Yes cause what JL needs is Steppenwolf killing more amazons with more gore and angry faces and ridiculous edgelord of a billion blades redesign not Supes acting like a Superman for a change and carrying a house full of people. Can't wait for that to be finally excised to make a better movie.
I'm saying that if you give Whedon a 4 hour cut and Snyder a 4 hour cut, you're pitting a man who gave us Buffy, Firefly and Avengers vs a man who gave us Sucker Punch and BvS. Snyder should be a visual effects supervisor at best, only thing he's good at - not writing dialogue, stories and directing the whole thing.
He's not a writer, I don't get why people always repeat this BS. He neither wrote MoS or Bvs and only co-wrote Justice League, but haters gonna hate I guess

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