! Got Gunslinger A! Time to take this baby for a spin! (Which might be a bit more difficult now, given that Gun Slinger A docks my turn rate from 6 to 5....)
Whoa, that sounds awesome (and even at Turn Rate 5, that's still faster than the default sub, which was perfectly serviceable). Can you list your sub and crew members?
Whoa, that sounds awesome (and even at Turn Rate 5, that's still faster than the default sub, which was perfectly serviceable). Can you list your sub and crew members?

It's the aforementioned Crustacea (by default, 10 torpedoes, short range, with a reload time of 5 seconds): the crew members are Gun Slinger A (Reload Time -1, Turn Rate -1), Gunslinger C (Reload time -1, no tradeoff), and Torpedo Ace C (Torpedo Count +2, Submerged Speed -1)

Here's the paint scheme:

And these are the new stats:

And thus I have what I shall now call my "submachine submarine"!

I was actually quite careful to make sure that none of these stats dropped below those of the starter submarine.


Awesome build, RMS, but I'm not sure I'd want to give up mid-to-long-range torpedoes just yet. It's too satisfying getting those 1.5X long-distance hits. Although with your approach, you can practically point and spray as you're approaching the enemy head-on, which is nice. If they mask to try and avoid you, you can spray torpedoes everywhere and hit them quick. :)
Awesome stats, RMS, but I'm not sure I'd want to give up mid-to-long-range torpedoes just yet. It's too satisfying getting those 1.5X long-distance hits. Although with your approach, you can practically point and spray as you're approaching the enemy head-on, which is nice. If they mask to try and avoid you, you can spray torpedoes everywhere and hit them quick. :)

I actually looked to see if there were any long-ranged subs with fast reload times. As it turns out, there were none, and one of the pre-match tips explained that stronger torpedoes take longer to reload (hence, long-range subs have longer reload times)

And yeah, this past match I practically sprayed a Sea Serpant as it tried to cloak to escape me after destroying one of my allies. He was only able to get one or two torpedoes into me in between cloaking and trying to turn to point at me!

Also, for reference, the only way I could get any sub to reload any faster would be if I took this thing and traded out the Torpedo Ace for the last Gunslinger. This would give me 10 torpedoes with a 2-second reload. As a matter of fact, given that I'm not quite at full-on Scar Face levels with this thing, I think I'll go hunt 'em down! Missions 6 and 7, (and, I hope, a 2-second reload time), here I come! If this works, I will have a reload time less than half of that of any submarine in the game without crew members.

Edit: Yep, definitely gonna get myself the last Gunslinger for that 2-second reload. From the single-player missions, I can confirm that torpedo numbers start feeling downright worthless when you're reloading faster than you can even find new targets! I didn't even lose any health in Mission 6 level 2!

Second Edit: In mission 7 level 1, I destroyed the entire first wave of submarines and destroyers (except from one submarine, which I alone for 30 seconds to pick up a crew member) within the first minute of battle! (If I got that last submarine and ignored the crew member, I probably would have still met the 1-minute quota, because I finished the others off within some 45-50 seconds). This is really fun, and this is just with a 3-second reload! I've created a monster!

Third Edit: Again even with a 3- instead of a 2-second reload, I am actually finding in single-player that it's a more worthwhile strategy to actively aim for homing torpedoes to blow them up, rather than trying to mask myself to dodge them!


Edit: Yep, definitely gonna get myself the last Gunslinger for that 2-second reload. From the single-player missions, I can confirm that torpedo numbers start feeling downright worthless when you're reloading faster than you can even find new targets! I didn't even lose any health in Mission 6 level 2!

Second Edit: In mission 7 level 1, I destroyed the entire first wave of submarines and destroyers (except from one submarine, which I alone for 30 seconds to pick up a crew member) within the first minute of battle! (If I got that last submarine and ignored the crew member, I probably would have still met the 1-minute quota, because I finished the others off within some 45-50 seconds). This is really fun, and this is just with a 3-second reload! I've created a monster!

Third Edit: Again even with a 3- instead of a 2-second reload, I am actually finding in single-player that it's a more worthwhile strategy to actively aim for homing torpedoes to blow them up, rather than trying to mask myself to dodge them!
Oh yeah, that sub build must be beastly in single-player. And being able to shield yourself from homing torpedoes with your own missile spam sounds nice. :)


Server drops are annoying for streaks

I'd love a Wii U version that can play against 3DS
Yeah, this would be great. Cross-platform play would ensure WiiU players always have someone to play with while providing a great F2P title for WiiU that would add nicely to the system's value. Assuming it's possible from a technical standpoint, a WiiU version with cross-platform play could feature the same map geometry as the 3DS version, but simply add lots of effects like detailed textures and shaders, lots of particle effects, dynamic lighting and shadows, etc. Nothing that would help or hinder the WiiU player vs. the 3DS player, but at the same time it'd look like something at home on the WiiU.


I only played the singleplayer mode before, which I thought was OK but not mindblowing. Now that I played it again with the CC Pro, I really love it. The controls make a huge difference and the online multiplayer is extremely fun. I'm even thinking about buying the full package, should I play it more.
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