Unconfirmed Member
If that was true then how did Hopper, Will, and Winona get out?
Do we know if those two events were asynchronous chronologically?
If that was true then how did Hopper, Will, and Winona get out?
If that was true then how did Hopper, Will, and Winona get out?
This post is virtually incomprehensible.
The gate at the Department of Energy building?
You know what would be crazy?
Since S2 will be considered a sequel, what if S2 was treated like Cameron's Aliens? Where instead of one monster that's terrorizing a town, we get a ton of monsters raiding the town and the everyone has to gun them down?
You know what would be crazy?
Since S2 will be considered a sequel, what if S2 was treated like Cameron's Aliens? Where instead of one monster that's terrorizing a town, we get a ton of monsters raiding the town and the everyone has to gun them down?
You know what would be crazy?
Since S2 will be considered a sequel, what if S2 was treated like Cameron's Aliens? Where instead of one monster that's terrorizing a town, we get a ton of monsters raiding the town and the everyone has to gun them down?
Ellen Ripley from Alien 3Who does El resemble? She looks so damn familiar to me, but I can't place it...and no it's not Natalie Portman as I've seen mentioned a few times.
And speaking of Barb, I didn't particularly like how she was killed off and forgotten so quickly. I mean, it's 100% because of Nancy that she was there in the first place, so how could Nancy just ignore that and live through all that guilt? Also nothing from her parents or anything? Kinda weird to me.
Empathetically I agree about Barb, but I don't think a resolution to her had much room to fit in with the amount of time they had left and the amount of things in motion at that point. They already spent so much time with the idea of a missing person and her family and the public having to deal with that through Will, they would've been redundant story beats to go through that again (everything else after the incident being hand waved away with the timeskip).
I agree. We didn't need to have Barb's parents introduced to us onscreen. And although Jonathan's motivations for attracting the monster to spring a trap were for his brother, Nancy's were mostly for Barb. Nancy was pretty much manic. And even the hospital scene when everyone was celebrating Will's return, she was melancholy because Barb was dead. I didn't need to see a memorial service on screen for her.
We do actually see Barb's mother when Nancy calls her house.
Only thing I didn't like was them making Steve a good guy all of a sudden out of nowhere, with him conveniently showing up just before the monster shows up. Dude has terrible friends, influences Nancy to do stupid shit, and it was partly because of his little party Barbara went missing.
And speaking of Barb, I didn't particularly like how she was killed off and forgotten so quickly. I mean, it's 100% because of Nancy that she was there in the first place, so how could Nancy just ignore that and live through all that guilt? Also nothing from her parents or anything? Kinda weird to me.
Season 2 Teaser?
"Will is not the first missing child."
"Eleven is not the first experiment."
"Monsters are real."
"Hawkins Lab will stop at nothing to keep these secrets."
Wasn't there some guy in here or the OT that thought there was no proof that there had been more test subjects than 11.The experiment number eleven wasn't the first one? Whaaaaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!
Well there isn't actually any proof other than the number which isn't really proof of anything. There wasn't a bunch of missing kids other than Jane (El) that we know of, and we saw nothing in the labs to indicate there was other subjects.Wasn't there some guy in here or the OT that thought there was no proof that there had been more test subjects than 11.
My take was that the MK ultra subjects including her mother were the other subjects, though that could be wrong. Mostly because they usually number in those kind of things, the tattoo and no name was just because they had her since birth. And she was significant because her powers worked. Whoever they were they had to come first.Wasn't there some guy in here or the OT that thought there was no proof that there had been more test subjects than 11.
Apparently they want to make an 8-bit NES-esque game to bridge the gap between Season 1 and 2, since it'll be set a year later.
They said they would have loved to set it right after Season 1 but the kids are growing too fast. Dustin's voice dropped and they couldn't even ADR it, they had to pitch it way up and stuff.
I'll try to find the link again it was some Facebook news feed article blergh.
Only thing I didn't like was them making Steve a good guy all of a sudden out of nowhere, with him conveniently showing up just before the monster shows up. Dude has terrible friends, influences Nancy to do stupid shit, and it was partly because of his little party Barbara went missing.
And speaking of Barb, I didn't particularly like how she was killed off and forgotten so quickly. I mean, it's 100% because of Nancy that she was there in the first place, so how could Nancy just ignore that and live through all that guilt? Also nothing from her parents or anything? Kinda weird to me.
Agreed on both. Fuck Steve, and what about the 5 other missings beyond Will at the end?
There would be no funeral for Barb. The line is she is a runaway. There is no body and only 3 people actually saw her dead.
There would be no funeral for Barb. The line is she is a runaway. There is no body and only 3 people actually saw her dead.
They didn't talk about closure much in the 80's did they?
Maybe in Season 2 they'll go back and discuss some of that if it has relevance or impact to Season 2's story, but Season 1 is about Will, so that's who they focus on. Given the way Nancy looked at the end and how wracked with guilt she must be, I think it's a safe bet that they'll at the very least name drop Barb in Season 2 as "still missing" (I'm actually kind of expecting Nancy, overcome with guilt, to confess what really happened to Barb's mom and then the fallout from that cover up) but they already explained what actually happened to her and what the town's people think happened to her so there's no reason to go into more detail during the finale. In a series like this with a set run time and specific story to tell in that time, it is wasteful and unnecessary to spend time on irrelevant stuff like that.
Barb got done so rotten. I know they needed an early death to establish the monster, but it's pretty rough that it was indirectly caused by Nancy was being such a shitty friend.
Also, is it just me, or was the "normal girl" disguise that the boys whipped up for El when they went to the school possibly an EarthBound reference? I know I'm wearing fan goggles and it might just be a coincedence given the overlaping influences both works share, but they did also dress up a psychic girl in Paula cosplay. All she was missing was a bow, lol.
I haven't watched it in a long, long time, but I'm almost positive that 11's disguise was based on ET's.
Steve rules. A lesser man would have come back to the house, get his feet stuck in the bear trap, and die.
Good points but as for 1) it's pretty much genre convention that a test subject with a number means the missing numbers were test subjects too. Of course they might buck this trope but the genre impression is she's 11th (and most successful?) subject with 10 existing before her. Just that she's number 11 is the only indication needed really.Just finished the show (SO GOOD) and read through the thread, couple things I want to comment on:
1) People keep saying they experimented on 10 other kids. There is literally nothing in the show to support this, is there? What we do know, is that they did tests on older women(is it just women? or men too? The MKultra stuff?), and one of them turned out to be pregnant. It's entirely possible that the other 10 experiments are the other women, and 11 is the child of one of them. I wonder, if Hopper or Joyce had looked at that zonked out woman's arm, would there have been a number tattooed on it?
I'd love the other 10 to come out in later seasons as other people/creatures they experimented on but I'm leaning towards them being the people chosen for the MKultra tests.
2) The Upside Down wasn't created by 11. If you read Lovecraft, he has a story about a man that builds a machine that lets us see things on the next plane of existence up from ours. I'm fairly certain that's what the Upside Down is. Some others have said this but it needs to be reiterated because so many people seem to keep thinking 11 created it herself. It's not even an alternate dimension, it's our same dimension just one level up, like Silent Hill. (Or is Silent Hill another dimension? I've only seen the movies unfortunately)
3) There's only one monster. This has been confirmed by the creators, and is something they're thinking of exploring in the second season. The slugs are new creatures during the endgame of the season but as for Petal Face there's only one. Can't wait to find out more about Petal Face, and the slugs, and any other weird lifeforms that are out there in the spaces between worlds. Maybe the reason there's no other people in the Upside Down is because Petal Face ate them all?
4) Going back to 2, the pitch black space and the Upside Down are two different places. USD is a plane of existence layered over ours, the pitch black is a visual representation of 11's mind reaching out to find her targets. If you've ever seen any of the X-Men movies, think of when Professor X puts on Cerebro and it shows hundreds and hundreds of silhouettes of all the people in the world he's scanning.
5) I saw some people saying water had something to do with the portals? The water had to do with the sensory deprivation tanks. The reason there was a huge tank of water next to the main portal was because 11 was in that tank when she accidentally created the portal in the first place - being in the SDT just helps her focus and amplify her powers. There are portals created all over the place by Petal Face without any water nearby and when 11 totally wrecks Petal Face at the end there's no water anywhere either.
This show was SO good. I agree with everyone that says it's the best Netflix Original yet. I actually had to stop watching after Chapter 5 a few nights ago because I was getting so into it that I started seeing dark shadowy figures outside my windows and started freaking out. Kept almost getting spoiled on Tumblr so I knew I had to finish, blew through the last 3 earlier today and I've been just kinda reflecting on it all evening and night (while also trying to keep my mind occupied with other things, thank Christ I stopped watching at Chapter 5 the other night since Chapter 6 is "The Monster" good lord).
Also love all the reactions to the monster with people saying it's CG when it's actually a guy in a suit the majority of the time, even down to the petal flaps, hahahahaha
MAN it's gonna suck having to wait, what, a year at minimum for Season 2? Blergh!
Laughed when he jumped it without any mention and was all like 'hoooollleeeeyyyy shiiiiieeet' the entire time.
Good points but as for 1) it's pretty much genre convention that a test subject with a number means the missing numbers were test subjects too. Of course they might buck this trope but the genre impression is she's 11th (and most successful?) subject with 10 existing before her. Just that she's number 11 is the only indication needed really.